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RSA (%d bits) None. Diffie-Hellmann (%d bits) Group Flags : Group Members : %s 0x%08XTable Type : %s Number of Columns : %d Character Separator : %c Search Path : %s Columns : [%d] Name : %s Attributes : Access Rights : Linked Object Type : Linked to : %s Entry data of type %s [%u] - [%u bytes] Encrypted data Binary data '(nil)' '%.*s' Object Name : %s Directory : %s Owner : %s Group : %s Access Rights : Time to Live : Creation Time : %sMod. Time : %sObject Type : Data Length = %u 4Status : %s Number of objects : %u Object #%d: SuccessProbable successNot foundProbably not foundCache expiredNIS+ servers unreachableUnknown objectServer busy, try againGeneric system errorFirst/next chain brokenPermission deniedNot ownerName not served by this serverServer out of memoryObject with same name existsNot master server for this domainInvalid object for operationMalformed name, or illegal nameUnable to create callbackResults sent to callback procNot found, no such nameName/entry isn't uniqueModification failedDatabase for table does not existEntry/table type mismatchLink points to illegal namePartial successToo many attributesError in RPC subsystemMissing or malformed attributeNamed object is not searchableError while talking to callback procNon NIS+ namespace encounteredIllegal object type for operationPassed object is not the same object on serverModify operation failedQuery illegal for named tableAttempt to remove a non-empty tableError in accessing NIS+ cold start file. Is NIS+ installed?Full resync required for directoryNIS+ operation failedNIS+ service is unavailable or not installedYes, 42 is the meaning of lifeUnable to authenticate NIS+ serverUnable to authenticate NIS+ clientNo file space on serverUnable to create process on serverMaster server busy, full dump rescheduled.???%s: %s %s: %sinetunix.fcntl: F_SETFD$$$$ππѼxxPP00000000000000000000000PP00000000000000P\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\88Tx.groups_dir.groups_dir.groups_dirp 4 .groups_dir..groups_dir.groups_dir.groups_dirGroup entry for "%s.%s" group: Explicit members: %s Implicit members: Recursive members: Explicit nonmembers: Implicit nonmembers: %s=n No recursive nonmembers No implicit nonmembers No explicit nonmembers No recursive members No implicit members No explicit members .group=owner=ttl=access=??@x???????????????B???????????????????????????????????C?????C??????>C???????CNIS_DEFAULTSinetunable to free argumentsNIS+: callback timed outinetudptcp%s.%d.%dNIS+: failed to read local socket infoNIS+: failed to register callback dispatcherNIS+: out of memory allocating callback/lib/ld.so.1GL;;;;< <<8>,>H>X>l>>>>? ?0?`?x???@ @8@h@@@@A  GԐЬ X@<$%\*0\DΤ4ӸҘ^ qlqd5ao09GjՠbB9(i1X60Yd_,Y14|L0}$^h/5i@7\3s 8qN200H80/x7 r0r,hk02mT\4l_/ /̐ 0 0H 0 0Ȑ 1 1X(2(2(30(3(4l(5(5(6(6(7 (7(80 8l(8 9((9(:`(:P;A(B(B0C(D4`G0H0IHXJ?`Lؐ?hNHPHQ$`SxV8WT YdY ZȐx^ ^h(_(_ _ؐ(` a8b$(bXi@(iԐ0j k00l mT@o0q(qd(qȐ(r,(r(sHt(@uHvL@w0x x(z |L8}$8(0(0\0H0 ((8 @04(P8(PԐhPܐ0?PĐPT@8@А(\ Ü ؐ (Ĝ(D0 0<(Đ0h00Đ(d0h(ؐ(X(Τ 00Ь0(Ҙ(4(Ӹ((Ԑ(\ ՠ(P֬PX0?XPhP@@ܠP0?@P琐 @0H0PH?@pА  00P  |8 Hx00(h(x@<8X!`$0%\h*0(*P,P.АP.shstrtab.reginfo.dynamic.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_d.gnu.version_r.init.text.fini.rodata.interp.eh_frame.data.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32.rel.dyn p,,,, +LL 1  d d9tt wAo((No**\]o+L+L@l-$-$r--x1P1P\~11GGGGGG LLLLLLLL8PPP P P f ++fELF9@46 4 (444p444/LLL1d1d\\\ dtP\\p 8 |#  6pppp zp>p#po5,oo(o6oo2GNU>hGux5[W$89%&{yNO@L!I`| trY$S"3Tpwd+3b4PC;zB2(AH0D,:2*v#E J1m*k1765oM Ki/4#7?<' l~f\ V.F](:-6&8%;)XZ',a_s90+=Q<c}Re Uj^q-=).ng/>4L\|#25,6 8 9@  0 L`lt 6 !" 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T@ݎdC+@$ R+P@@0!4 ǎdC # \+b!\&CC(! |d<': !'tlhpd`!' #%$,b('XE@(!d @gX!$P+T@$,#,b #+T@S` !b P+T@O` !e& @#P+P`#,X$,0!d @tlhd`'x<` !4'$$HL c4cc<` !4' P@#X$PP+P`$,"X4Bή"(!& P+P`$,"X$b$#0!$4 <<` !4$$'<'7!'tlhpd`!' "%$0C 'XeC!$R@(! @gX!$P+T@$0#0b #+T@S` !b P+T@O` !e& @#P+P`#0X$00! @tlhd`'x<` !4'$$HL c4cc<` !4' P@#X$PP+P`$0"X4B"ή"(!& P+P`$0"X$b$#0!$4 <<` !4$$'<'5!'د!$  T@P '(<'5@!'௼ ' <'5!' 084<!8!%!@0!'(dL @!(80`!'@<'4x!'Я ($!!!$  $L @(! !$ C   !( '0Cd <'3!'ȯ( 40,$!! !$P&R P@- R  &1^ P4,($ '8P@&1  $8!b@! @@!    `(!D $ ׮  $8!b@! @@!ʮ   `(! $ D <'2X!$ <'2@! <'2,!'௼  $' ` $   '   <'1! <'1! <'1!'௼  $' ` !'  <'1<!$`C$`:0B:4B<'0!'@'!` !ČU ` !$\ $(L <+@!!!!@4cF` !$ $0L @'@!<+61F ! !@@ ! !`!'  ! 揼 ߏd$E$$&ЮB0E(T,@< ! P@Վd<+@4c)` !$ $8L <+@!@61Fd&@ @@!"@40BPCC0<+61X <+P` C ,@61UP` bD8W (y/n)%s%s? yes no cancelled! yesno%s? %s %s? yes %s? no e2fsck_read_bitmaps: illegal bitmap block(s) for %sreading inode and block bitmapswhile retrying to read bitmaps for %swriting block bitmapswriting inode bitmapswhile retrying to write inode bitmaps for %swhile retrying to write block bitmaps for %s %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY. (i.e., without -a or -p options) %s: Memory used: %dk/%dk (%dk/%dk), time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f while reading inode %ld in %sext2fs_read_inodewhile writing inode %ld in %sext2fs_write_inodeIt$directory mapdx_block info arraydirectory mapError reading block %lu (%s) while %s. Ignore errorForce rewriteError reading block %lu (%s). Error writing block %lu (%s) while %s. Error writing block %lu (%s). (no prompt)FixClearRelocateAllocateExpandConnect to /lost+foundCreateSalvageTruncateClear inodeAbortSplitContinueClone duplicate/bad blocksDelete fileSuppress messagesUnlinkClear HTree index(NONE)FIXEDCLEAREDRELOCATEDALLOCATEDEXPANDEDRECONNECTEDCREATEDSALVAGEDTRUNCATEDINODE CLEAREDABORTEDSPLITCONTINUINGDUPLICATE/BAD BLOCKS CLONEDFILE DELETEDSUPPRESSEDUNLINKEDHTREE INDEX CLEARED@b @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @i @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @i table for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) WARNING: SEVERE DATA LOSS POSSIBLE. The @S could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 @f. If the @v is valid and it really contains an ext2 @f (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the @S is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate @S: e2fsck -b %S <@v> The @f size (according to the @S) is %b @bs The physical size of the @v is %c @bs Either the @S or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! @S @b_size = %b, fragsize = %c. This version of e2fsck does not support fragment sizes different from the @b size. @S @bs_per_group = %b, should have been %c @S first_data_@b = %b, should have been %c @f did not have a UUID; generating one. Note: if there is several inode or block bitmap blocks which require relocation, or one part of the inode table which must be moved, you may wish to try running e2fsck with the '-b %S' option first. The problem may lie only with the primary block group descriptor, and the backup block group descriptor may be OK. Corruption found in @S. (%s = %N). Error determining size of the physical @v: %m @i count in @S is %i, should be %j. The Hurd does not support the filetype feature. @S has a bad ext3 @j (@i %i). External @j has multiple @f users (unsupported). Can't find external @j External @j has bad @S External @j does not support this @f Ext3 @j @S is unknown type %N (unsupported). It is likely that your copy of e2fsck is old and/or doesn't support this @j format. It is also possible the @j @S is corrupt. Ext3 @j @S is corrupt. @S doesn't have has_@j flag, but has ext3 @j %s. @S has ext3 needs_recovery flag set, but no @j. ext3 recovery flag clear, but @j has data. Clear @jRun @j anywayRecovery flag not set in backup @S, so running @j anyway. %s @o @i %i (uid=%Iu, gid=%Ig, mode=%Im, size=%Is) @I @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. Already cleared @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. @I @o @i %i in @S. @I @i %i in @o @i list. @f has feature flag(s) set, but is a revision 0 @f. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown read-only feature flag set. