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P@!+/$@ \` !'(! 0!@!@< $"@$\` ! $@!@2  @ ! $E ` !@( @!@ !L$@8!  +# ! "$⏼ D @ !+$@  !$0!` !! '(@ $d`(! $s !܏؏ԏЏ̏ȏď`!'<'!'@D!' !@,$@0BC$0B@0BT@T @ !!` C$b0B@!$$d@(!$h\d@(!$0B@!0B@0B@$\T$X @9` @0!T@ !' @!@!@)' "@ $ `(!@&1V+B+C%@+@$$D R+@&bD询 @!@<840,($ 'H<'{!'د <4$  < '(<'{P!8!0! $ <'{0!D(! $<'{!'د$ ! '$ '(<'z!'ȯ0,($ `! !R@!\@` ! '"@ $b@0s, !20,($ !'8<'z!'ȯ0,($ `! !@!R` !@' 0!#` $b@0s, !20,($ !'8<'y`!'ȯ0,($ `! !@!R` !@' 0!#` $b@0s, !20,($ !'8<'x!'௿$(, '$P D<'x`!'ȯ0,($ <4I$-!!!0! 8!H" @! S(*@!B*(%$-$+0!b$@!<  !  8! @!s(*C*(%0 #,($ `!'8<'wP!'د   '(<'w!!@!H!P!`p!+@{4G+@D!<4BG+@$$D!C$ f!C0# DF#NbH%pP D( 1L$(0D0%X+( `0!+@$+@^0# 1H8D8%,X+ ` 8!+@%)+@%)I(%h!  !(# #+ #!!+@(!4F+@,<4BF+@$$D!C$ e!C0#F # +@$+@(!$Z$4J+@`<-B,E(D!C$ e!C0#F #*H#$  D1O( $`0D0%X+( `0!+@%+@0# 1H8D8%/X+ ` 8!+@%)+@ %) I(%8#0#+0#*'(# #+ #"$F 4PJ+@-B<4BJ+@$$,E(D!C$ e!C0#F #b@%Xdl 1CH% $px8D8%(h+l ` P8!+@$+@%8!8# 1$(0D0%h+ ` 0!+@$+@0!$E(%0#+@fh!+@ $,,F0PX Dh 1OCH% $h8D8%(`+h ` p8!+@$+@%8!8# 1$(0D0%`+ ` 0!+@$+@ $0! 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BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use, and BusyBox will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: , [-o] [-v] [-p] [-t] [-x] ARCHIVE FILES Extract or list FILES from an ar archive. Options: -o preserve original dates -p extract to stdout -t list -x extract -v verbosely list files processed[-fqbDUA] [-c count] [-w timeout] [-I device] [-s sender] target Ping hosts by ARP requests/replies. Options: -f Quit on first ARP reply -q Be quiet -b Keep broadcasting, don't go unicast -D Duplicated address detection mode -U Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours -A ARP answer mode, update your neighbours -c count Stop after sending count ARP request packets -w timeout Time to wait for ARP reply, in seconds -I device Outgoing interface name, default is eth0 -s sender Set specific sender IP address target Target IP address of ARP request[OPTION]... [program-text] [FILE ...] Options: -v var=val assign value 'val' to variable 'var' -F sep use 'sep' as field separator -f progname read program source from file 'progname'FILE [SUFFIX] Strips directory path and suffixes from FILE. If specified, also removes any trailing SUFFIX.[OPTION]... [FILE] Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-' or omitted). Options: -c Write output to standard output -f ForceFILE Uncompress to stdout.[-u] [FILE]... Concatenates FILE(s) and prints them to stdout. Options: -u ignored since unbuffered i/o is always used[OPTION]... GROUP FILE... Change the group membership of each FILE to GROUP. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively.[-R] MODE[,MODE]... FILE... Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and one or more of the letters rwxst. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively.[ -Rh ]... OWNER[<.|:>[GROUP]] FILE... Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively. -h Do not dereference symbolic links.NEWROOT [COMMAND...] Run COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT. Clear screen.[-l] [-s] FILE1 [FILE2] Compare files. Compares FILE1 vs stdin if FILE2 is not specified. Options: -l Write the byte numbers (decimal) and values (octal) for all differing bytes. -s quiet mode - do not print[OPTION]... SOURCE DEST Copies SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. -a Same as -dpR -d Preserves links -p Preserves file attributes if possible -f force (implied; ignored) - always set -i interactive, prompt before overwrite -R,-r Copies directories recursively-[dimtuv][F cpiofile] Extract or list files from a cpio archive Main operation mode: d make leading directories i extract m preserve mtime t list v verbose u unconditional overwrite F input from file[-c dir] {file|-}|[-u|-l|-e|-d user] file replace crontab from file - replace crontab from stdin -u user specify user -l [user] list crontab for user -e [user] edit crontab for user -d [user] delete crontab for user -c dir specify crontab directory[OPTION]... [FILE]... Prints selected fields from each input FILE to standard output. Options: -b LIST Output only bytes from LIST -c LIST Output only characters from LIST -d CHAR Use CHAR instead of tab as the field delimiter -s Output only the lines containing delimiter -f N Print only these fields -n Ignored[OPTION]... [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] [+FORMAT] Displays the current time in the given FORMAT, or sets the system date. Options: -R Outputs RFC-822 compliant date string -d STRING Displays time described by STRING, not `now' -I[TIMESPEC] Outputs an ISO-8601 compliant date/time string. TIMESPEC=`date' (or missing) for date only, `hours', `minutes', or `seconds' for date and, time to the indicated precision. -s Sets time described by STRING -r FILE Displays the last modification time of FILE -u Prints or sets Coordinated Universal Time[if=FILE] [of=FILE] [bs=N] [count=N] [skip=N] [seek=N] [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync] Copy a file, converting and formatting according to options if=FILE read from FILE instead of stdin of=FILE write to FILE instead of stdout bs=N read and write N bytes at a time count=N copy only N input blocks skip=N skip N input blocks seek=N skip N output blocks conv=notrunc don't truncate output file conv=noerror continue after read errors conv=sync pad blocks with zeros Numbers may be suffixed by c (x1), w (x2), b (x512), kD (x1000), k (x1024), MD (x1000000), M (x1048576), GD (x1000000000) or G (x1073741824).[-hmk] [FILESYSTEM ...] Print the filesystem space used and space available. Options: -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m print sizes in megabytes -k print sizes in kilobytes(default)FILENAME Strips non-directory suffix from FILENAME[-c] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] Prints or controls the kernel ring buffer Options: -c Clears the ring buffer's contents after printing -n LEVEL Sets console logging level -s SIZE Use a buffer of size SIZE[option] [FILE] Converts FILE from dos format to unix format. When no option is given, the input is converted to the opposite output format. When no file is given, uses stdin for input and stdout for output. Options: -u output will be in UNIX format -d output will be in DOS format[-cefxX] FILE [argument] Perform actions on Debian packages (.debs) Options: -c List contents of filesystem tree -e Extract control files to [argument] directory -f Display control field name starting with [argument] -x Extract packages filesystem tree to directory -X Verbose extract[-aHLdclsxhmk] [FILE]... Summarizes disk space used for each FILE and/or directory. Disk space is printed in units of 1024 bytes. Options: -a show sizes of files in addition to directories -H follow symbolic links that are FILE command line args -L follow all symbolic links encountered -d N limit output to directories (and files with -a) of depth < N -c output a grand total -l count sizes many times if hard linked -s display only a total for each argument -x skip directories on different filesystems -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m print sizes in megabytes -k print sizes in kilobytes(default)> keymap Prints out a binary keyboard translation table to standard output.[-neE] [ARG ...] Prints the specified ARGs to stdout Options: -n suppress trailing newline -e interpret backslash-escaped characters (i.e., \t=tab) -E disable interpretation of backslash-escaped characters[-iu] [-] [name=value]... [command] Prints the current environment or runs a program after setting up the specified environment. Options: -, -i start with an empty environment -u remove variable from the environmentEXPRESSION Prints the value of EXPRESSION to standard output. EXPRESSION may be: ARG1 | ARG2 ARG1 if it is neither null nor 0, otherwise ARG2 ARG1 & ARG2 ARG1 if neither argument is null or 0, otherwise 0 ARG1 < ARG2 ARG1 is less than ARG2 ARG1 <= ARG2 ARG1 is less than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 = ARG2 ARG1 is equal to ARG2 ARG1 != ARG2 ARG1 is unequal to ARG2 ARG1 >= ARG2 ARG1 is greater than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 > ARG2 ARG1 is greater than ARG2 ARG1 + ARG2 arithmetic sum of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 - ARG2 arithmetic difference of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 * ARG2 arithmetic product of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 / ARG2 arithmetic quotient of ARG1 divided by ARG2 ARG1 % ARG2 arithmetic remainder of ARG1 divided by ARG2 STRING : REGEXP anchored pattern match of REGEXP in STRING match STRING REGEXP same as STRING : REGEXP substr STRING POS LENGTH substring of STRING, POS counted from 1 index STRING CHARS index in STRING where any CHARS is found, or 0 length STRING length of STRING quote TOKEN interpret TOKEN as a string, even if it is a keyword like `match' or an operator like `/' ( EXPRESSION ) value of EXPRESSION Beware that many operators need to be escaped or quoted for shells. Comparisons are arithmetic if both ARGs are numbers, else lexicographical. Pattern matches return the string matched between \( and \) or null; if \( and \) are not used, they return the number of characters matched or 0. Return an exit code of FALSE (1).[options] [mode] Show and modify frame buffer settings[-n] DEVICE Low-level formats a floppy disk Options: -n Don't verify after format[PATH...] [EXPRESSION] Search for files in a directory hierarchy. The default PATH is the current directory; default EXPRESSION is '-print' EXPRESSION may consist of: -follow Dereference symbolic links. -name PATTERN File name (leading directories removed) matches PATTERN. -print Print (default and assumed). -type X Filetype matches X (where X is one of: f,d,l,b,c,...) -perm PERMS Permissions match any of (+NNN); all of (-NNN); or exactly (NNN) -mtime TIME Modified time is greater than (+N); less than (-N); or exactly (N) days -newer FILE Modified time is more recent than FILE's -inum N File has inode number N[-bsw] [FILE] Wrap input lines in each FILE (standard input by default), writing to standard output. Options: -b count bytes rather than columns -s break at spaces -w use WIDTH columns instead of 80 Displays the amount of free and used system memory[options] remote-host local-file remote-file Retrieve a remote file via FTP. Options: -c, --continue Continue a previous transfer -v, --verbose Verbose -u, --username Username to be used -p, --password Password to be used -P, --port Port number to be used[options] remote-host remote-file local-file Store a local file on a remote machine via FTP. Options: -v, --verbose Verbose -u, --username Username to be used -p, --password Password to be used -P, --port Port number to be used[OPTIONS]... baud_rate,... line [termtype] Opens a tty, prompts for a login name, then invokes /bin/login Options: -h Enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. -i Do not display /etc/issue before running login. -L Local line, so do not do carrier detect. -m Get baud rate from modem's CONNECT status message. -w Wait for a CR or LF before sending /etc/issue. -n Do not prompt the user for a login name. -f issue_file Display issue_file instead of /etc/issue. -l login_app Invoke login_app instead of /bin/login. -t timeout Terminate after timeout if no username is read. -I initstring Sets the init string to send before anything else. -H login_host Log login_host into the utmp file as the hostname.[-ihHnqvs] PATTERN [FILEs...] Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. Options: -H prefix output lines with filename where match was found -h suppress the prefixing filename on output -i ignore case distinctions -l list names of files that match -n print line number with output lines -q be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise -v select non-matching lines -s suppress file open/read error messages[OPTION]... FILE Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-'). Options: -c Write output to standard output -f Force read when source is a terminal -t Test compressed file integrity[OPTION]... [FILE]... Compress FILE(s) with maximum compression. When FILE is '-' or unspecified, reads standard input. Implies -c. Options: -c Write output to standard output instead of FILE.gz -d Decompress -f Force write when destination is a terminal[-d] Halt the system. Options: -d delay interval for halting.[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Options: -n NUM Print first NUM lines instead of first 10 -c NUM output the first NUM bytes -q never output headers giving file names -v always output headers giving file names Print out a unique 32-bit identifier for the machine.[OPTION] {hostname | -F FILE} Get or set the hostname or DNS domain name. If a hostname is given (or FILE with the -F parameter), the host name will be set. Options: -s Short -i Addresses for the hostname -d DNS domain name -f Fully qualified domain name -F FILE Use the contents of FILE to specify the hostname[-r|--show] [-s|--hctosys] [-w|--systohc] [-l|--localtime] [-u|--utc] Query and set the hardware clock (RTC) Options: -r read hardware clock and print result -s set the system time from the hardware clock -w set the hardware clock to the current system time -u the hardware clock is kept in coordinated universal time -l the hardware clock is kept in local time[OPTIONS]... [USERNAME] Print information for USERNAME or the current user Options: -g prints only the group ID -u prints only the user ID -n print a name instead of a number -r prints the real user ID instead of the effective ID[-a] [
] configure a network interface Options: [add
[/]] [del
[/]] [[-]broadcast [
]] [[-]pointopoint [
]] [netmask
] [dstaddr
] [outfill ] [keepalive ] [hw ether
] [metric ] [mtu ] [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti] [multicast] [[-]promisc] [txqueuelen ] [[-]dynamic] [mem_start ] [io_addr ] [irq ] [up|down] ... Init is the parent of all processes.[-cgmops] [sources] Copies files and set attributes Options: -c copy the file, default -d create directories -g set group ownership -m set permission modes -o set ownership -p preserve date -s strip symbol tables[OPTION]...
[[/]] [NETMASK] Calculate IP network settings from a IP address Options: -b --broadcast Display calculated broadcast address. -n --network Display calculated network address. -m --netmask Display default netmask for IP.[-signal] process-id [process-id ...] Send a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es). Options: -l List all signal names and numbers.[-q] [-signal] process-name [process-name ...] Send a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es). Options: -l List all signal names and numbers. -q Do not complain if no processes were killed.[-c n] [-n] Kernel logger. Options: -c n Sets the default log level of console messages to n. -n Run as a foreground process.STRING Prints out the length of the specified STRING.[OPTION] TARGET... LINK_NAME|DIRECTORY Create a link named LINK_NAME or DIRECTORY to the specified TARGET You may use '--' to indicate that all following arguments are non-options. Options: -s make symbolic links instead of hard links -f remove existing destination files -n no dereference symlinks - treat like normal file< font Loads a console font from standard input.< keymap Loads a binary keyboard translation table from standard input.[OPTION]... [MESSAGE] Write MESSAGE to the system log. If MESSAGE is omitted, log stdin. Options: -s Log to stderr as well as the system log. -t TAG Log using the specified tag (defaults to user name). -p PRIORITY Enter the message with the specified priority. This may be numerical or a ``facility.level'' pair.[OPTION]... [username] [ENV=VAR ...] Begin a new session on the system Options: -f Do not authenticate (user already authenticated) -h Name of the remote host for this login. -p Preserve environment. Print the name of the current user.[OPTION]... Shows the messages from syslogd (using circular buffer). Options: -f output data as the log grows[OPTION]... LOOPDEVICE FILE or: losetup [OPTION]... -d LOOPDEVICE Associate LOOPDEVICE with FILE. Options: -d Disassociate LOOPDEVICE. -o OFFSET Start OFFSET bytes into FILE.[-1AacCdeFilnpLRrSsTtuvwxXhk] [filenames...] List directory contents Options: -1 list files in a single column -A do not list implied . and .. -a do not hide entries starting with . -C list entries by columns -c with -l: show ctime -d list directory entries instead of contents -e list both full date and full time -F append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries -i list the i-node for each file -l use a long listing format -n list numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of names -p append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries -L list entries pointed to by symbolic links -R list subdirectories recursively -r sort the listing in reverse order -S sort the listing by file size -s list the size of each file, in blocks -T NUM assume Tabstop every NUM columns -t with -l: show modification time -u with -l: show access time -v sort the listing by version -w NUM assume the terminal is NUM columns wide -x list entries by lines instead of by columns -X sort the listing by extension -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR FIRST LAST [s] Creates a range of block or character special files TYPEs include: b: Make a block (buffered) device. c or u: Make a character (un-buffered) device. p: Make a named pipe. MAJOR and MINOR are ignored for named pipes. FIRST specifies the number appended to NAME to create the first device. LAST specifies the number of the last item that should be created. If 's' is the last argument, the base device is created as well. For example: makedevs /dev/ttyS c 4 66 2 63 -> ttyS2-ttyS63 makedevs /dev/hda b 3 0 0 8 s -> hda,hda1-hda8[OPTION] [FILEs...] or: md5sum [OPTION] -c [FILE] Print or check MD5 checksums. Options: With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. -c check MD5 sums against given list The following two options are useful only when verifying checksums: -s don't output anything, status code shows success -w warn about improperly formated MD5 checksum lines[OPTION] DIRECTORY... Create the DIRECTORY(ies) if they do not already exist Options: -m set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask -p no error if existing, make parent directories as needed[OPTIONS] NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR Create a special file (block, character, or pipe). Options: -m create the special file using the specified mode (default a=rw) TYPEs include: b: Make a block (buffered) device. c or u: Make a character (un-buffered) device. p: Make a named pipe. MAJOR and MINOR are ignored for named pipes.[-dq] TEMPLATE Creates a temporary file with its name based on TEMPLATE. TEMPLATE is any name with six `Xs' (i.e., /tmp/temp.XXXXXX). Options: -d Make a directory instead of a file -q Fail silently if an error occurs[FILE ...] More is a filter for viewing FILE one screenful at a time.[flags] DEVICE NODE [-o options,more-options] Mount a filesystem. Autodetection of filesystem type requires the /proc filesystem be already mounted. Flags: -a: Mount all filesystems in fstab. -o option: One of many filesystem options, listed below. -r: Mount the filesystem read-only. -t fs-type: Specify the filesystem type. -w: Mount for reading and writing (default). Options for use with the "-o" flag: async/sync: Writes are asynchronous / synchronous. atime/noatime: Enable / disable updates to inode access times. dev/nodev: Allow use of special device files / disallow them. exec/noexec: Allow use of executable files / disallow them. loop: Mounts a file via loop device. suid/nosuid: Allow set-user-id-root programs / disallow them. remount: Re-mount a mounted filesystem, changing its flags. ro/rw: Mount for read-only / read-write. bind: Use the linux 2.4.x "bind" feature. There are EVEN MORE flags that are specific to each filesystem. You'll have to see the written documentation for those filesystems.[OPTION]... SOURCE DEST or: mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. Options: -f don't prompt before overwriting -i interactive, prompt before overwrite[OPTIONS] [IP] [port] Netcat opens a pipe to IP:port Options: -l listen mode, for inbound connects -p PORT local port number -i SECS delay interval for lines sent -e PROG program to exec after connect (dangerous!)[-laenrtuwx] Netstat displays Linux networking information. Options: -l display listening server sockets -a display all sockets (default: connected) -e display other/more information -n don't resolve names -r display routing table -t tcp sockets -u udp sockets -w raw sockets -x unix sockets[HOST] [SERVER] Queries the nameserver for the IP address of the given HOST optionally using a specified DNS server[-p] [-p]process-name [OPTION] [process-name ...] Lists the PIDs of all processes with names that match the names on the command line. Options: -s display only a single PID.[OPTION]... host Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. Options: -c COUNT Send only COUNT pings. -s SIZE Send SIZE data bytes in packets (default=56). -q Quiet mode, only displays output at start and when finished.NEW_ROOT PUT_OLD Move the current root file system to PUT_OLD and make NEW_ROOT the new root file system.[-d] Halt the system and request that the kernel shut off the power. Options: -d delay interval for shutting off.FORMAT [ARGUMENT...] Formats and prints ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, Where FORMAT controls the output exactly as in C printf. Report process status This version of ps accepts no options. Print the full filename of the current working directory. Displays the value of a symbolic link.pathname ... Returns the absolute pathnames of given argument.[-d] Reboot the system. Options: -d delay interval for rebooting.priority pid [pid ...] Changes priority of running processes. Allowed priorities range from 20 (the process runs only when nothing else is running) to 0 (default priority) to -20 (almost nothing else ever gets to run). Resets the screen.[OPTION]... FILE... Remove (unlink) the FILE(s). You may use '--' to indicate that all following arguments are non-options. Options: -i always prompt before removing each destination -f remove existing destinations, never prompt -r or -R remove the contents of directories recursively[OPTION]... DIRECTORY... Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.[{add|del|delete}] Edit the kernel's routing tables. Options: -n Dont resolve names. -e Display other/more information. -A inet{6} Select address family.-i -q[ildc]p package.rpm Manipulates RPM packages Options: -i Install package -q Query package -p Query uninstalled package -i Show information -l List contents -d List documents -c List config filespackage.rpm Outputs a cpio archive of the rpm file.[-efinr] pattern [files...] Options: -e script add the script to the commands to be executed -f scriptfile add script-file contents to the commands to be executed -i edit files in-place -n suppress automatic printing of pattern space -r use extended regular expression syntax If no -e or -f is given, the first non-option argument is taken as the sed script to interpret. All remaining arguments are names of input files; if no input files are specified, then the standard input is read. Source files will not be modified unless -i option is given.[first [increment]] last Print numbers from FIRST to LAST, in steps of INCREMENT. FIRST, INCREMENT default to 1 Arguments: LAST FIRST LAST FIRST INCREMENT LASTSCANCODE KEYCODE ... Set entries into the kernel's scancode-to-keycode map, allowing unusual keyboards to generate usable keycodes. SCANCODE may be either xx or e0xx (hexadecimal), and KEYCODE is given in decimal[N]... Pause for a time equal to the total of the args given, where each arg can have an optional suffix of (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays.[-n] [FILE]... Sorts lines of text in the specified files Options: -n sort numerics[-afo] [-n length] [file ... ] Display printable strings in a binary file. Options: -a Scan the whole files (this is the default). -f Precede each string with the name of the file where it was found. -n N Specifies that at least N characters forms a sequence (default 4) -o Each string is preceded by its decimal offset in the file.[-a|g] [-F DEVICE] [SETTING]... Without arguments, prints baud rate, line discipline, and deviations from stty sane. Options: -F DEVICE open device instead of stdin -a print all current settings in human-readable form -g print in stty-readable form [SETTING] see manpage Write all buffered filesystem blocks to disk.