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown incompatible feature flag set. @j version not supported by this e2fsck. Moving @j from /%s to hidden inode. Error moving @j: %m Found invalid V2 @j @S fields (from V1 journal). Clearing fields beyond the V1 @j @S... Pass 1: Checking @is, @bs, and sizes @r is not a @d. @r has dtime set (probably due to old mke2fs). Reserved @i %i %Q has bad mode. @D @i %i has zero dtime. @i %i is in use, but has dtime set. @i %i is a @z @d. @g %g's @b @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i table at %b @C. @g %g's @b @B (%b) is bad. @g %g's @i @B (%b) is bad. @i %i, i_size is %Is, @s %N. @i %i, i_@bs is %Ib, @s %N. @I @b #%B (%b) in @i %i. @b #%B (%b) overlaps @f metadata in @i %i. @i %i has illegal @b(s). Too many illegal @bs in @i %i. @I @b #%B (%b) in bad @b @i. Bad @b @i has illegal @b(s). Duplicate or bad @b in use! Bad @b %b used as bad @b indirect @b?!? This inconsistency can not be fixed with e2fsck; to fix it, use dumpe2fs -b to dump out the bad @b list and e2fsck -L filename to read it back in again. If the @b is really bad, the @f can not be fixed. You can clear the this @b (and hope for the best) from the bad @b list and hope that @b is really OK, but there are no guarantees. The primary @S (%b) is on the bad @b list. Block %b in the primary @g descriptors is on the bad @b list Warning: Group %g's @S (%b) is bad. Warning: Group %g's copy of the @g descriptors has a bad @b (%b). Programming error? @b #%b claimed for no reason in process_bad_@b. @A %N contiguous @b(s) in @b @g %g for %s: %m @A @b buffer for relocating %s Relocating @g %g's %s from %b to %c... Relocating @g %g's %s to %c... Warning: could not read @b %b of %s: %m Warning: could not write @b %b for %s: %m @A @i @B (%N): %m @A @b @B (%N): %m @A icount link information: %m @A @d @b array: %m Error while scanning @is (%i): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i: %m Error storing @i count information (@i=%i, count=%N): %m Error storing @d @b information (@i=%i, @b=%b, num=%N): %m Error reading @i %i: %m @i %i has imagic flag set. Special (@v/socket/fifo/symlink) file (@i %i) has immutable or append-only flag set. @i %i has @cion flag set on @f without @cion support. Special (@v/socket/fifo) @i %i has non-zero size. @j @i is not in use, but contains data. @j is not regular file. @i %i was part of the orphaned @i list. @is that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. @A refcount structure (%N): %m Error reading @a @b %b for @i %i. @i %i has a bad @a @b %b. Error reading @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has reference count %B, should be %N. Error writing @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has h_blocks > 1. Error allocating @a @b %b. @a @b %b is corrupt (allocation collision). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid name). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid value). @i %i is too big. @b #%B (%b) causes @d to be too big. @b #%B (%b) causes file to be too big. @b #%B (%b) causes symlink to be too big. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set on @f without htree support. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set but is not a @d. @h %i has an invalid root node. @h %i has an unsupported hash version (%N) @h %i uses an incompatible htree root node flag. @h %i has a tree depth (%N) which is too big Duplicate @bs found... invoking duplicate @b passes. Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad @bs Duplicate/bad @b(s) in @i %i: %b Error while scanning inodes (%i): %m @A @i @B (inode_dup_map): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i (%s): %m Error addjusting refcount for @a @b %b (@i %i): %m Pass 1C: Scan directories for @is with dup @bs. Pass 1D: Reconciling duplicate @bs File %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) has %B duplicate @b(s), shared with %N file(s): %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) <@f metadata> (There are %N @is containing duplicate/bad @bs.) Duplicated @bs already reassigned or cloned. Couldn't clone file: %m Pass 2: Checking @d structure Bad @i number for '.' in @d @i %i. @E has bad @i #: %Di. @E has @D/unused @i %Di. @E @L to '.' @E points to @i (%Di) located in a bad @b. @E @L to @d %P (%Di). @E @L to the @r. @E has illegal characters in its name. Missing '.' in @d @i %i. Missing '..' in @d @i %i. First @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i (%p) @s '.' Second @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i @s '..' i_faddr @F %IF, @s zero. i_file_acl @F %If, @s zero. i_dir_acl @F %Id, @s zero. i_frag @F %N, @s zero. i_fsize @F %N, @s zero. @i %i (%Q) has a bad mode (%Im). @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: @d corrupted @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: filename too long @d @i %i has an unallocated @b #%B. '.' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated '..' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated @i %i (%Q) is an @I character @v. @i %i (%Q) is an @I @b @v. @E is duplicate '.' @e. @E is duplicate '..' @e. Internal error: couldn't find dir_info for %i. @E has rec_len of %Dr, should be %N. @A icount structure: %m Error iterating over @d @bs: %m Error reading @d @b %b (@i %i): %m Error writing @d @b %b (@i %i): %m @A new @d @b for @i %i (%s): %m Error deallocating @i %i: %m @d @e for '.' is big. @i %i (%Q) is an @I FIFO. @i %i (%Q) is an @I socket. Setting filetype for @E to %N. @E has an incorrect filetype (was %Dt, should be %N). @E has filetype set. @E has a zero-length name. Symlink %Q (@i #%i) is invalid. @a @b @F invalid (%If). @f contains large files, but lacks LARGE_FILE flag in @S. @p @h %d: node (%B) not referenced @p @h %d: node (%B) referenced twice @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad min hash @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad max hash Invalid @h %d (%q). Forcibly clearing HTREE flag on @i %d (%q). (Beta test code) @p @h %d (%q): bad @b number %b. @p @h %d: root node is invalid @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad limit (%N) @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad count (%N) @p @h %d: node (%B) has an unordered hash table @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad depth Duplicate @E found. @E has a non-unique filename. Rename to %sDuplicate @e '%Dn' found. Marking %p (%i) to be rebuilt. Pass 3: Checking @d connectivity @r not allocated. No room in @l @d. Unconnected @d @i %i (%p) /@l not found. '..' in %Q (%i) is %P (%j), @s %q (%d). Bad or non-existent /@l. Cannot reconnect. Could not expand /@l: %m Could not reconnect %i: %m Error while trying to find /@l: %m ext2fs_new_@b: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_@i: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_dir_@b: %m while creating new @d @b ext2fs_write_dir_@b: %m while writing the @d @b for /@l Error while adjusting @i count on @i %i Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: %m Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: Couldn't find parent @d entry Error creating root @d (%s): %m Error creating /@l @d (%s): %m @r is not a @d; aborting. Cannot proceed without a @r. /@l is not a @d (ino=%i) Pass 3A: Optimizing directories Failed to create dirs_to_hash iterator: %mFailed to optimize directory %q (%d): %mOptimizing directories: %dPass 4: Checking reference counts @u @z @i %i. @u @i %i @i %i ref count is %Il, @s %N. WARNING: PROGRAMMING BUG IN E2FSCK! OR SOME BONEHEAD (YOU) IS CHECKING A MOUNTED (LIVE) FILESYSTEM. @i_link_info[%i] is %N, @i.i_links_count is %Il. They should be the same! Pass 5: Checking @g summary information Padding at end of @i @B is not set. Padding at end of @b @B is not set. @b @B differences: -%b +%b@i @B differences: -%i +%iFree @is count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Directories count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Free @is count wrong (%i, counted=%j). Free @bs count wrong for @g #%g (%b, counted=%c). Free @bs count wrong (%b, counted=%c). PROGRAMMING ERROR: @f (#%N) @B endpoints (%b, %c) don't match calculated @B endpoints (%i, %j) Internal error: fudging end of bitmap (%N) Error copying in replacement @i @B: %m Error copying in replacement @b @B: %m -(%b--%c) +(%b--%c) -(%i--%j) +(%i--%j)%s: %s. IGNOREDUnhandled error code (0x%x)! aextended attributeAerror allocatingbblockBbitmapccompressCconflicts with some other fs @biinodeIillegaljjournalDdeletedddirectoryeentryE@e '%Dn' in %p (%i)ffilesystemFfor @i %i (%Q) isggrouphHTREE @d @illost+foundLis a linkoorphanedpproblem inrroot @isshould beSsuper@buunattachedvdevicezzero-length@@/M-???%.