[OPTION]... Linux system and kernel logging utility. Note that this version of syslogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf. Options: -m MIN Minutes between MARK lines (default=20, 0=off) -n Run as a foreground process -O FILE Use an alternate log file (default=/var/log/messages) -S Make logging output smaller. -C [size(KiB)] Log to a circular buffer (read the buffer using logread)[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Options: -c N[kbm] output the last N bytes -n N[kbm] print last N lines instead of last 10 -f output data as the file grows -q never output headers giving file names -s SEC wait SEC seconds between reads with -f -v always output headers giving file names If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a '+', output begins with the Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items in the file. N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).-[czjZxtvO] [-f TARFILE] [-C DIR] [FILE(s)] ... Create, extract, or list files from a tar file. Options: c create x extract t list Archive format selection: z Filter the archive through gzip j Filter the archive through bzip2 Z Filter the archive through compress File selection: f name of TARFILE or "-" for stdin O extract to stdout C change to directory DIR before operation v verbosely list files processed[OPTION]... [FILE]... Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output. Options: -a append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite -i ignore interrupt signals (SIGINT)[-a] [-l USER] HOST [PORT] Telnet is used to establish interactive communication with another computer over a network using the TELNET protocol. Options: -a Attempt an automatic login with the USER variable. -l USER Attempt an automatic login with the USER argument. HOST The official name, alias or the IP address of the remote host. PORT The remote port number to connect to. If it is not specified, the default telnet (23) port is used.[OPTION] Telnetd listens for incoming TELNET connections on PORT. Options: -p PORT listen for connections on PORT (default 23) -l LOGIN exec LOGIN on connect (default /bin/sh) -f issue_file Display issue_file instead of /etc/issue.EXPRESSION or [ EXPRESSION ] Checks file types and compares values returning an exit code determined by the value of EXPRESSION.[OPTION]... COMMAND [ARGS...] Runs the program COMMAND with arguments ARGS. When COMMAND finishes, COMMAND's resource usage information is displayed Options: -v Displays verbose resource usage information.[-d ] top provides an view of processor activity in real time. This utility reads the status for all processes in /proc each and shows the status for however many processes will fit on the screen. This utility will not show processes that are started after program startup, but it will show the EXIT status for and PIDs that exit while it is running.[-c] FILE [FILE ...] Update the last-modified date on the given FILE[s]. Options: -c Do not create any files[-cds] STRING1 [STRING2] Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, writing to standard output. Options: -c take complement of STRING1 -d delete input characters coded STRING1 -s squeeze multiple output characters of STRING2 into one character[-dnrv] [-m max_ttl] [-p port#] [-q nqueries] [-s src_addr] [-t tos] [-w wait] host [data size] trace the route ip packets follow going to "host" Options: -d set SO_DEBUG options to socket -n Print hop addresses numerically rather than symbolically -r Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host -v Verbose output -m max_ttl Set the max time-to-live (max number of hops) -p port# Set the base UDP port number used in probes (default is 33434) -q nqueries Set the number of probes per ``ttl'' to nqueries (default is 3) -s src_addr Use the following IP address as the source address -t tos Set the type-of-service in probe packets to the following value (default 0) -w wait Set the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe (default 3 sec.). Return an exit code of TRUE (0). Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. Options: -s print nothing, only return an exit status[-fbnqv] [-c CLIENTID] [-H HOSTNAME] [-i INTERFACE] [-p pidfile] [-r IP] [-s script] -c, --clientid=CLIENTID Client identifier -H, --hostname=HOSTNAME Client hostname -h, Alias for -H -f, --foreground Do not fork after getting lease -b, --background Fork to background if lease cannot be immediately negotiated. -i, --interface=INTERFACE Interface to use (default: eth0) -n, --now Exit with failure if lease cannot be immediately negotiated. -p, --pidfile=file Store process ID of daemon in file -q, --quit Quit after obtaining lease -r, --request=IP IP address to request (default: none) -s, --script=file Run file at dhcp events (default: /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script) -v, --version Display version[flags] FILESYSTEM|DIRECTORY Unmount file systems Flags: -a Unmount all file systems -r Try to remount devices as read-only if mount is busy -f Force umount (i.e., unreachable NFS server) -l Do not free loop device (if a loop device has been used)[OPTION]... Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s. Options: -a print all information -m the machine (hardware) type -n print the machine's network node hostname -r print the operating system release -s print the operating system name -p print the host processor type -v print the operating system version[-c] [-f] [ name ... ] Uncompress .Z file[s] Options: -c extract to stdout -f force overwrite an existing file[OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]] Discard all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT (or standard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output). Options: -c prefix lines by the number of occurrences -d only print duplicate lines -u only print unique lines -f N skip the first N fields -s N skip the first N chars (after any skipped fields)[option] [FILE] Converts FILE from unix format to dos format. When no option is given, the input is converted to the opposite output format. When no file is given, uses stdin for input and stdout for output. Options: -u output will be in UNIX format -d output will be in DOS format[-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir] Extracts files from ZIP archives. Options: -l list archive contents (short form) -n never overwrite existing files (default) -o overwrite files without prompting -p send output to stdout -q be quiet -x exclude these files -d extract files into this directory Display the time since the last boot.N Pause for N microseconds.[OPTION] [FILE]... edit FILE. Options: -R Read-only- do not write to the file.[-n ] COMMAND... Executes a program periodically. Options: -n Loop period in seconds - default is 2.[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print line, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if more than one FILE is specified. With no FILE, read standard input. Options: -c print the byte counts -l print the newline counts -L print the length of the longest line -w print the word counts[-c|--continue] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document file] [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off] [-P DIR] url wget retrieves files via HTTP or FTP Options: -c continue retrieval of aborted transfers -q quiet mode - do not print -P Set directory prefix to DIR -O save to filename ('-' for stdout) -Y use proxy ('on' or 'off')[COMMAND ...] Locates a COMMAND. Prints the current user names and related information Prints the user name associated with the current effective user id.[COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [ARGS...] Executes COMMAND on every item given by standard input. Options: -r Do not run command for empty readed lines -x Exit if the size is exceeded -0 Input filenames are terminated by a null character -t Print the command line on stderr before executing it.[OPTION]... [STRING]... Repeatedly outputs a line with all specified STRING(s), or 'y'.FILE Uncompress to stdout.[arpingashawkbasenamebunzip2busyboxbzcatcatchgrpchmodchownchrootclearcmpcpcrontabcutdatedfdirnamedmesgdos2unixdpkg-debdudumpkmapechoegrepenvexprfalsefbsetfdformatfgrepfindfoldfreeftpgetftpputgettygrepgunzipgziphaltheadhostidhostnamehwclockifconfiginitinstallipcalckillkillallklogdlinuxrclnloadfontloadkmaploggerloginlognamelogreadlosetuplsmakedevsmd5summkdirmknodmktempmoremountmvnetstatnslookuppidofpingpivot_rootpoweroffprintfpspwdreadlinkrealpathrebootreniceresetrmrmdirrouterpmrpm2cpiosedseqsetkeycodessleepsortstringssttysyslogdtailtarteetelnettelnetdtesttoptouchtraceroutetruettyudhcpcumountunameuncompressuniqunix2dosunzipuptimeusleepviwatchwcwgetwhichwhowhoamixargsyeszcat%s Usage: %s %s %s No help available. --helpThis applet requires root priviledges!%s %d/%d%7d %s %s p~tx:t~px:x~ptptxovc!Archive creation not supported. Install binutils 'ar'.Invalid ar magiccfCouldn't remove %scompressed data not read from terminal. Use -f to force it.Invalid extensionituvF:dmdata.tar.gzcontrol.tar.gzdata.tar.bz2control.tar.bz2c~efXx:e~cfXx:f~ceXx:X~cefx:x~cefXcefXx./control./DEBIANcftdCouldn't stat file %s/dev/null.Z.tgzError inflatingInvalid magic      cf123456789dqcompressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.Unsupported RPM header versionInvalid RPM header magicInvalid gzip magicInvalid RPM magic.rpmorigiqpldcError reading rpm header%s-%s-%s (not relocateable)Name : %-29sRelocations: %s (none)Version : %-34sVendor: %s %a %d %b %Y %T %ZRelease : %-30sBuild Date: %s Install date: %-30sBuild Host: %s (not installed)Group : %-30sSource RPM: %s Size : %-33dLicense: %s URL : %s Summary : %s Description : %s %s%s @@(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@txC:f:OpvkchjT:X:zZlistextractdirectoryto-stdoutsame-permissionsverbosekeep-oldcreatedereferencebzip2files-fromexclude-fromcompress%0*lo%s: socket ignored%s: file is the archive; skippingRemoving leading '/' from member namesustar root%s: Unknown file type%s: Cannot openCouldnt stat tar fileFailed to create gzip pipe/bin/gzip-fCould not exec gzip processFailed to vfork gzip processError exit delayed from previous errorsCouldnt wait ?-%sc~tx:t~cx:x~ct:X*:T*Cowardly refusing to create an empty archiveCouldnt chdir to %sCreating bzip2 compressed archives is not currently supported.%s: Not found in archive inflating: %s %9u %02u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u %s lnopqd:Archive: %s Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ----Couldnt chdirInvlaide zip magicUnsupported compression method %d Invalid compressed data--crc errorInvalid compressed data--length error -------- -------%9d %d files @10@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@1L@3@18@1`@1l@1xUnrecognised file typeCouldnt remove old file%s not created: newer or same age file existsCouldnt stat old fileCouldnt remove old file %sCouldnt create hard linkextract_archive: %sCannot create symlink from %s to '%s'Cannot create node %s%s %d/%d%10u %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %s -> %sShort readSeek failureCan't create pipeFork failedInvalid ar headerCant resolve long filenameDecompression failedData integrity error when decompressing.Compressed file ends unexpectedlyneed to fix this 07070Unsupported cpio format, use newc or crc%6c%8x%8x%8x%8x%8x%8lx%8lx%16c%8x%8x%8x%8cTRAILER!!!%d blocks %s not created: cannot resolve hardlinkerror resolving hardlink: did you create the archive with GNU cpio 2.0-2.2?ustarInvalid tar header checksumInvalid tar magicUnknown typeflag: 0x%xIgnoring GNU extension type %cpax is not tarUnknown compression method %d??       !1Aa  0@`cc #+3;CScsinflate_codes error 1inflate_codes error 2Incomplete literal treeincomplete distance treebad block type %d inflate error %dwritecrc errorIncorrect lengthcompressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bitsinsize:%d posbits:%d inbuf:%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X (%d)uncompress: corrupt inputShort read, read %d of %dinvalid mode: %sRhcannot change root directory to %scannot execute %sSHELL-icmp: EOF on %s %.0s%.0s%d %3o %3o %s %s differ: char %d, line %d slpdRfiarb:c:f:d:snb~bcf:c~bcf:f~bcfyou must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fieldsonly one type of list may be specifiedHelp ntok is null for starting position! What do I do? invalid byte or field listmissing list of positionsthe delimiter must be a single charactersuppressing non-delimited lines makes sense only when operating on fieldsa delimiter may be specified only when operating on fieldsd~ds:s~dsRs:ud:r:I::%d:%d:%d%d.%d-%d:%d:%d%d.%d-%d:%d%d.%d.%d-%d:%d:%d%d.%d.%d-%d:%dTZ=UTC0%f%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%ShoursminutessecondsFile '%s' not found. %2d%2d%2d%2d%d%2dcannot set date%Y-%m-%d%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z%Y-%m-%dT%HZ%Y-%m-%dT%H%zbkDMDGDbs=count=seek=skip=if=of=conv=notruncnoerrorinvalid conversion `%s'%ld+%ld records in %ld+%ld records out 1k-blocksrootfs1M-blocks%s: can't find mount point./dev/root%-21s%9s %9s %9s %3ld%% %s h-km:k-hm:m-hkhmk SizeFilesystem%11s%-15sUsed Available Use%% Mounted on abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789rww+unique name not foundunable to rename '%s' as '%s'%s %s POSIXLY_CORRECTh-km:k-hm:m-hk:H-L:L-H:s-d:d-saHkLsxd:lchmtotalneEignore-environmentunsetu*+iu:putenvnon-numeric argumentdivision by zerowarning: unportable BRE: `%s': using `^' as the first character of a basic regular expression is not portable; it is being ignored&syntax errortoo few argumentsquotematchindexsubstr(*+<===!=>=>bsw: ==> %s <== n:c:qv%lx %cid=%u%cid=%u(%s)u~g:g~urnug%u preserve-timestampsstripgroupowner-1s~d:d~s0755cdpsg:m:o:coulnt create %scannot change ownership of %scannot change permissions of %sstrip failedsfngetlogin @` 0@!`P` Cadil1gnsxAkcetuSXrvFpLRhT:w:###"##$# |/@=%7ld %-8d %-8d%1c%4ld %-10s %4d, %3d %9ld %24.24s %6.6s %5.5s %4.4s [%d;%dm -> %s: %02xscwthe -w option is meaningful only when verifying checksums%s: OK the -s option is meaningful only when verifying checksumsonly one argument may be specified when using -cInvalid format%s: FAILED WARNING: %d of %d computed checksums did NOT matchCouldnt close file %s%s %s parentsm:pinvalid mode `%s' `pcubcannot overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectorynon-cannot remove `%s'interactiveforcefif-i:i-fmv: overwrite `%s'? unable to rename `%s'-+ #fiRrcannot remove `.' or `..'%g ?nruBintrquiteraseeol2stopsusprprntweraselnextflushparenbparoddcs5cs6cs7cs8hupclhupcstopbcreadclocalcrtsctsignbrkbrkintignparparmrkinpckistripinlcrigncricrnlixonixofftandemiuclcixanyimaxbelopostolcucocrnlonlcronocronlretofillofdelnl1nl0cr3cr2cr1cr0tab3tab2tab1tab0bs1bs0vt1vt0ff1ff0isigicanoniextenechoecrteraseechokechonlnoflshxcasetostopechoprtprteraseechoctlctlechoechokecrtkill%d %d rows %d; columns %d;COLUMNS%s = %s;min = %d; time = %d;min = %d; time = %d; %lx:%lx:%lx:%lx:%xagF:ispeedonly one device may be specifiedverbose and stty-readable output styles are mutually exclusivemodes may not be set when specifying an output style%s: couldn't reset non-blocking mode^-undefmissing argument to `%s'ospeedrowscolscolumnssizespeed%lx:%lx:%lx:%lx%n:%x%ninvalid argument `%s'%s: unable to perform all requested operationstimeminswtcheoleofdeccrtLCASElcasetabsdecctlqcbreaklitoutpass8rawcookedsaneeknloddpparityevenp %s%s: no size information for this device%lu %lu ispeed %lu baud; ospeed %lu baud;%lu speed %lu baud; ==> %s <== fn:c:qs:vreadno filesiawa-r-w-x-e-d-c-b-p-u-g-k-t-z-n-h-O-G-L-S-eq-ne-ge-gt-le-lt-nt-ot-ef-a-o%s: bad number%s: out of rangeargument expectedclosing paren expectedmissing ]unknown operandALANANALxALxALxALxALALAMAM4AMPAMAMAMAN,ANdASASASATATATAT$AT,AT4AT>>|++--++--$===+=-=*=/=%=^=+-**=**/%^*!=>=<=><!~~&&||?:in,|+-!]{}; ifdoforbreakcontinuedeleteprintprintfnextnextfilereturnexitwhileelseclosesystemfflushatan2cosexpintlograndsinsqrtsrandgensubgsubindexlengthmatchsplitsprintfsubsubstrsystimestrftimetolowertouppergetlinefuncfunctionBEGINENDAAAAAAApAAAAAAAAAAAAּAAּAɠA,AĄAƜAAAנAAŠAAAAAAԈA$AԼA@AAAA A A A A A~hCRcdy><^%$0bBeEftH-k{L+j} invalid argument `%s' to `%s'option `%s' requires an argumentBxBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-follow-print-name-type-perm-mtime-xdevcould not stat '.'could not stat '%s'-newerfile %s not found-inum%s%c%i%cH-h:e*:f*:C-ABlnqvscFiHhe:f:LA:B:CEinvalid context length argument%s:%s: exited with status 255; aborting%s: stopped by signal %d%s: terminated by signal %dvforkargument line too longsingledoubleunmatched %s quote_+trn:s:e::x0can not fit single argument within argument list size limitargument list too longd:/sbin/reboot/bin/umount -a -r/sbin/swapoff -a/sbin/init/dev/tty2/dev/tty3/dev/tty4/etc/init.d/rcSHOME=/PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbinSHELL=/bin/shUSER=rootsysinitrespawnaskfirstwaitoncectrlaltdelshutdownrestart/dev/consoleError checking free memorydevice '%s' does not exist.Bummer, can't open %sCan't fork!~`!$^&*()=|\{}[];"'<>?exec Starting pid %d, console %s: '%s'Bummer, could not run '%s': %m The system is going down NOW !!Sending SIGTERM to all processes.Sending SIGKILL to all processes.Please stand by while rebooting the system.The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off powerexec of '%s' failed: %mMemory allocation failure/etc/inittabBad inittab entry: %sReloading /etc/inittab-qCONSOLEinit started: %s/etc/fstab/bin/mount -t proc proc /proc/sbin/swapon -aSorry, your computer does not have enough memory.Process '%s' (pid %d) exited. Scheduling it for restart./dev/ttyS%d/dev/tty%dlinuxTERM=vt102TERM=linux Please press Enter to activate this console. /var/spool/cron/crontabsUSERHOMEfailed to get uid for %schdir failed: %s %scron.updateuser %s unknownonly the superuser may specify a user-c option: superuser onlygetpwuidpipeunable to read replacement fileforkunable to open %scannot change dir to %sno crontab for %s/var/spool/cron/crontab.%d%s.newVISUAL/bin/vi%s %sexecunable to create %sunable to create %s/%sunable to append to %s/%s%s%dFailed to create: %s%s too large%s: afon:{%s}: %7lo real %E user %u sys %Treal %e user %U sys %S Command being timed: "%C" User time (seconds): %U System time (seconds): %S Percent of CPU this job got: %P Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): %E Average shared text size (kbytes): %X Average unshared data size (kbytes): %D Average stack size (kbytes): %p Average total size (kbytes): %K Maximum resident set size (kbytes): %M Average resident set size (kbytes): %t Major (requiring I/O) page faults: %F Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: %R Voluntary context switches: %w Involuntary context switches: %c Swaps: %W File system inputs: %I File system outputs: %O Socket messages sent: %s Socket messages received: %r Signals delivered: %k Page size (bytes): %Z Exit status: %xerror waiting for child processCommand terminated by signal %d Command exited with non-zero status %d cannot forkcannot run %sCommand stopped by signal %d %ldwrite error%ldm %ld.%02lds%lu%%?%%%ldh %ldm %02lds%ld.%02ld%s%d broadcast(s)%d request(s)Sent %d probes (%d broadcast(s)) Received %d repl%sies (BroadcastUnicastrequest%s from reply[%s]for %s for UNSOLICITED? %ld.%03ldms eth0h?bfDUAqc:w:s:I:Interface name `%s' must be less than %dWARNING: interface %s is ignoredWARNING: setsockopt(SO_DONTROUTE)Interface %s not foundSIOCGIFFLAGSInterface %s is downInterface %s is not ARPableinvalid or unknown target %sinvalid source address %sbindno src address in the non-DAD modegetsocknameInterface "%s" is not ARPable (no ll address)ARPING to %s from %s via %s recvfromcontinueusernamepasswordcmd %s%sfgets()PASVSIZE RETR PASV error: %sREST %ldftp error: %sSIZE error: %sfstat()RETR error: %sQUITCWD ALLO %luSTOR CWD error: %sALLO error: %sSTOR error: %sbusybox@anonymouscvu:p:P:tcpr+USER PASS PASS error: %sConnecting to %s[%s]:%d Couldnt open control streamUSER error: %sTYPE Iyou must be root to change the hostnamesethostnamedfisF:SIOCSIFMETRICSIOCSIFMTUSIOCSIFTXQLENSIOCSIFDSTADDRSIOCSIFNETMASKSIOCSIFBRDADDRSIOCSIFHWADDRSIOCSKEEPALIVESIOCSOUTFILLSIOCSIFMAPSIOCSIFADDRSIOCDIFADDRmetricmtutxqueuelendstaddrnetmaskbroadcasthwpointopointkeepaliveoutfillmem_startio_addrirqadddelarptrailerspromiscmulticastallmultidynamicupetherinvalid hw-addr %sSIOCSIFFLAGSsocket6SIOGIFINDEXnetworkmbnbad IP address: %sbad netmask: %sNETWORK=%s NETMASK=%s BROADCAST=%s lp:i:e:reuseaddr failedlistenacceptselectESTABLISHEDSYN_SENTSYN_RECVFIN_WAIT1FIN_WAIT2TIME_WAITCLOSECLOSE_WAITLAST_ACKLISTENCLOSING%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %ld %512s %08X%08X%08X%08Xtcp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s %Xwarning, got bogus tcp line.UNKNOWNudpudp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s warning, got bogus udp line.warning, got bogus raw line.rawraw %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s Inode%p: %lX %lX %lX %X %X %d %s??DGRAM[ FREEW %-5s %-6ld %-11s %-10s %-13s %-6d warning, got bogus unix line.STREAMRAWRDMSEQPACKETLISTENINGCONNECTINGCONNECTEDDISCONNECTINGN - ACC no support for `%s' on this system.laenrtuwxActive Internet connections /proc/net/tcp/proc/net/tcp6/proc/net/udp/proc/net/udp6/proc/net/raw/proc/net/raw6Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State (servers and established)(w/o servers)AF INET (tcp)AF INET6 (tcp)AF INET (udp)AF INET6 (udp)AF INET (raw)AF INET6 (raw) Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path/proc/net/unixAF UNIXC8$C9C9C9C9C8\C9C9C9C9C1.port must be >0.nprobes must be >0.tos must be 0 to 255.wait must be >1 sec.unknown host %spacket size must be 0 <= s < %d.SO_SNDBUFIP_HDRINCLtraceroute to %s (%s) from %s, %d hops max, %d byte packets %2d traceroute: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d packet too short (%d bytes) from %s %d bytes to %s %g ms !N *OUT-OF-RANGE %d bytes from %s to %s: icmp type %d (%s) code %d %2d: x%8.8lx %s (%s) ! !H !P !F !S@@C}CCCCCCCCC~PC~CC~C~C~CC CC PS4=+ eerrexitfnoglobIignoreeofiinteractivemmonitornnoexecsstdinxxtracevverboseCnoclobberaallexportbnotifyunounsetqquietprofileend of file);;`dodoneelifelseesacfithen}3.3:6alias2bg3break2cd0chdir3continue3eval3exec3exit7export2false2fg0hash0help2jobs2kill0let4local0pwd2read7readonly3return3set3shift3times3trap2true0type0ulimit2umask2unalias3unset2waittime(seconds)file(blocks)data(kbytes)stack(kbytes)coredump(blocks)memory(kbytes)locked memory(kbytes)nofilesvmemory(kbytes)builtinsh: turning off NDELAY mode You have stopped jobs. %s: %d: %d: %m/bin/busyboxCan't open %sOut of file descriptorsCannot set tty process group (%m)}%%###"$(...)"