*s@%c%llu%u%.24s%d0%o%%I%cA%A&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA%A&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA%A&HA%A&HA%A&A&HA&HA&HA&HA& A&4A&HA&HA&HA&HA&HA%A&HA&`%%D%cA&A'LA'LA&A'LA'A'LA'LA'LA'DA'LA'`%lld0x%llx%s%%%cNULLA'A)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA(A)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA(,A)lA(HA(|A)lA(A)lA)lA)lA)lA(A)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA)lA(A)A) A)lA)lA)A)lA)A)$A)lA)lA),A)lA)lA)XA)dA)lA)JBD: bad block at offset %u JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u Assertion failure in %s() at %s line %d: "%s" jreadoffset < journal->j_maxlenrecovery.cJBD: error %d scanning journal JBD: Out of memory during recovery.do_one_passobh != NULLJBD: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u Assertion failure in %s() at %s line %d: "%s" journal_init_revoke(hash_size & (hash_size-1)) == 0revoke.cjournal->j_revoke == NULLlist_empty(hash_list)journal_destroy_revoke?Arehash_dirRebuilding directoryPass 3A;@(zR@ ,T(`xyz{|~}FZ\_d============================================================================================================================== BB@@ A)AGAMBxB(BBB#B#B#B#B$B$B$B$0B$8B$@B$LB$XB$`B$hB$tB$B$B$B$B$B$B$B$B$B$B%B% B%B% B%,B%8B%HB%PB%XB%dB%B%B%B%B$B%PB%PB& PB&\B'd B'B(l B(  B( B( B*0  B*X B*B*B*B+B+8B+PB+hB+ B,<B,TB,B,B,@+B,,B- B-@!B-t"B-#B-$B-B-%B.0 &B.h 'B. (B.)B.*B/B/lB/B/B/B0B0B0DB0XB0t B0 B0 B0 B0 B1 B1,B1HB1xB1 B1 B1B1B2 B2@ @B2 B3@B3 B3 B4@B4,@B4pB4B4 B5!B50"B5P#B5|$B5%B5&B5'B5(B6)B6(*B6X+B6,B6-B$/B60B7 1B7d2B73B-4B75B76B8p7B8D8B89B8:B8;B8 <B9=B98 >B9X?B9x @B9AB9BB9CB: DB:,EB:TFB:GB:HB:IB;JB;<KB;hLB;B;B<(B 0B$0B$0B><B>XB>xB>B>B>B>B? B?$B?8 B?` B?| B? B? 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Q@!$'(<'=P!'௼<'=,!'9p ' Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK Change partition table fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK List partition table(s) fdisk -s PARTITION Give partition size(s) in blocks fdisk -v Give fdisk version Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda7 -u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units -b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda (for the first IDE disk) or: fdisk /dev/sdc (for the third SCSI disk) or: fdisk /dev/eda (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive) or: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0 or: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0 (for RAID devices) ... BLKGETSIZE ioctl failed on %s Unable to open %s Unable to read %s Unable to seek on %s Unable to write %s Unable to allocate any more memory Fatal error ?4?????$?H?lCommand action m print this menu o create a new empty DOS partition table q quit without saving changes s create a new empty Sun disklabel a toggle a bootable flag b edit bsd disklabel c toggle the dos compatibility flag d delete a partition l list known partition types n add a new partition p print the partition table t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only) a select bootable partition b edit bootfile entry c select sgi swap partition a toggle a read only flag c toggle the mountable flag b move beginning of data in a partition c change number of cylinders d print the raw data in the partition table e list extended partitions g create an IRIX (SGI) partition table h change number of heads r return to main menu s change number of sectors/track f fix partition order a change number of alternate cylinders e change number of extra sectors per cylinder i change interleave factor o change rotation speed (rpm) y change number of physical cylinders%c%2x %-15.15sYou must set %s and %s%s. You can do this from the extra functions menu. cylinderssectorsheads The number of cylinders for this disk is set to %d. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) omitting empty partition (%d) Warning: ignoring extra data in partition table %d Warning: extra link pointer in partition table %d Warning: deleting partitions after %d Bad offset in primary extended partition Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. .Note: sector size is %d (not %d) This disk has both DOS and BSD magic. Give the 'b' command to go to BSD mode.Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel Warning: invalid flag 0x%04x of partition table %d will be corrected by w(rite) Ignoring extra extended partition %d You will not be able to write the partition table.Internal error ?P?à?à?è?è got EOF thrice - exiting.. Hex code (type L to list codes): %s (%u-%u, default %u): Value out of range.Using default value %u %s (%u-%u): ?$?h?h?h?δ?h?h?h??h??h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?$?h?h?h?δ?h?h?h??h?Partition numberWarning: partition %d has empty type Selected partition %d No partition is defined yet!All primary partitions have been defined already!cylindersectorChanging display/entry units to %s WARNING: Partition %d is an extended partition DOS Compatibility flag is setDOS Compatibility flag is not setConsider leaving partition 3 as Whole disk (5), as SunOS/Solaris expects it and even Linux likes it. Consider leaving partition 9 as volume header (0), and partition 11 as entire volume (6)as IRIX expects it. Changed system type of partition %d to %x (%s) UnknownType 0 means free space to many systems (but not to Linux). Having partitions of type 0 is probably unwise. You can delete a partition using the `d' command.You cannot change a partition into an extended one or vice versa Delete it first.Partition %d does not exist yet! Partition %d has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?): phys=(%d, %d, %d) logical=(%d, %d, %d) Partition %d has different physical/logical endings: Partition %i does not end on cylinder boundary. Disk %s: %ld MB, %lld bytes %d heads, %d sectors/track, %d cylindersUnits = %s of %d * %d = %d bytes , total %llu sectors Disk %s: %ld.%ld GB, %lld bytes Nothing to do. Ordering is correct already. Done.%*s Boot Start End Blocks Id System Device%s %c %11lu %11lu %11lu%c %2x %s Partition table entries are not in disk order Disk %s: %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID%2d %02x%4d%4d%5d%4d%4d%5d%11u%11u %02x Partition %d: previous sectors %d disagrees with total %d Partitions %d: cylinder %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: sector %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: head %d greater than maximum %d Warning: partition %d contains sector 0 Warning: partition %d overlaps partition %d. Warning: partition %d is empty %d unallocated sectors Total allocated sectors %d greater than the maximum %d Logical partition %d not entirely in partition %d Warning: bad start-of-data in partition %d First %sLast %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKNo free sectors availableSector %d is already allocated Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. The maximum number of partitions has been createdYou must delete some partition and add an extended partition firstl logical (5 or over)e extendedCommand action %s p primary partition (1-4) Invalid partition number for type `%c' Sorry - this fdisk cannot handle AIX disk labels. If you want to add DOS-type partitions, create a new empty DOS partition table first. (Use o.) WARNING: This will destroy the present disk contents.The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional information. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error %d: %s. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot. Syncing disks.0x%03X: %02XDevice: %s New beginning of dataPartition %d has no data area Expert command (m for help): Number of cylindersNumber of headsNumber of sectorsWarning: setting sector offset for DOS compatiblity @@@`@H@d@@d@x@@L@L@L@L@L@@,@@`@p@L@L@@0@L@h/dev/hd/proc/ide/%s/mediarcdromtapeDisk %s doesn't contain a valid partition table Cannot open %s /proc/partitions %d %d %d %[^ ]/dev/%scannot open %s %c: unknown command b:C:H:lsS:uvVfdisk v2.12Warning: the -b (set sector size) option should be used with one specified device%s: %ld %ld Command (m for help): The current boot file is: %s Please enter the name of the new boot file: Boot file unchanged Sorry, no experts menu for SGI partition tables available. Detected an OSF/1 disklabel on %s, entering disklabel mode. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@$<@$@%@'@'@'@'@&d@'@'@&@&@&@' @'(@'H@'@'@'@'@'@'@(unknownSMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyunusedswapVersion 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMS-DOS4.4LFSHPFSISO-9660bootADOSHFSAdvFS BSD label for device: %s Command action d delete a BSD partition e edit drive data i install bootstrap l list known filesystem types m print this menu n add a new BSD partition p print BSD partition table q quit without saving changes r return to main menu s show complete disklabel t change a partition's filesystem id u change units (cylinders/sectors) w write disklabel to disk x link BSD partition to non-BSD partitionBSD disklabel command (m for help): There is no *BSD partition on %s. Reading disklabel of %s at sector %d. Partition %s has invalid starting sector 0. @/8@/T@0(@0(@0(@/p@0(@0(@/@0(@/@0(@/@1@/@/@/@0@0(@0D@0`First %sLast %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK %d partitions: # start end size fstype [fsize bsize cpg] %c: %8ld%c %8ld%c %8ld%c %8x%8.8s%22.22s %5ld %5ld %5d %5ld %5ld %5.5s %c: %8ld %8ld %8ld # %s: type: %s disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags:bytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld rpm: %d interleave: %d trackskew: %d cylinderskew: %d headswitch: %ld # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %ld badsect ecc removabletype: %d Writing disklabel to %s. %s contains no disklabel. Do you want to create a disklabel? (y/n) (%d): sectors/cylinderMust be <= sectors/track * tracks/cylinder (default).rpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seek ... %s sdwdBootstrap: %sboot -> boot%s (%s): %s/%sboot/usr/ucb/mdec%s/boot%sBootstrap installed on %s. Bootstrap overlaps with disk label! Partition (a-%c): This partition already exists. The maximum number of partitions has been created /dev/sdWarning: too many partitions (%d, maximum is %d). Syncing disks.SGI volhdrSGI trkreplSGI secreplSGI rawSGI bsdSGI sysvSGI volumeSGI efsSGI lvolSGI rlvolSGI xfsSGI xfslogSGI xlvSGI xvmLinux swapLinux nativeLinux LVMLinux RAIDDetected sgi disklabel with wrong checksum. Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors %d cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes ----- partitions ----- Pt# %*s Info Start End Sectors Id System Deviceswapboot %2d: %s %4s %9ld %9ld %9ld %2x %s ----- Bootinfo ----- Bootfile: %s ----- Directory Entries ----- %2d: %-10s sector%5u size%8u Unknown Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Name of Bootfile too long: 16 bytes maximum. Bootfile must have a fully qualified pathname. Be aware, that the bootfile is not checked for existence. SGI's default is "/unix" and for backup "/unix.save". Invalid Bootfile! The bootfile must be an absolute non-zero pathname, e.g. "/unix" or "/unix.save". Bootfile is changed to "%s". sgilabeltwo_s_complement_32bit_sum( (unsigned int*)((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer), sizeof(*((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer))) == 0fdisksgilabel.csgi_write_tableNo partitions defined The swap partition does not exist. The swap partition has no swap type./unix You have chosen an unusual boot file name. The boot partition does not exist.Unused gap of %8u sectors - sectors %8u-%u %2d:%12d %12d %12d The Partition %d and %d overlap by %d sectors. Partition %d does not end on cylinder boundary. Partition %d does not start on cylinder boundary. sysid=%d partition=%d One Partition (#11) should cover the entire disk.The entire disk partition is only %d diskblock large, but the disk is %d diskblocks long. The entire disk partition should start at block 0, not at diskblock %d. IRIX likes when Partition 11 covers the entire disk.More than one entire disk entry present.Sorry You may change the Tag of non-empty partitions.It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is of type "SGI volhdr", the IRIX system will rely on it to retrieve from its directory standalone tools like sash and fx. Only the "SGI volume" entire disk section may violate this. Type YES if you are sure about tagging this partition differently. YES Do You know, You got a partition overlap on the disk?Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. The entire disk is already covered with partitions.First %sYou will get a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! Last %sIt is highly recommended that eleventh partition covers the entire disk and is of type `SGI volume'You got a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first!Attempting to generate entire disk entry automatically.Building a new SGI disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content will be unrecoverably lost. Trying to keep parameters of partition %d. ID=%02x START=%d LENGTH=%d Warning: BLKGETSIZE ioctl failed on %s. Using geometry cylinder value of %d. This value may be truncated for devices > 33.8 GB. IBM OEM 0662S12 3 300000Sfx version 5.3, Oct 18, 1994EmptyBootSunOS rootSunOS swapSunOS usrWhole diskSunOS standSunOS varSunOS homeLinux swapLinux nativeLinux LVMLinux raid autodetectDetected sun disklabel with wrong checksum. Probably you'll have to set all the values, e.g. heads, sectors, cylinders and partitions or force a fresh label (s command in main menu) QuantumProDrive 80SProDrive 105SCDCWren IV 94171-344IBMDPES-31080DORS-32160DNES-318350SEAGATEST34371SUN0104SUN0207SUN0327SUN0340SUN0424SUN0535SUN0669SUN1.0GSUN1.05SUN1.3GSUN2.1GIOMEGAJazHost: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d /proc/scsi/scsirVendor: Model: Rev: Autoconfigure found a %s%s%s Building a new sun disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Drive type ? auto configure 0 custom (with hardware detected defaults) %c %s%s%s Select type (? for auto, 0 for custom): Autoconfigure failed.%s%s%s cyl %d alt %d hd %d sec %d3,5" floppyLinux customHeadsSectors/trackCylindersAlternate cylindersPhysical cylindersRotation speed (rpm)Interleave factorExtra sectors per cylinderYou may change all the disk params from the x menuPartition %d overlaps with others in sectors %d-%d Unused gap - sectors %d-%d Unused gap - sectors 0-%d No partitions definedPartition %d doesn't end on cylinder boundary Other partitions already cover the whole disk. Delete some/shrink them before retry.First %sSector %d is already allocated Last %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKYou haven't covered the whole disk with the 3rd partition, but your value %d %s covers some other partition. Your entry has been changed to %d %s It is highly recommended that the third partition covers the whole disk and is of type `Whole disk'Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. If you want to maintain SunOS/Solaris compatibility, consider leaving this partition as Whole disk (5), starting at 0, with %u sectors It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is UFS, EXT2FS filesystem or SunOS swap. Putting Linux swap there may destroy your partition table and bootblock. Type YES if you're very sure you would like that partition tagged with 82 (Linux swap): YES Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d rpm %d cylinders, %d alternate cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes %*s Flag Start End Blocks Id System Device%s %c%c %9ld %9ld %9ld%c %2x %s Unknown Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Number of alternate cylindersNumber of physical cylinders There is a valid AIX label on this disk. Unfortunately Linux cannot handle these disks at the moment. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) 3. Before deleting this physical volume be sure to remove the disk logically from your AIX machine. (Otherwise you become an AIXpert).EmptyFAT12XENIX rootXENIX usrFAT16 <32MExtendedFAT16HPFS/NTFSAIXAIX bootableOS/2 Boot ManagerW95 FAT32W95 FAT32 (LBA)W95 FAT16 (LBA)W95 Ext'd (LBA)OPUSHidden FAT12Compaq diagnosticsHidden FAT16 <32MHidden FAT16Hidden HPFS/NTFSAST SmartSleepHidden W95 FAT32Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)NEC DOSPlan 9PartitionMagic recoveryVenix 80286PPC PReP BootSFSQNX4.xQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.x 3rd partOnTrack DMOnTrack DM6 Aux1CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux3OnTrackDM6EZ-DriveGolden BowPriam EdiskSpeedStorGNU HURD or SysVNovell Netware 286Novell Netware 386DiskSecure Multi-BootPC/IXOld MinixMinix / old LinuxLinux swapLinuxOS/2 hidden C: driveLinux extendedNTFS volume setLinux LVMAmoebaAmoeba BBTBSD/OSIBM Thinkpad hibernationFreeBSDOpenBSDNeXTSTEPDarwin UFSNetBSDDarwin bootBSDI fsBSDI swapBoot Wizard hiddenSolaris bootDRDOS/sec (FAT-12)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16)SyrinxNon-FS dataCP/M / CTOS / ...Dell UtilityBootItDOS accessDOS R/OBeOS fsEFI GPTEFI (FAT-12/16/32)Linux/PA-RISC bootDOS secondaryLinux raid autodetectLANstepBBTdiscppart%*.