$(...)$((${#${"})) | ; && || if ; then ; fi; else while ; do ; doneuntil in () { ... }<<...case ) ;; esac>|>>>&<&<>Illegal option -%cNo arg for -%c option%s: %s not found unaliasLPNo such job: %sNo current jobjob %s not created under job controlNo previous job%s: ambiguouscan't shift that many%.*s: %s%s or nullparameter not set | %sIllegal option -o %sCurrent option settings %-16s%s %s=%s aliasUsage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus]ls:invalid signal number or name: %sinvalid signal number or exit status: %s%m (core dumped)Done(%d)Done[%d] [%d] %s%*c%s | %*c%d RunningSyntax error: %s%s unexpected (expecting %s)Bad fd numberIllegal eof marker for << redirectionMissing '))'Unterminated quoted stringMissing '}'Bad substitutionEOF in backquote substitutionBad for loop variableBad function name/dev/ttycan't access tty; job control turned off BusyBox v1.00 (2005.01.26-17:53+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. trap -- %s %s ???%s: bad trapCannot fork Built-in commands: ------------------- %c%s%.*s: is read only%.*s: bad variable nameOLDPWDPWDCDPATHcan't cd to %s%s%s%.*s%s vf%ldm%ld.%.3lds%cp:rIFSarg count%.4o Illegal mode: %sunlimited %lld HSatfdscmlpnvwtoo many argumentserror setting limit (%m)%-20s %lldexpression recursion loop detectedexponent less than 0divide by zeroexpression expectedPipe call failedDirectory nonexistentcannot create %s: %sNo such filecannot open %s: %sHISTFILE Use "exit" to leave shell. .profilePS1=\w \$ PPID-c requires an argument.ash_history/etc/profileENV%builtinfunc%s not defined in %s is an alias for %s is a shell keyword: not found a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell function is a %sshell builtinspecial HISTFILEPATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/binIFS= newlineredirectionword;&&&|||(!caseforifinuntilwhile{                    ()&|;@=Illegal number: %s%s: not found   %s <<=>>=<< >>,||&&!=*<=k>=K== |=B&="*=/=#%=C+=-=--3^=b++**/!0< >+=|& */.%N+ --^~,?:$)4(HOMED=D>0D>|D>|D>|D>|D>|D>|D=D>|D>|D>PD>|D=D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D>D?D@ D@dD@dD@dD@dD@dD@dD?D@dD@dD@DD@dD?D@tD@tD@D@D@D@D@D@D@D@D@DADeDfDfDfDgDfDfDfLDfDgDhDh DhDfDhdDhDiDDiDiDiDiDiDiDhDhDf}-+?=DDDDDDD,D,D@DpDD$DTDHDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDTDDDDDDD|DDDDDDugorwx@ =:EEE EEEEE*?[EEEEE E0E0ELELELEDEE8E8EEEEE,E,E EPEED[%dA[%dC[%dD `"#$%^&*()=+{}[]:;'|\<>./../%*sKernel log daemon exiting.c:nkernelklogd started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.01.26-17:53+0000)klogd: Error return from sys_sycall: %d - %m. p:st:unknown facility name: %sunknown priority name: %sCan't find circular bufferCan't get access to circular buffer from syslogdCan't get access to semaphone(s) for circular buffer from syslogdsemop[SMrdn]semop[SMrup]malloc failedauthauthprivcronkernlprmailmarknewssecuritysysloguseruucplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7alertcritdebugemergerrinfononenoticepanicwarnwarning/var/log/messagesExiting Syslogd!Buffer already allocated just grab the semaphore?shmgetshmatsemgetsemop[SMwdn]Weird! Can't find the terminator token??? semop[SMwup]Weird! Can't find the terminator token from the beginning??? Bummer, can't print: %s.%s<%d>%s %s %s %s System log daemon exiting.-- MARK --m:nO:s:Sb:R:LC::syslogd started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.01.26-17:53+0000)Couldn't get file descriptor for socket /dev/logCould not connect to socket /dev/logCould not set permission on /dev/logselect errorUNIX socket errorcn:s:-fb-db-accel-hsync-vsync-laced-double-all-xres-yres-vxres-vyres-depth-match-geometry-pixclock-left-right-upper-lower-hslen-vslen-timings-csync-gsync-extsync-bcast-rgba-step-move/dev/fb0mode reading not compiled in mode "%ux%u-%u" # D: %.3f MHz, H: %.3f kHz, V: %.3f Hz geometry %u %u %u %u %u timings %u %u %u %u %u %u %u accel %s rgba %u/%u,%u/%u,%u/%u,%u/%u endmode fbset(open)Unknown video mode `%s'fbset(ioctl)BmFDGETPRM%s-sided, %d tracks, %d sec/track. Total capacity %d kB. SingleFormatting ... FDFMTBEGFDFMTENDdone %s: not a block deviceDoubleFDFMTTRKVerifying ... %3dbad data in cyl %d Continuing ... Read: Problem reading cylinder %d, expected %d, read %d/dev/rtcTZ/dev/misc/rtcCould not access RTCCould not read time from RTCUTC 0localtimeutcshowhctosyssystohclurswr~ws:w~rs:s~wr:l~u:u~l%s %.6f seconds /var/lib/hwclock/adjtimeUTCsettimeofday() failedgettimeofday() failedCould not set the RTC timedo:--More-- (%d%% of %ld bytes)autoo:rt:wafnvnfs/etc/filesystemsMounting %s on %s failed%s on %s type %s (%s) Cannot read /etc/fstabswapnfsmount failed/proc/filesystemsCan't find %s in /etc/fstab asyncatimedefaultsnoautodevdiratimenoatimenodevnodiratimenoexecnosuidremountsuidmoveWARNING: loop device is read-onlyCould not find a spare loop deviceCould not setup loop device%s is write-protected, mounting read-onlyloopexcessively long host:dir argumentdirectory to mount not in host:dir formatexcessively long option argumentwsizetimeoretransacregminacregmaxacdirminacdirmaxactimeoretrymountportmounthost ,mountprogmountversnfsprognfsversversprotoWarning: Unrecognized proto= option.namlenWarning: Option namlen is not supported.addrunknown nfs mount parameter: %s=%d bgfgsofthardposixctoaclockWarning: option nolock is not supported.unknown nfs mount option: %s%s got bad hp->h_length?%s:%s failed, reason given by server: %sNFS over TCP is not supported.nfs socketnfs bindresvportnfs connectunknown nfs status return value: %dwarning: multiple hostnames not supported%s%saddr=%srsizeNFSv%d not supported!got bad hp->h_length/dev/loopforced umount of %s failed!%s busy - remounted read-onlyCannot remount %s read-onlyCannot open %sCouldn't umount %s on %s: %s unable to stat `%s'm:bb_xasprintfcannot set groupscannot set group idcannot set user id%s%s%sinternal error: unrecognized file typeunable to remove `%s'`%s' and `%s' are the same file`%s' is not a directory%s: omitting directorycannot create directory `%s'unable to open directory `%s'unable to change permissions of `%s'unable to close `%s'unable to link `%s'unable to open `%s'unable to create `%s'cannot create fifo `%s'cannot create symlink `%s'unable to preserve ownership of `%s'unable to preserve permissions of `%s'unable to preserve times of `%s'Read errorUnable to read all dataPassword: icmpcould not stat '/'could not open '/dev'jxǷV$ p|G*0FFi؋D[\׾k"qyCI!%b@@&^ZQǪ/]DSء!7 EZgoٍ*L9Bqma"8 DKϩK`p(~'09ۙ|ĬVe)"DC*#9e[YÏ ̒}]o~O,CNS~:5*һӑ                  0kMGT%Lu%Lu.%d%cdefaultgetaddrinfo: %s: %dgetnameinfo failedunspecUNSPECIPv6DARPA Internet%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%uUP BROADCAST DEBUG LOOPBACK POINTOPOINT NOTRAILERS RUNNING NOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI SLAVE MASTER MULTICAST 10base210baseTAUI100baseT100baseTX100baseFXpppPoint-Point ProtocolEthernetLocal Loopback[NONE SET][UNKNOWN]%02X-No usable address families found./proc/netwarning: no inet socket availableSIOCGIFCONF/proc/net/devcompressedWarning: cannot open %s. Limited output.bytesDevice not found%s: error fetching interface information: %s %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02XX bytes:%Lu (%Lu.%u %sB)%s%-9.9s Link encap:%s HWaddr %s /proc/net/if_inet6%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %02x %02x %02x %20s %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s inet6 addr: %s/%d Scope:HostUnknownMedia:%s(auto) %s addr:%s Mask:%s P-t-P:%s Bcast:%s CompatGlobalLinkSite MTU:%d Metric:%dBase address:0x%lx Memory:%lx-%lx DMA chan:%x [NO FLAGS] RX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu TX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu collisions:%lu txqueuelen:%d R T compressed:%lu compressed:%lu Interrupt:%d  @KiMiGiTicannot get system information%H:%M:%S%A, %d %B %Y login: ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FDioctl: LOOP_SET_FDioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS/dev/loop%dset permissions ofCannot %s directory `%s'rwxSTst?pc?d?b?-?l?s???/proc/mountsunknown group name: %sunknown user name: %sunknown %cid %ld 8$II augorwxXstinvalid number `%s'Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the consoleabfnrtv\ \\/proc/%d/proc/%d/stat%*s (%15c%c %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %lu %lu %*s %*s %*s %ld %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld/proc/%d/cmdlineCan't open /proc%s: descend into directory `%s'? %s: is a directory%s: remove directory `%s'? %s: remove `%s'? warning: cannot change to home directory LOGNAME/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbinunable to cd to %s' for user %s' cannot cd to home directory or //bin:/usr/binEXITHUPINTILLABRTFPEKILLSEGVPIPEALRMUSR1USR2CHLDCONTSTOPTSTPTTINTTOUTRAPIOTEMTBUSSYSURGIOPOLLCLDXCPUXFSZVTALRMPROFPWRWINCHSIGUnable to connect to remote host (%s)getcwd()Pxregcomp: %s2Kn,X   `  %Kignoring all argumentsBusyBox v1.00 (2005.01.26-17:53+0000) multi-call binarymemory exhaustedinvalid date `%s'%s: input/output error -- %mWrite ErrorNames longer than %d chars not supported.(unknown)can`t create raw socketpermission denied. 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(!@ $5XT!B'b$&$b!B@$r  ! $.@$  ! $*@  ! $.@  (! $.$  !  ! &*@$  ! $*D@  ! $*`@  ! $,@  ! $*@  ! $*h@$8 ,B,C%@F$"M !$  !@!&! P$*D  !@@  ! $*`@@  ! $,@I  ! $*@h  ! $*h@h ! &*@o0,` ! (!@@f `(! $+!$& ! E $/T&3L ! `(!D<,` ! (!@D `(! $+<$;L ! `(!@ !@!L B$C   $/$H D"@ @B D@ꏄ L ! `(!L ! `(!bXT!CC%H  !b@!< E` $d to switch between file buffers). If you need another blank buffer, do not enter any filename, or type in a nonexistent filename at the prompt and press Enter. The following function keys are available in Insert File mode: Write File Help Text Type the name that you wish to save the current file as and hit Enter to save the file. If you have selected text with the mark, you will be prompted to save only the selected portion to a separate file. To reduce the chance of overwriting the current file with just a portion of it, the current filename is not the default in this mode. The following function keys are available in Write File mode: File Browser Help Text The file browser is used to visually browse the directory structure to select a file for reading or writing. You may use the arrow keys or Page Up/Down to browse through the files, and S or Enter to choose the selected file or enter the selected directory. To move up one level, select the directory called ".." at the top of the file list. The following function keys are available in the file browser: Browser Go To Directory Help Text Enter the name of the directory you would like to browse to. If tab completion has not been disabled, you can use the Tab key to (attempt to) automatically complete the directory name. The following function keys are available in Browser Go To Directory mode: Spell Check Help Text The spell checker checks the spelling of all text in the current file. When an unknown word is encountered, it is highlighted and a replacement can be edited. It will then prompt to replace every instance of the given misspelled word in the current file, or, if you have selected text with the mark, in the selected text. The following other functions are available in Spell Check mode: External Command Help Text This menu allows you to insert the output of a command run by the shell into the current buffer (or a new buffer in multibuffer mode). If you need another blank buffer, do not enter any command. The following keys are available in this mode: nano help text The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of the UW Pico text editor. There are four main sections of the editor: The top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and whether or not the file has been modified. Next is the main editor window showing the file being edited. The status line is the third line from the bottom and shows important messages. The bottom two lines show the most commonly used shortcuts in the editor. The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated with a caret (^) symbol and can be entered either by using the Control (Ctrl) key or pressing the Esc key twice. Escape-key sequences are notated with the Meta (M) symbol and can be entered using either the Esc, Alt or Meta key depending on your keyboard setup. Also, pressing Esc twice and then typing a three-digit number from 000 to 255 will enter the character with the corresponding ASCII code. The following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. Alternative keys are shown in parentheses: ^%c(F%d)(M-%c)%.*s Search Command Help Text Enter the words or characters you would like to search for, then hit Enter. If there is a match for the text you entered, the screen will be updated to the location of the nearest match for the search string. The previous search string will be shown in brackets after the search prompt. Hitting Enter without entering any text will perform the previous search. If you have selected text with the mark and then search to replace, only matches in the selected text will be replaced. The following function keys are available in Search mode: %.7sUpM-%c^%.6sSpace^?M-%.5senable/disableM-%c %s %s %s %s Usage: nano [+LINE] [GNU long option] [option] [file] Option Long option Meaning-h, -?--helpShow this message+LINE1.3.502:24:26Jan 24 2005 GNU nano version %s (compiled %s, %s) Email: nano@nano-editor.org Web: http://www.nano-editor.org/ Compiled options: --disable-nls --disable-justify --enable-color --enable-multibuffer --enable-nanorcSorry, support for this function has been disabledkillMark UNsetMark SetVerbatim inputEdit a replacementCreating misspelled word list, please wait...Could not create pipespellsort-funiqCould not get size of pipe bufferCould not forkError invoking "spell"Error invoking "sort -f"Error invoking "uniq"Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? Received SIGHUP or SIGTERM %s Use "fg" to return to nano%s %sdisabledenabledstdinCould not pipe/bin/shshsigactionfdopenwaitCould not invoke "%s"nano.Could not create temp file: %sSpell checking failed: %s: %sError writing temp file: %sFinished checking spellingmultibufferhistorylogignorercfilesregexptabsizeversionsyntaxconstrebinddeletenofollowmouseoperatingdirpreservefillspellertempfileviewnowrapnohelpsuspendsmarthomebackupbackupdirnoconvertsmoothrestrictedautoindentcuth?ABE:FHINQ:RST:VY:Zabcdefgijklmo:pr:s:tvwxzRequested tab size %s invalidRequested fill size %s invalidSPELL@L@\@\@@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@@@@@@H@H@@@H@@$@H@H@H@H@4@H@H@H@D@T@d@H@@H@H@@@H@H@H@H@H@H@@@@@@@@H@@@@ @0@H@@@H@H@`@@@H@@@$@H@4whitespaceError in %s on line %d: Argument %s has unterminated "brightgreenbluewhiteyellowcyanmagentablackColor %s not understood. Valid colors are "green", "red", "blue", "white", "yellow", "cyan", "magenta" and "black", with the optional prefix "bright" for foreground colors.Bad regex "%s": %sRegex strings must begin and end with a " characterMissing syntax name,Background color %s cannot be brightMissing color namestart=Cannot add a color directive without a syntax lineend="start=" requires a corresponding "end="setunsetcolorCommand %s not understoodOption %s requires an argumentTwo non-control characters required/etc/nanorcHOME/.nanorcI can't find my home directory! Wah!..."%.*s%s" not foundSearch WrappedThis is the only occurrenceNo current search patternReplace this instance?[ ]([{<>}])Not a bracketNo matching bracketEnter line numberCome on, be reasonable [%s%s]%s%s%s%s%s%sSearch [Case Sensitive] [Regexp] [Backwards] (to replace) (to replace) in selectionReplace withReplaced %ld occurrenceReplaced %ld occurrencesnano is out of memory!A,Av@@A@AtAp@cAdA` APAp@A@ @CAqAA|lA0@`@ AI0AQ@,AA  A,@Aτ@H  DA5AAAAAAaAAA AA AA@Ap@\A<A`A @,@APA A@A0A4@A5\A8<AA<A| AAA`A AAA,AyA1A A  (AJA AAA A{ @ AA|@X@iA|A[@dAeApA@_A@AA@4AAO,A8AAA AAp@dA  ,@A`A,APAX@A@P <A0A_@A A+AAAAAA@SAAAAA5A!A`@A,A@t@>, A @@0@A,(@A8@C@C@C00@DH`@I@0@LdH@RЀ(@S0@UH@Y@[Ѐ@\ @]P@]l?8@_ @_(@`@` @ax @a(@c(@d@d(@f@f, @f0@h @ht0@i@o(@oԀ?8@p@}H@~8@Ѐ(@t@4(@@Ѐ0@8@@@@`@(@ @Ѐ @,8@H(@܀@@P @P@ @ (@0@ 0@,(@@@`0@8 @0@8 @<X@ @L @(@,0@?8@D8@케(@(@d0@@0@@Ѐ @(@(@@@8@X(@?8@ @p@@ A(AAA  Ap(A Ap0AȀ8A8ApAȀ(A A A A AA,@A A\A?8A|(A8A A,HA8AA @A!A%hA+$ A+A, A,A-l(A.(A0HXA0XA1PA4@XA4XA5XA5\ A50A8<A8TA=(A?@AI0(AIAJ AK(AMAN<0AO,0AQHAU|@A[?8A^`0A_A_Ѐ(A` Aa(Aa0AbHAeAePAh Ahh?8Ai0AkdAqXAt`At(Au$ Au(Av(AwPAyĀ8A{Ā(A|lA|`APA`AA0Ap0AA<A0A(AdAA A8A A,(A(A(Ap(A܀(A|(A A,(A Al0AA`0A0A A0AA80A A A A|@APAHA0AAAH(A<Ad0AhA A(A A(A A0AȀ?@A8AAHA AX?8A0A8AÄhA?8A΄(A(Aτ0AAф0A,(AԸ0A֜?8AXAH(A`A|HAA4A,XAt`A?HÀ?8@>,A.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rel.ro.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@  d+ @ 3@**;@>,>,A@>> GASAXYA6aB44k@r@y@~@A@DD, <K<$ `K<0K<`jj#!/bin/ash # Copyright 2001-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later #// Modified Functions copied from Gentoo's /sbin/functions.sh #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # void einfo(char* message) # show an informative message (with a newline) einfo() { echo -e " * ${*}" return 0 } #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Setup networking #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetupNetwork() { #// DHCP or Static? if [ "${1}" = "dhcp" ]; then #// Do DHCP udhcpc -i eth0 -q else #// Check second param if [ -z "${2}" ]; then echo -e "" einfo "Please specify a gateway address." echo -e "" exit fi #// Get networking params BROADCAST="$(ipcalc -b ${1} | cut -d\= -f2)" NETMASK="$(ipcalc -m ${1} | cut -d\= -f2)" #// Enable static networking /sbin/ifconfig eth0 ${1} broadcast ${BROADCAST} netmask ${NETMASK} /sbin/route add -net default gw ${2} netmask metric 1 fi #// Setup the loopback /sbin/ifconfig lo /sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev lo } #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Launch Telnet #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// If called, we launch telnet on port 23 and tell the user LaunchTelnet() { telnetd -l /linuxrc #// Was it launched? [ ! -z "$(ps | grep "telnetd")" ] && TELNETDUP="true" || TELNETDUP="false" } #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Main Function #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Check first param if [ -z "${1}" ]; then echo -e "" einfo "Please specify \"dhcp\" for setting up networking via dhcp or" einfo "specify an IP Address and gateway address to configure static" einfo "networking." echo -e "" exit fi #// Setup the Network SetupNetwork ${1} ${2} ${3} #// Was the network setup? if [ ! -z "$(ifconfig | grep "eth0")" ]; then #// Get the IP MYIP="$(ifconfig | grep "inet addr" | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 | head -n 1)" einfo "IP Address: ${MYIP}" echo -e "" #// Was telnet requested? if [ "${1}" = "dhcp" ]; then [ "${2}" = "telnet" ] && LaunchTelnet else [ "${3}" = "telnet" ] && LaunchTelnet fi #// Did telnet launch or not? if [ "${TELNETDUP}" = "true" ]; then einfo "Telnetd has been launched on IP ${MYIP} on Port 23" echo -e "" fi fi #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh -f # # Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, # Mountain View, CA 94043, or: # # http://www.sgi.com # # For further information regarding this notice, see: # # http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ # OPTS=" " DBOPTS=" " USAGE="Usage: xfs_check [-fsvV] [-l logdev] [-i ino]... [-b bno]... special" while getopts "b:fi:l:stvV" c do case $c in s) OPTS=$OPTS"-s ";; t) OPTS=$OPTS"-t ";; v) OPTS=$OPTS"-v ";; V) OPTS=$OPTS"-V ";; i) OPTS=$OPTS"-i "$OPTARG" ";; b) OPTS=$OPTS"-b "$OPTARG" ";; f) DBOPTS=$DBOPTS" -f";; l) DBOPTS=$DBOPTS" -l "$OPTARG" ";; \?) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac done set -- extra $@ shift $OPTIND case $# in 1) xfs_db$DBOPTS -i -p xfs_check -c "check$OPTS" $1 status=$? ;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac exit $status ELF@Rp4 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@{{ @@@@@PPe(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0""" @Q D_@(@.@h # pppp@p pp p)s=3cDg]Vdy PvTzB?T3C:fQa^-%90!SOW X`d[p.lH42>ZRj&[(hx;A  A/qI#6 Ml4GU(e<)tK8++!,'$}w_Jkx"0k @u OE*Rg j ,5.<FBNmno=fQ7D{1:Y iLVz|h?"ob~sFr12\*Pr y#ZJ|&t8>w;5$XLC\'}@Wn-MN9UuISE~GYe/b]%KHi7p6^m_q`ac{v" ""e"@@""@Rp"v" @m" "# " D^RAi A@AXD^ AsRAJB /D^[A:BmtWD^B?p WA CxBX" C(8B;h,@U D^@@ ?A} zCAD!D)  D^!