*s%s%-2u%.*s%s%-2u;0p`zR@ ,HT(`xyz{|~}(HT(\xyz{|~}Aj0Aj8Aj<AjDAjLAjTAj\AjdAjlAjtAj|AjAjAjAjAjAjAjAjAj Aj Aj0 Aj Aj AjAkAk AkArArAsAsAsAs$As0As<AsD AsP As\ Asd Asp AsxAsAsAsAsAAAAAAA A,A8ADAPA`AlA<AD@B"NA<AT#NAdAh  .A|A%'lA|AC>A|A+, @ AA(*<AA#NAA $AA  .AAHhAA P0AAJ PAAN`6AAP AAHAA PAA  PAA@ AAAAAAAAA$ A( A8 AL AXAhAxAAAAAAAAAA($A@9AH<AP@AhAAtBAMANAOAPAQARASATAUAVA\AaAcA(dAXP#!4cG8 6l^z;UBm"YJjE$p~Q ),*SE  P`o@.<,IKf[8'SQ(M+KU]9R: +)A!t$h1W7! rd_sv%'(k3nW0Ck.VLi >D}Nln qFh@*JY~9#m c ^Z{Ib;? Ts35DzLM%[VepB:A v}Z\C-02|tg7i`ufx " Q@|Qz@Zp ڀڀu *#D  ڀf3 SPP.A B p@ +@ ( A4 _A xD Ch D D| B (@tX A( @ Ch BIL CP B ]C0 D fC\ % d(B B@ DC  @ [A\ Dr8  @ fC  IA Al  D  B` B` B wB (@n4 ڼAt4 C A3 D-  C   DȠ T2cD  IP  lB9 C B̔ B @}  DX = A>T C BkX WC RB8 lDn` C qC  }C`d Co Ac C A ]B BY (A l@ LDF GdڸA0 D@ rA RڴOA Ck B }ڰMAZ CP zmC =A Cv  cB$ CɄ ,BBL Bt CtT ڬA QA9 @p b@ B BɌ A C C {W(D=@ C GD7 CL @| D00 D A4 =VڨcfDd D 8D$ t4g42C}8 D B  DC4 BC BP  lA C| @\ Ae ڠ D\ EDTP B g$ C B @{ 0B bB {@l  A UC ,B B D E(D !@  @Dt mC  @ȀA .C8 B8 n0C@ Bj ^Bet _B A|  C w CX A D A( VsB} C B u )B @r R@[ &BH 0B@ WA8 C{4 [@n BuT C (0IDx oC B@ A$ rDV   ڜ WAGt B3  C MB Ah qDSD A  '@[Dv kNBh SC vBͰ kB D. 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Invalid data format detected in root directory.A combination of Minimum Free Blocks and Total Usable Blocks which is invalid for the filesystem size was detected in the superblock (%s). Invalid block number(s) (%s) detected for file system object %s%s%d. File system object %s%s%d has a corrupt backward sibling chain. File system object %s%s%d has a corrupt forward sibling chain. Inode %s%d has unrecognized type. File system object %s%s%d has invalid descriptor (%s). Inode %s%d has incorrect link count. Directory inode %s%d refers to a nonexistent inode %s%s (entry %u). Error (%d,%d) writing to the fsck service log (%d,%lld,%ld,%ld). Continuing. The boot sector has been refreshed. File system object %s%s%d has corrupt data (%d). Invalid data (%s) detected in the superblock (%s). Invalid allocation group size in the superblock (%s). Invalid filesystem block size in the superblock (%s). Invalid filesystem size in the superblock (%s). Superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired since both primary and secondary copies are corrupt. CANNOT CONTINUE.Primary superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired without write access. Continuing.XCHKLOG Unsupported XCHKLOG parameter: %s Invalid magic number in the superblock (%s). Invalid version number in the superblock (%s). Incorrect maxbud AG detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect number of free blocks detected in Block Map Control Page. In superblock (%s) filesystem block size smaller than volume block size. Invalid format detected in Root directory.Device parm defaulting to current volume: %s Unable to write to boot sector Master Boot Record. Continuing. Secondary file/directory allocation structure (%s) is not a correct redundant copy of primary structure.Unable to replicate primary file/directory allocation structure (%s) to secondary. FUTURE RECOVERY CAPABILITY IS COMPROMISED.XCHKLOG fsck service log selected: MOST RECENT MINOR: Cannot create directory lost+found in root directory. mkdir lost+found in the root directory then run fsck with the -f parameter to reconnect lost files and/or directories.!Fileset object %s%s%d: No paths found."The path(s) refer to an unallocated file.#XCHKLOG fsck service log selected: PREVIOUS $The path(s) refer to an unallocated file. Will remove.%Unable to repair primary inode allocation structure (%s). Continuing. &Root directory has a corrupt tree. 'Initialized tree created for root directory. (Unable to read primary superblock. )fsck service log: INVALID LOG RECORD: SKIPPING ONE OR MORE LOG RECORDS. *processing started: %s + ********************************************************** ,Unable to write primary superblock.-Fatal error (%d,%d) accessing the filesystem (%d,%lld,%d,%d). .Multiple parent directories for directory %s%d./External journal log not supported. 0Duplicate reference to %d block(s) beginning at offset %lld found in file system object %s%s%d. 1File set metadata inode %s%d is corrupt. 2Fatal error (%d,%d) accessing the workspace (%d,%lld,%d,%d). 3Insufficient dynamic storage available for required workspace (%d,%d). CANNOT CONTINUE4IOCtl(...DSK_GETDEVICEPARAMS...) returned rc = %s 5Filesystem is currently mounted.6Invalid data (%s) detected in file system object %s%s%d. 7Block size in bytes: %d8Filesystem size in blocks: %lld9Filesystem Summary: :Blocks in use for inodes: %lld ;Inode count: %lld Inode %s%d has references to cross linked blocks. ?Block count: %lld @Free block count: %lld ADirectory inode %s%d entry %s refers to an illegal inode %s%u. BUsage: xchklog [-f filename] [-p] [-V] CUnable to get path for link from directory %s%d to fileset object %s%s%d.DFormat error in Extended Attributes Space or descriptor.EDiscrepancies detected in the Free Inode Extent List for Allocation Group %s%d. (%s) FMINOR: Unable to reconnect file inode %c%u. Continuing. GDirectory %s%d entry ".." refers to an incorrect parent directory (%s%s).HDirectory inode %s%d entry ".." reference to incorrect inode corrected. IStorage allocated to inode %s%d has been cleared. JStorage allocated to extended attributes for inode %s%d has been cleared. KFile inode %c%u has been reconnected to /lost+found/. LLink count for inode %s%d has been adjusted/corrected. MIOCtl(...DSK_LOCKDRIVE...) returned rc = %s NNo paths were found for inode %s%d. OFile system object %s%s%d is linked as: %sPDirectory inode %s%d entry reference to inode %s%d removed. QInvalid fwsp length detected in the superblock (%s). RInvalid fwsp address detected in the superblock (%s). SOpen(...READONLY...) returned rc = %d TMINOR: Insufficient dynamic storage to validate extended attributes format.Ulogredo failed (rc=%d). fsck continuing.Vlogredo returned rc = %d WUnable to create a lost+found directory in root because root already contains a non-directory object named lost+found. Rename the existing lost+found object in root, mkdir lost+found in the root directory, then run fsck with the -f parameter to reconnect lost files and/or directories.XChecking a mounted filesystem does not produce dependable results.Y**** Filesystem was modified. **** Zujfs_redeterminemedia() returned rc = %s [Superblock marked. \%lld blocks are missing.]Unable to write to boot sector. Continuing.^No \lost+found directory found in the filesystem. _Incorrect link counts detected in the aggregate.`The Inode Allocation Map control information has an incorrect number of backed inodes value for AG %s%d. aThe Inode Allocation Map control information has an incorrect number of free inodes value for AG %s%d. bUnrecoverable error reading %s from %s. CANNOT CONTINUE.c**Phase 0 - Replay Journal Logd**Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and Directory Entriese**Phase 2 - Count linksf**Phase 3 - Duplicate Block Rescan and Directory Connectednessg**Phase 4 - Report Problemsh**Phase 5 - Check Connectivityi**Phase 6 - Perform Approved Correctionsj**Phase 7 - Rebuild File/Directory Allocation Mapsk**Phase 8 - Rebuild Disk Allocation Mapsl**Phase 9 - Reformat File System LogmDirectory has entry for unallocated file %s%u. Will remove.nFATAL ERROR (%d,%d) ON READ Aggregate Inode Table (%d) first extent. oFormat error in Extended Attributes Space or descriptor. Will clear.pThe extent descriptor for inodes %d through %d is invalid. (Inode Allocation Map %s%s, Inode Allocation Group %d, Extent Index %d). qExtended attributes for file set object %s%s%d have an invalid format. rSuperblock marked dirty because repairs are about to be written. sMutually exclusive 'check READ ONLY' and 'fix file system' options specified.t*undefined*uUnrecognized -f parameter value detected: %svUnsupported parameter: %swlogformat failed (rc=%d). fsck continuing.xlogformat returned rc = %d yUnable to read device characteristics. Boot sector cannot be refreshed. Continuing.zPrimary superblock is corrupt. {Inode Allocation Group %s%d is inconsistent. |cannot repair an allocation error for files and/or directories %d through %d.