(C/D^D^ y@BwTA B@C0@pB @$A8  B DGBtA A{PFC8A ( @$ @ DA C  @lC/~D^pMA@BRB\D^`dA<ALB$-B~hD^Pw@AbxBp ABHB1T @x B_ *@4AAl(!D^@C |CHB( Bb!D^0C@jB@d 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Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu ((a)extents = %d). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (btree). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, extent total = %d, nblocks = %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, forkoff = 0x%x. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode (local format for regular file) %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (bad size %Ld for local inode). 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'(!'(P $0Bx! $2x! $x! $x! $󏙀x! $ꏙx! $Ꮩx! $̏x! $ˏx! $ɏx! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $sx! $jx! $gx! $ex! $Zx! $Yx! $Vx! $Px! $Dx! $;x! $5x! $3x! $.x! $-x! $(x! $"x! $ x! $x! $x! $ x! $x! $x! $동x! $䏙x! $ޏx! $ُx! $яx! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $wx! $rx! $bx! $Nx! $Lx! $Kx! $Ix! $@x! $:x! $5x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'M !'௼<'L!'9tp ' addr[field-expression]set current address 'addr' uses the given field to set the filesystem address and type Examples: sb a rootino - set the type to inode and set position to the root inode a u.bmx[0].startblock (for inode with blockmap) no current type no fields for type %s array not allowed for addr command no addr function for field %s (type %s) currentno next type for field %s magicnumversionnumseqnolengthrootsbnorootcntrootlevelsbnolevelcntlevelflfirstfllastflcountfreeblkslongestagf[agno]set address to agf header set allocation group free block list Example: agf 2 - move location to AGF in 2nd filesystem allocation group Located in the second sector of each allocation group, the AGF contains the root of two different freespace btrees: The 'cnt' btree keeps track freespace indexed on section size. The 'bno' btree tracks sections of freespace indexed on block number. bad allocation group number %s agflset address to agfl block set allocation group freelist Example: agfl 5 Located in the fourth sector of each allocation group, the agfl freelist for internal btree space allocation is maintained for each allocation group. This acts as a reserved pool of space separate from the general filesystem freespace (not used for user data). rootlevelfreecountnewinodirinounlinkedagiset address to agi header set allocation group inode btree Example: agi 3 (set location to 3rd allocation group inode btree and type to 'agi') Located in the 3rd 512 byte block of each allocation group, the agi inode btree tracks all used/free inodes in the allocation group. Inodes are allocated in 16k 'chunks', each btree entry tracks a 'chunk'. hashvalbeforevaluelennamelennamevaluevalueblkbaseusedbytesfirstusedholespad1freemapnameidxflagsincompletesecurelocalpad2forwbackmagicpadentriesbtreenvlisttotsizefsblockfsb[fsb]set address to fsblock valuedblockfiloffset address to file offset (data fork)daddr[d]set address to daddr valueablockset address to file offset (attr fork) Example: 'ablock 23' - sets the file position to the 23rd filesystem block in the inode's attribute fork. The filesystem block size is specified in the superblock. bad block number %s no attribute data for file file attr block is unmapped Example: 'daddr 102' - sets position to the 102nd absolute disk block (512 byte block). bad daddr %s current daddr is %lld Example: 'dblock 23' - sets the file position to the 23rd filesystem block in the inode's data fork. The filesystem block size is specified in the superblock. no type for file data file data block is unmapped Example: 'fsblock 1023' - sets the file position to the 1023rd filesystem block. The filesystem block size is specified in the superblock and set during mkfs time. Offset is absolute (not AG relative). bad fsblock %s current fsblock is %lld %-0*.*x:%02xbmap[-ad] [block [len]]show block map for current fileadno current inode bad option for bmap command bad block number for bmap %s bad len for bmap %s data%s offset %lld startblock %llu (%u/%u) count %llu flag %u attrstartoffstartblockblockcountextentflagnumrecsleftsibrightsibrecskeysptrs rt pre imm app syn noa nodinode %lld mode %#o fmt %s afmt %s nex %d anex %d nblk %lld sz %lld%s%s%s%s%s%s%s bad nblocks %lld for inode %lld, counted %lld bad nextents %d for inode %lld, counted %d bad anextents %d for inode %lld, counted %d block %lld for rtbitmap inode is missing can't read block %lld for rtbitmap inode block %lld for rtsummary inode is missing can't read block %lld for rtsummary inode bad btree nrecs (%u, min=%u, max=%u) in inobt block %u/%u ncheck[-s] [-i ino] ...print inode-name pairsblockuse[-n] [-c blockcount]print usage for current block(s)blockgetcheck[-s|-v] [-n] [-t] [-b bno]... [-i ino] ...get block usage and check consistencyblockfreefree block usage informationunknownbtbmapabtbmapdbtbnobtcntbtinodirfree1free2freelistmissingquotartbitmaprtdatartfreertsumsbsymlinkinode %lld add link, now %u block usage information not allocated %s quota id %d, have/exp bc %lld/%lld ic %lld/%lld rc %lld/%lldblock %u/%u out of range rtblock %llu out of range blocks %u/%u..%u claimed by block %u/%u block %u/%u expected type %s got %s setting block %u/%u to %s dir ino %lld missing leaf entry for %x/%x %s/%sc:nmust run blockget first must run blockget -n first bad blockuse count %s bad option for blockuse command block %llu (%u/%u) type %s inode %lld %si:sbad option -%c for ncheck command %11llu %s/.rtblock %llu expected type %s got %s setting rtblock %llu to %s setting inode to %lld for block %u/%u blocks %u/%u..%u claimed by inode %lld block %u/%u claimed by inode %lld, previous inum %lld inode %lld bad block number %lld [%d,%d], offset %lld inode %lld extent [%lld,%lld,%lld,%d] bmap rec out of order, inode %lld entry %d inode %lld bad rt block number %lld, offset %lld rtblocks %llu..%llu claimed by inode %lld rtblock %llu claimed by inode %lld, previous inum %lld setting inode to %lld for rtblock %llu inode %lld block %lld at offset %lld can't read btree block %u/%u level for ino %lld %s fork bmap root too large (%u) extent count for ino %lld %s fork too low (%d) for file format numrecs for ino %lld %s fork bmap root too large (%u) bad directory data magic # %#x for dir ino %lld block %d bad block directory tail for dir ino %lld dir %lld block %d bad free entry at %d dir %lld block %d zero length entry at %d dir %lld block %d bad entry at %d dir %lld block %d entry %*.*s %lld dir %lld block %d entry %*.*s bad inode number %lld multiple .. entries in dir %lld (%lld, %lld) dir %lld entry . inode number mismatch (%lld) dir %lld block %d bad count %u dir %lld block %d extra leaf entry %x %x dir %lld block %d bad bestfree data dir %lld block %d bad block tail count %d (stale %d) dir %lld block %d bad stale tail count %d dir %lld block %d consecutive free entries dir %lld block %d entry/unused tag mismatch bad number of extents %d for inode %lld isinode %lld nlink %u %s dir notlocal inode %lld data is too large (size %lld) local inode %lld attr is too large (size %d) bad directory leaf magic # %#x for dir ino %lld dir %lld entry %*.*s %lld dir %lld entry %*.*s bad inode number %lld can't read root block for directory inode %lld dir inode %lld block %u=%llu multiple .. entries in dir %lld can't read block %u for directory inode %lld dir %lld entry . %lld dir %llu size is %lld, should be %u dir %llu offsets too high dir %lld entry .. %lld dir %lld i8count mismatch is %d should be %d no . entry for directory %lld no .. entry for directory %lld dir %llu bad size in entry at %d dir %lld entry %*.*s offset %d %lld dir %lld entry %*.*s bad offset %d dir %lld entry .. bad inode number %lld can't read block 0 for directory inode %lld bad free block magic # %#x for dir ino %lld block %d bad node block level %d for dir ino %lld block %d bestfree %d for dir ino %lld block %d doesn't match table value %d bad leaf block forw/back pointers %d/%d for dir ino %lld block %d single leaf block for dir ino %lld block %d should be at block %d dir %lld block %d stale mismatch %d/%d bad free block firstdb %d for dir ino %lld block %d bad free block nvalid/nused %d/%d for dir ino %lld block %d bad free block ent %d is %d should be %d for dir ino %lld block %d bad free block nused %d should be %d for dir ino %lld block %d missing free index for data block %d in dir ino %lld dir %llu size is %lld, should be %d block 0 for directory inode %lld is missing bad size (%lld) or format (%d) for directory inode %lld inode %lld parent %lld . and .. same for non-root directory %lld root directory %lld has .. %lld group%s dqblk %lld entry %d id %d bc %lld ic %lld rc %lld usercan't read block %lld for %s quota inode (fsblock %lld) bad magic number %#x for %s dqblk %lld entry %d id %d bad version number %#x for %s dqblk %lld entry %d id %d bad flags %#x for %s dqblk %lld entry %d id %d bad id %d for %s dqblk %lld entry %d id %d bad superblock magic number %x, giving up already have block usage information b:i:npstvbad option for blockget command -i %lld bad inode number can't read superblock for ag %u WARNING: this may be a newer XFS filesystem. bad sb magic # %#x in ag %u bad sb version # %#x in ag %u mkfs not completed successfully bad agf magic # %#x in ag %u bad agf version # %#x in ag %u bad agi magic # %#x in ag %u bad agi version # %#x in ag %u agf_freeblks %u, counted %u in ag %u agf_longest %u, counted %u in ag %u agi_count %u, counted %u in ag %u agi_freecount %u, counted %u in ag %u can't read agf block for ag %u can't read agi block for ag %u can't read agfl block for ag %u freeblk count %u != flcount %u in ag %u agi unlinked bucket %d is %u in ag %u (inode=%lld) root inode %lld is not a directory disconnected inode %lld, nlink %d sb versionnum missing attr bit %x sb versionnum missing nlink bit %x sb versionnum missing quota bit %x root inode %lld is missing block %u/%u type %s not expected ?link count mismatch for inode %lld (name %s), nlink %d, counted %d allocated inode %lld has 0 link count inode %lld name %s rtblock %llu type %s not expected rt summary mismatch, size %d block %llu, file: %d, computed: %d sb_icount %lld, counted %lld sb_ifree %lld, counted %lld sb_fdblocks %lld, counted %lld sb_frextents %lld, counted %lld sb versionnum extra align bit %x bad magic # %#x in inode %lld bmbt block %u/%u expected level %d got %d in inode %lld bmbt block %u/%u bad btree nrecs (%u, min=%u, max=%u) in inode %lld bmap block %lld bad magic # %#x in btbno block %u/%u expected level %d got %d in btbno block %u/%u bad btree nrecs (%u, min=%u, max=%u) in btbno block %u/%u bad magic # %#x in btcnt block %u/%u