}Root inode is not a directory. ~Root inode is not allocated. Root inode allocated. Root inode changed to directory. IOCtl(...DSK_UNLOCKDRIVE...) returned rc = %d Primary superblock is valid. processing terminated: %s with return code: %d exit code: %d. Close returned rc = %d Using default parameter: -p Open(...READ/WRITE EXCLUSIVE...) returned rc = %d One or more directory entry found for unallocated inode %s%s. cannot recover files and/or directories %d through %d. CANNOT CONTINUE.Unrecoverable error writing %s to %s. CANNOT CONTINUE.The root directory has an invalid data format. Will correct.The root directory has an invalid format. Will correct.cannot recover files and/or directories %d through %d. Will release.File claims cross linked block(s).cannot repair the data format error(s) in this file.cannot repair the format error(s) in this file.cannot repair %s%s%d.The current device is: %sThe type of file system for the device is JFS. cannot repair %s%s%d. Will release.Secondary superblock is valid. Unable to open for write access. Proceeding in read-only mode.Multiple parent directories for directory %s%d. Will correct.Directory %s%d entry ".." refers to an incorrect parent directory (%s%s). Will correct.%lld unexpected blocks detected.Directories with illegal hard links have been detected.Directory entries (entries "..") referring to incorrect parent directories have been detected.Directory entries for unallocated files have been detected.Unable to write secondary superblock.Incorrect link counts have been detected. Will correct.File set object %s%s%d has inline data conflict (type %d). Duplicate block references have been detected in Metadata. CANNOT CONTINUE.Multiple metadata references to %d blocks beginning at offset %lld have been detected. Directory inode %s%d has a node with empty freelist and nonzero freecount. Unable to read entire first extent of AIT (%s). Unable to read first extent of AIT (%s). Unrecoverable error during UNLOCK processing.Unrecoverable error during CLOSE processing.The root directory reference (entry "..") has been corrected. %s appears to be the correct path for directory %s%d.Directory inode %s%u has illegal hard links. Directory inode %s%u refers (entry "..") to an incorrect inode (%s%u). One or more directory entry found for unallocated inode %s%u. ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED. Run fsck with the -f parameter to repair.The root directory refers (entry "..") to an incorrect inode. %u directory reconnected to /lost+found/.MINOR: Unable to reconnect %u directory. Continuing.Inode %s%u is not connected to the root directory tree. XCHKLOG Most recent fsck service log extracted into: %s XCHKLOG Prior fsck service log extracted into: %s XCHKLOG Can't open output file: %s Invalid stamp detected in file system object %s%s%d. Files and/or directories not connected to the root directory tree have been detected.Directory entries for unallocated files have been detected. Will remove.Files and/or directories not connected to the root directory tree have been detected. Will reconnect.Directories with illegal hard links have been detected. Will correct.Directories (entries "..") referring to incorrect parent directories have been detected. Will correct.XCHKDMP Can't open input file: %s Filesystem is clean.Filesystem is clean but is marked dirty. Run fsck with the -f parameter to fix.Filesystem is dirty.Filesystem is dirty but is marked clean. In its present state, the results of accessing %s (except by this utility) are undefined.Filesystem has been marked clean. Filesystem has been marked dirty because it contains critical errors. Filesystem may be unrecoverable.File system object %s%s%d has an illegal empty node. File system object %s%s%d -- extent at offset %lld has an invalid size (%d). Dense file (inode %s%d) begins with an unallocated section. Dense file (inode %s%d) has an unallocated section after offset %lld. The Free Inode Extent List is inconsistent for Allocation Group %s%d. Discrepancies detected in the Free Inode List for Allocation Group %s%d. (%s) The Free Inode List is inconsistent for Allocation Group %s%d. Inode Allocation Group %s%d has an invalid Allocation Group (%lld). Directory has an entry for an unallocated file %s%u.Directory inode %s%d has a node with incorrect size. Directory inode %s%d has a node with invalid size. Directory inode %s%d has a node with an invalid freelist. Directory inode %s%d has a node with an incorrect freecount. Directory inode %s%d has a node with an incorrect freelist. Inode Allocation Group %s%d has an invalid AG Start. Inode Allocation Group %s%d has an invalid Free Extent Summary. Inode Allocation Group %d%d has an invalid Free Inode Summary. Discrepancies detected in the Free IAG List. (%s,%s) The Free Inode Allocation Group List is inconsistent (%s). Inode Allocation Group %s%d has an incorrect IAG number value. Inode Allocation Group %s%d has an inconsistent count for number of free extents. Inode Allocation Group %s%d has an inconsistent count for number of free inodes. Discrepancies detected in the pmap for Inode Allocation Group %s%d. Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map. (%s)The Inode Allocation Map blocks per inode extent is incorrect (%s). Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map control information. (%s)The Inode Allocation Map log2(blocks per inode extent) is incorrect (%s). The Inode Allocation Map has an incorrect number of backed inodes value (%s). The Inode Allocation Map has an incorrect number of free inodes value (%s). The Inode Allocation Map has an incorrect next IAG value (%s). Usage: xchkdmp [-f filename] [-V] Correcting Inode Allocation Group %s%d invalid Allocation Group (%lld). Correcting Inode Allocation Group %s%d invalid AG Start. Inconsistencies detected in leaf values (%s). Inconsistencies detected in internal values (%s). Incorrect data detected in pages (%s). Descrepancies detected between observed block allocations and pmaps. Incorrect data detected in disk allocation structures.Incorrect data detected in disk allocation control structures.Incorrect height detected in in page %s,%d. Incorrect l2 number of leafs detected in in page %s,%d. Incorrect leaf index detected in in page %s,%d. Incorrect leaf (%d) value detected in %s page %d. Incorrect internal (%d) value detected in %s page %d. Incorrect budmin detected in in page %s,%d. Incorrect number of leafs detected in page %s,%d. Incorrect number of free blocks in AG %d detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect aggregate size detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect blocks per AG detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect dmap control level detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect dmap control height detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect dmap control width detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect l2 blocks per AG detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect l2 blocks per page detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect maximum active AGs detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect maximum level detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect number of AGs detected in Block Map Control Page. Invalid preferred AG detected in Block Map Control Page. XCHKLOG %s superblock is valid. Incorrect number of blocks detected in dmap %d. Incorrect number free detected in dmap %d. Incorrect start detected in dmap %d. %lld consecutive blocks observed available but pmap (%d, %d, %d) indicates they are allocated. %lld consecutive blocks observed allocated but pmap (%d, %d, %d) indicates they are available. Discrepancies detected in the Block Map Control Page AG free count list. Incorrect data detected in the Block Map Control Page. Incorrect dmap control start index detected in Block Map Control Page. Incorrect fwsp length detected in the superblock (%s). Incorrect jlog address detected in the superblock (%s). Incorrect jlog length detected in the superblock (%s). |........ .|....... ..|......  ...|.....  ....|....  .....|...  ......|..  .......|. ........| Directory claims cross linked block(s).File system object claims cross linked block(s).File system is formatted for sparse files.Directory inode %s%d incorrect DASD used value corrected. %u directories reconnected to /lost+found/.%u file reconnected to /lost+found/.%u files reconnected to /lost+found/.cannot repair the data format error(s) in this directory.cannot repair the format error(s) in this directory.cannot repair the data format error(s) in this file system object.cannot repair the format error(s) in this file system object.**Phase 7 - Verify File/Directory Allocation Maps**Phase 8 - Verify Disk Allocation Mapsparameter detected: Omit logredo() The file system type for %s is not listed as jfs in the file system description file /etc/fstab.*undefined* *undefined*  *undefined* !*undefined* "Primary metadata inode %s%d is corrupt. #Secondary metadata inode %s%d is corrupt. $Secondary superblock is corrupt. %Unable to read the Secondary File/Directory Allocation Table.&Errors detected in the File System File/Directory Allocation Map.'Errors detected in the File System File/Directory Allocation Map control information.(Errors detected in the Secondary File/Directory Allocation Table.)Unable to read secondary superblock. **undefined* +*undefined* ,*undefined* -MINOR: Unable to reconnect %u directories. Continuing..MINOR: Unable to reconnect %u file. Continuing./MINOR: Unable to reconnect %u files. Continuing.0*undefined* 1*undefined* 2*undefined* 3*undefined* 4*undefined* 5Directory inode %c%u has been reconnected to /lost+found/. 6MINOR: Unable to reconnect directory inode %c%u. Continuing. 7*undefined* 8Unable to read either superblock. 9%9lld kilobytes total disk space.:%9lld kilobytes in %lld directories.;%9lld kilobytes in %lld user files.<%9lld kilobytes in extended attributes=%9lld kilobytes reserved for system use.>%9lld kilobytes are available for use.?XCHKDMP Can't read input file: %s @XCHKDMP Input file (%s) not recognized as an extracted JFS fsck service log. AXCHKLOG Cannot open device %s BXCHKLOG Output file path and name must be less than 128 characters. CXCHKDMP Input file path and name must be less than 128 characters. DUnable to read the Primary File/Directory Allocation Table.EErrors detected in the Primary File/Directory Allocation Table.FCANNOT CONTINUE.G********** CANNOT INITIALIZE THIS SERVICE LOG. DISREGARD RESIDUAL LOG MESSAGES WHICH MAY BE APPENDED. ********** HCHKLOG Required parameter missing: device specification IXCHKLOG Required parameter missing: device specification Jparameter detected: FixLevel: %s Kparameter detected: IfDirty Lparameter detected: VerboseMessaging Mparameter detected: AutoCheck mode Nparameter detected: PMchkdsk mode Oparameter detected: Debug mode PCHKDSK.SYS returned %s bytes of high memory at %s QOpen(CHKDSK.SYS,...) returned rc = %s RIOCtl( ... ) to call CHKDSK.SYS returned rc = %s, data.rc = %s Sujfs_beginformat() returned rc = %s Tparameter detected: Clear LVM Bad Block List U(JFSCTL_CHKDSK, ... ) returned rc = %s Vwarning: The LVM has detected bad blocks in the partition. Run /B to transfer entries from the LVM bad block table to the JFS bad block table.WLVM GetBadBlockInformation returned rc = %s XLVM GetTableSize rc = %s YTHE FILE SYSTEM IS NOW AVAILABLE.ZTransferring entries from the LVM Bad Block Table for this file system to the JFS Bad Block Table for this file system.[INTERNAL ERROR (%d,%d,%d,%d). CANNOT CONTINUE.\CLRBBLKS: relocated %s extents, for total %s relocated blocks. ]CLRBBLKS: LVM List #%s num entries = %s num active entries = %s ^CLRBBLKS: number of LVM Lists = %s _CLRBBLKS: Attempted to relocate bad blocks in range %s to %s. `LVM reports %s bad blocks. Of these, %s have been transferred to the JFS Bad Block List.aCLRBBLKS rc = %s bDosExecPgm(...clrbblks...) rc = %s cOpen(...OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE|OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE...) returned rc = %s dDevice unavailable or locked by another process. CANNOT CONTINUE.eFile system object %s%s%d has a node with an invalid self field. fFile system object %s%s%d is illegally linked as: %sgInsufficient storage (%d) available to continue reconnecting lost files and/or directories. Continuing.hFormat error in Access Control List space or descriptor.iFormat error in Access Control List space or descriptor. Will clear.jStorage allocated to Access Control List for inode %s%d has been cleared. k%9lld kilobytes in access control lists lFile system is full or too fragmented to allocated requested %d blocks. mMinor format error detected.nMinor format error in inode %s%d has been corrected. oMinor format error detected. Will fix.pFile system object %s%s%d has invalid length in descriptor (%s). qFile system object %s%s%d has invalid offset in descriptor (%s). rFile system checked READ ONLY.sDevice does not exist.tNo device given.u*undefined* v*undefined* w*undefined* x*undefined* y*undefined* z*undefined* {*undefined* |*undefined* }*undefined* ~*undefined* *undefined* BADDMEFIL0L1L2MCPSL.RCNLOGREDO: Log already redone! LOGREDO: End of log found at logend = 0x0%x LOGREDO: Beginning to recover File System Extend processing. LOGREDO: Done recovering File System Extend processing. LOGREDO: File System Extend recovered to prior size. LOGREDO: File System Extend recovered and completed. LOGREDO: Recovery of File System Extend failed. Error = %s LOGREDO: Log superblock contains invalid magic number. LOGREDO: Log superblock contains invalid version number. LOGREDO: Unable to find valid end of log. LOGREDO: Initialization failed. rc = %d error num = %d LOGREDO: Log superblock contains invalid block size. LOGREDO: Log superblock contains invalid log2(block size). LOGREDO: Log superblock contains invalid log size. LOGREDO: Log end is not in valid range. LOGREDO: Synch point record number: 0x0%x LOGREDO: Synch point record address: 0x0%x LOGREDO: Number of log records: (d) %d LOGREDO: Number of Do blocks: (d) %d LOGREDO: Number of NoDo blocks: (d) %d LOGREDO: Log record for Sync Point at: 0x0%x LOGREDO: Log record for Volume Mount at: 0x0%x Calling CHKDSK.SYS to allocate high memory.... CHKDSK.SYS returned addr= %s length= %s LOGREDO: Allocating for BMap: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Allocating for IMap: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Allocating for DoBLk: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Allocating for NoReDoFile: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Allocating for ReDoPage: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Allocating for NoDoFile: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Allocating for ExtendDtPg: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for BMap: (d) %lld bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for IMap: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for DoBLk: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for NoReDoFile: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for ReDoPage: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for NoDoFile: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Failed trying to allocate for ExtendDtPg: (d) %d bytes LOGREDO: Working IMap will occupy storage originally allocated for BMap. LOGREDO: Some storage allocated for BMap now used for NoRedoFile records. LOGREDO: Some storage allocated for BMap now used for DoBLock records. LOGREDO: Some storage allocated for BMap now used for RedoPage records. LOGREDO: Some storage allocated for BMap now used for NoDoFile records. LOGREDO: Some storage allocated for BMap now used for ExtendDtPage records. LOGREDO: Unable to read Journal Log superblock. LOGREDO: Unable to update Journal Log superblock. LOGREDO: Address of next log record is invalid. LOGREDO: Address (0x0%x) of next log record is out of range. LOGREDO: Address (%s) of next log record is the same as address of current log record. LOGREDO: The Journal Log has wrapped around and written over itself. LOGREDO: Invalid Commit record at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Invalid Mount record at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Device open/read error LOGREDO: Invalid RedoPage record at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Invalid NoRedoPage record at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Invalid NoRedoInoExt record at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Invalid UpdateMap record at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Unrecognized log record type at 0x0%x. LOGREDO: Errors encountered imply the log is corrupt. Reformat needed. LOGREDO: Errors encountered prevent logredo() from continuing. LOGREDO: Unable to update map(s). LOGREDO: Unable to update file system superblock. LOGREDO: Unable to write to log superblock. LOGREDO: Unable to read file system superblock. LOGREDO: File system superblock has invalid magic number. LOGREDO: File system superblock has invalid version number. LOGREDO: File system superblock has invalid log location. LOGREDO: File system superblock has invalid log serial number. LOGREDO: Unable to initialize map(s). LOGREDO: Attempt to read file system superblock failed. LOGREDO: Attempt to write file system superblock failed. LOGREDO: Attempt to read file system primary superblock failed. LOGREDO: Attempt to read file system secondary superblock failed. LOGREDO: Attempt to write file system primary superblock failed. LOGREDO: Attempt to write file system secondary superblock failed. LOGREDO: Attempt to flush buffers failed. LOGREDO: Not a valid file system device number. LOGREDO: Journal log must be inline. LOGREDO: Device is not a file system device. LOGREDO: Journal log is not inline. LOGREDO: Journal log is now open. (major = %s, minor = %s) LOGREDO: Error in volume (d) %d. LOGREDO: Device open failed. LOGREDO: Failed attempting to initialize map(s). LOGREDO: Invalid volume block number (0x0%llx). LOGREDO: Invalid inode number ((d) %lld). LOGREDO: Failed attempt to read block 0x0%llx. LOGREDO: I/O error attempting to read block 0x0%llx. LOGREDO: Invalid UpdateMap record (nxd = (d) %lld). LOGREDO: Invalid log serial number. LOGREDO: Failed attempt to find the current end of the Journal Log. LOGREDO: Failed attempting to read the Journal Log (logaddr = 0x0%x). LOGREDO: Unrecognized log record type (logaddr = 0x0%x). LOGREDO: I/O error on Journal Log (logaddr = 0x0%x). LOGREDO: The Journal Log has wrapped. LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Attempt to read file system superblock failed. LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Attempt to read block map inode failed. LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Read aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (1). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Read aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (2). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Write aggregate block 0x0%x failed (1). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Write aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (2). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Write aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (3). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Read aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (3). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Read aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (4). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Error in initLogredo(). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Read aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (5). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Write aggregate block 0x0%llx failed (4). LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Attempt to write file system superblock failed. LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Attempt to read Journal Log superblock failed. LOGREDO: RecovExtFS: Attempt to write Journal Log superblock failed. LOGREDO: Read Block Map inode failed. LOGREDO: Read Block Map failed. LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map inode failed. LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map failed. LOGREDO: Read Block Map leftmost leaf failed. LOGREDO: Read Block Map data extents failed. LOGREDO: Read Block Map next leaf failed. LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map leftmost leaf failed. LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map control page failed. LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map next leaf failed. LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map data extents failed.  LOGREDO: Read Inode Alloc Map inode failed in UpdateMaps().  LOGREDO: Write Inode Alloc Map control page failed in UpdateMaps().  LOGREDO: Read Block Map inode failed in UpdateMaps().  LOGREDO: Write Block Map control page failed in UpdateMaps().  LOGREDO: Not rebuilding the Inode Alloc Map because fsck will be doing it. LOGREDO: Write Inode Alloc Map, rXtree() failed. LOGREDO: Write block (blk=0x0%llx) failed when updating the Inode Alloc Mapl. LOGREDO: Read next leaf (addr=%s) failed when updating the Inode Alloc Map. LOGREDO: Incorrect npages detected when updating the Inode Alloc Map. LOGREDO: Done updating the Inode Allocation Map. LOGREDO: Beginning to update the Inode Allocation Map. LOGREDO: Done updating the Block Map. LOGREDO: Beginning to update the Block Map. LOGREDO: Not rebuilding the Block Map because fsck will be doing it. LOGREDO: Error for pmap and inoext when rebuilding the Inode Allocation Map (1). LOGREDO: Inconsistent map size in Block Map. LOGREDO: Incorrect leaf index detected (k=(d) %d, j=(d) %d, idx=(d) %d) while writing Block Map. LOGREDO: Error rebuilding DMap page (k=(d) %d, j=(d) %d, i=(d) %d). LOGREDO: rXtree() failed when called while writing Block Map. LOGREDO: Write block (at 0x0%llx) failed while writing Block Map. LOGREDO: Read next leaf (at %s) failed while writing Block Map. LOGREDO: Incorrect total pages while writing Block Map. LOGREDO: Invalid leaf index detected while updating dmap page.  LOGREDO: rXtree() Read first leaf failed. !LOGREDO: bread() Invalid block number specified (0x0%llx). "LOGREDO: bread() Read block (0x0%llx) failed. #LOGREDO: Error for pmap and inoext when rebuilding the Inode Allocation Map (2). $LOGREDO: doAfter: updatePage failed. (logaddr = 0x0%x, rc = (d) %d) %LOGREDO: doAfter: markBmap failed. (logaddr = 0x0%x, rc = (d) %d) &LOGREDO: doExtDtPg: bread failed. (offset = 0x0%llx, rc = (d) %d) 'LOGREDO: doNoRedoPage: type dtpage: findPageRedo failed. (rc = (d) %d) (LOGREDO: doNoRedoPage: type dtroot: findPageRedo failed. (rc = %s) )LOGREDO: doNoRedoPage: type xtroot: findPageRedo failed. (rc = (d) %d) *LOGREDO: doNoRedoPage: type xtpage: findPageRedo failed. (rc = (d) %d) +LOGREDO: doNoRedoPage: Unknown NoRedoPage record type. ,LOGREDO: doNoRedoInoExt: findPageRedo failed. (rc = (d) %d) -LOGREDO: doUpdateMap: Unknown updateMap record type. .LOGREDO: dtpg_resetFreeList: Invalid stbl entry. /LOGREDO: dtpg_resetFreeList: Invalid slot next index. 0LOGREDO: dtrt_resetFreeList: Invalid stbl entry. 1LOGREDO: dtrt_resetFreeList: Invalid slot next index. 2LOGREDO: markBmap: Block number(s) out of range (start=0x0%llx, length=(d)%d). 3LOGREDO: updatePage: findPageRedo failed. (rc = (d) %d) 4LOGREDO: updatePage: type=INODE. Invalid segment offset. (offset = (d) %d) 5LOGREDO: updatePage: bread failed (1). (rc = (d) %d) 6LOGREDO: updatePage: bread failed (2). (rc = (d) %d) 7LOGREDO: updatePage: bread failed (3). (rc = (d) %d) 8LOGREDO: updatePage: bread failed (4). (rc = (d) %d) 9LOGREDO: updatePage: markImap failed. (rc = (d) %d) :LOGREDO: updatePage: markBmap failed. (rc = (d) %d) ;LOGREDO: updatePage: dtrt_resetFreeList failed. (rc = (d) %d) LOGREDO: fineEndOfLog: pageVal[1] failed (rc = (d) %d). ?LOGREDO: fineEndOfLog: pageVal[2] failed (rc = (d) %d). @LOGREDO: fineEndOfLog: pageVal[3] failed (rc = (d) %d). ALOGREDO: fineEndOfLog: pageVal[4] failed (rc = (d) %d). BLOGREDO: fineEndOfLog: pageVal[4(a)] failed (rc = (d) %d). CLOGREDO: pageVal: getLogpage failed (pno = (d) %d, rc = (d) %d). DLOGREDO: setLogpage: Write log page failed (pno = (d) %d, rc = (d) %d). ELOGREDO: logRead: Log wrapped over itself (lognumread = (d) %d). FLOGREDO: logRead: Read log page failed (pno = (d) %d, rc = (d) %d). GLOGREDO: logRead: MoveWords[1] failed (rc = (d) %d). HLOGREDO: logRead: MoveWords[2] failed (rc = (d) %d). ILOGREDO: moveWords: getLogpage failed (pno = (d) %d, rc = (d) %d). JDASD Limit has been primed for directories on the volume. KDASD Used has been primed for directories on the volume. LLOGREDO: logRead: Log data must not exceed LOGPSIZE (pno = (d) %d). 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