expected level %d got %d in btcnt block %u/%u devextentsuuidbad magic # %#x in inobt block %u/%u expected level %d got %d in inobt block %u/%u can't read inode block %u/%u bad magic number %#x for inode %lld ir_freecount/free mismatch, inode chunk %u/%u, freecount %d nfree %d bad version number %#x for inode %lld bad nblocks %lld for free inode %lld bad nlink %d for free inode %lld bad mode %#o for free inode %lld bad format %d for inode %lld type %#o bad attribute format %d for inode %lld bad fork offset %d for inode %lld @p@q@q@q@q@q@q@r@q@q@q@q@s@q@s@q@q@s$@s0@q@s<command %s not found bad argument count %d to %s, expected arguments %dbetween %d and %dat least %dconverttype num [type num]... typeconvert from one address form to anotherinooffinodeoffinoidxoffsetfsbnobbbytefsbyteblkofffsboffagboffbboffdaddroffagnumberagnoaginoaginodeagblockagbnobad argument count %d to convert, expected 3,5,7,9 arguments 0x%llx (%llu) %s is not a number unknown conversion type %s result type same as argument conflicting conversion type %s @@@@@@@@@@@@`@X@Ÿ@@0@@T@h@@@L@$@P@°@¼@0@0@@@@@@0debug[flagbits]set debug option bitsbad value for debug %s debug = %ld inumbernamebyteslhdrnhdrnamelistfirstdbnvalidnusedbestcountstalefreetagbestfreebhdrbubleafbtaildhdrdulbestslentsltailnbtreefhdrfbestsi8countparenti8i4versionblk_hardlimitblk_softlimitino_hardlimitino_softlimitbcounticountitimerbtimeriwarnsbwarnspad0rtb_hardlimitrtb_softlimitrtbcountrtbtimerrtbwarnsdiskdqfilldquot[gid|uid]set current address to group or user quota blockgubad option for dquot command dquot command requires one %s id argument no %s quota inode present bad %s id for dquot %s no %s quota data for id %d echo[args]...echo arguments%s null block number, cannot set new addr no current allocation group, cannot set new addr null inode number, cannot set new addr null attribute block number, cannot set new addr attribute block is unmapped file block is unmapped null directory block number, cannot set new addr directory block is unmapped aextnum%uagblocknzaginonnattr_blkinfoattr_leaf_entryattr_leaf_hdrattr_leaf_mapattr_leaf_nameattr_node_entryattr_node_hdrattr_sf_entryattr_sf_hdrattrblockattrshortbmapbtabmapbtakeybmapbtaptr%llubmapbtarecbmapbtdbmapbtdkeybmapbtdptrbmapbtdrecbmrootabmrootakeybmrootaptrbmrootdbmrootdkeybmrootdptrbnobtbnobtkeybnobtptrbnobtreccextflagcextlencfileoffacfileoffdcfsblockcharnschars%ccntbtcntbtkeycntbtptrcntbtrec%#xdfiloffadfiloffddfsbnodinode_adinode_coredinode_fmtdinode_udir2dir2_block_taildir2_data_freedir2_data_hdrdir2_data_offdir2_data_offnzdir2_data_uniondir2_free_hdrdir2_ino4dir2_ino8dir2_inoudir2_leaf_entrydir2_leaf_hdrdir2_leaf_taildir2_sf_entrydir2_sf_hdrdir2_sf_offdir2sfdir_blkinfodir_inodir_leaf_entrydir_leaf_hdrdir_leaf_mapdir_leaf_namedir_node_entrydir_node_hdrdir_sf_entrydir_sf_hdrdirblockdirshortdisk_dquotdqblkdqiddrfsbnodrtbnoextlenextnumfsizeinobtinobtkeyinobtptrinobtrecinofree%#llxint16dint32dint64dint8dnsec%09dqcntqwarncnttimestampuint1uint16duint16o%#ouint16xuint32duint32ouint32xuint64duint64o%#llouint64xuint8duint8ouint8xoklow okhigh fld->name=%s, fld->ftyp=%d (%s) fld->flags=%d (%s%s%s%s%s) abase1 skipall array offset count field %s is not an array field %s not found no elements in %s indices %d-%d for field %s out of range %d-%d index %d for field %s out of range %d-%d field %s has no subfields fl@%p: name=%s, fld=%p, child=%p, sibling=%p low=%d, high=%d, flags=%d (%s%s), offset=%d bad character in field %s missing closing quote %s bad syntax in field name %s "\%c\%03o%d:null%24.24sfrag[-a] [-d] [-f] [-l] [-q] [-R] [-r] [-v]get file fragmentation dataadflqRrvbad option for frag command actual %llu, ideal %llu, fragmentation factor %.2f%% inode %lld actual %lld ideal %lld @Yfreesp[-bcdfs] [-a agno]... [-e binsize] [-h h1]... [-m binmult]summarize free space for filesystemfreesp arguments: [-bcdfs] [-a agno] [-e binsize] [-h h1]... [-m binmult] %8d %8d %8d a:bcde:h:m:sblocks%7s %7s %7s %7s %6s frompctto%7d %7d %7lld %7lld %6.2f total free extents %lld total free blocks %lld average free extent size %g hashstringcalculate hash value 'hash' prints out the calculated hash value for a string using the directory/attribute code hash function. Usage: "hash " 0x%x help[command]help for one or all commands-- %s (or %s) Use 'help commandname' for extended help. Usage: %s [-frxV] [-p prog] [-l logdev] [-c cmd]... device c:fip:rxVl:%s version %s 2.6.25%s: unexpected XFS SB magic number 0x%08x fatal error -- couldn't initialize XFS library %s: %s is invalid (cannot read first 512 bytes) startinobmbtbmxsfattrmuuidsfdirsfdir2secmodeformatnlinkv1nlinkv2onlinkprojidgidflushiteratimemtimectimenblocksextsizenextentsnaextentsforkoffaformatdmevmaskdmstatenewrtbmpreallocrealtimeimmutableappendsyncnoatimenodumprtinheritprojinheritnosymlinksgencorenext_unlinked[inode#]set current inode%d (%s)bad inode number %lld current inode number is %lld bad value for inode number %s AE AEAE AE,AETsourcesource-fileget commands from source-file... %s> ^C can't open %s block map %d:%lldringshow position ring or move to a specific entrymove to the previous location in the position ringforwardmove forward to next entry in the position ringstackview the location stackpushpush location to the stackpoppop location from the stackcan't set block offset to %d can't pop anything from I/O stack Changes the address and data type to the first entry on the stack. byte offset %lld, length %d buffer block %lld (fsbno %lld), %d bb%s inode %lld, dir inode %lld, type %s none type bblock bblen fsbno inode %2d: no entries in location ring. *%2d: %-7.7s %8lld %5d %8lld %9lld Allows you to push the current address and data type on the stack for later return. 'push' also accepts an additional command to execute after storing the current address (ex: 'push a rootino' from the superblock). The 'forward' ('f') command moves to the next location in the position ring, updating the current position and data type. If the current location is the top entry in the ring, then the 'forward' command will have no effect. The 'back' ('b') command moves to the previous location in the position ring, updating the current position and data type. If the current location is the last entry in the ring, then the 'back' command will have no effect. The position ring automatically keeps track of each disk location and structure type for each change of position you make during your xfs_db session. The last %d most recent entries are kept in the ring. To display the current list of ring entries type 'ring' by itself on the command line. The entry highlighted by an asterisk ('*') is the current entry. To move to another entry in the ring type 'ring ' where is your desired entry from the ring position list. You may also use the 'forward' ('f') or 'back' ('b') commands to move to the previous or next entry in the ring, respectively. Note: Unlike the 'stack', 'push' and 'pop' commands, the ring tracks your location implicitly. Use the 'push' and 'pop' commands if you wish to store a specific location explicitly for later return. can't seek in filesystem at bb %lld set_cur no stack element to set no push form allowed for %s no such command %s ring is empty no further entries no previous entries invalid entry: %d nothing to write read error: %s incomplete write, block: %lld write error: %s incomplete read, block: %lld The stack is used to explicitly store your location and data type for later return. The 'push' operation stores the current address and type on the stack, the 'pop' operation returns you to the position and datatype of the top entry on the stack. The 'stack' allows explicit location saves, see 'ring' for implicit position tracking. %d: %s: out of memory [stop|start ]start or stop logging to a file%s: bad log command, ignored no log file stopstartalready logging to %s can't open %s for writing print[value]...print field valuesno print function for type %s [- = (empty) ] %c%s(empty)no arguments allowed quitqexit xfs_dbblocksizedblocksrblocksrextentslogstartrootinorbminorsuminorextsizeagblocksagcountrbmblockslogblockssectsizeinodesizeinopblockfnameblocklogsectloginodeloginopblogagblklogrextsloginprogressimax_pctifreefdblocksfrextentsuquotinogquotinoqflagsshared_vninoalignmtwidthdirblkloglogsectloglogsectsizelogsunitfeatures2[feature]set feature bit(s) in the sb version fieldlabel[label]write/print FS label[uuid]write/print FS uuidset current address to sb header set allocation group superblock Example: 'sb 7' - set location to 7th allocation group superblock, set type to 'sb' Located in the first sector of each allocation group, the superblock contains the base information for the filesystem. The superblock in allocation group 0 is the primary. The copies in the remaining allocation groups only serve as backup for filesystem recovery. The icount/ifree/fdblocks/frextents are only updated in superblock 0. can't read superblock for AG %u bad sb magic # %#x in AG %u bad sb version # %#x in AG %u aborting - external log specified for FS with an internal log aborting - no external log specified for FS with an external log ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running %s. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the xfs_repair -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this. ERROR: cannot find log head/tail, run xfs_repair write/print FS uuid Example: 'uuid' - print UUID 'uuid 01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab' - write UUID 'uuid generate' - generate and write 'uuid rewrite' - copy UUID from SB 0 The print function checks the UUID in each SB and will warn if the UUIDs differ between AGs (the log is not checked). The write commands will set the uuid in all AGs to either a specified value, a newly generated value or the value found in the first superblock (SB 0) respectively. As a side effect of writing the UUID, the log is cleared (which is fine on a CLEANLY unmounted FS). warning - no external log specified for FS with an external log invalid parameters %s: not in expert mode, writing disabled generatenilrewriteold UUID = %s Clearing log and setting UUID ERROR: cannot clear the log failed to read UUID from AG 0 invalid UUID failed to set UUID in AG %d new UUID = %s writing all SBs warning - external log specified for FS with an internal log warning: UUID in AG %d differs to the primary SB failed to read UUID from AG %d write/print FS label Example: 'label' - print label 'label 123456789012' - write label 'label --' - write an empty label The print function checks the label in each SB and will warn if the labels differ between AGs. The write commands will set the label in all AGs to the specified value. The maximum length of a label is 12 characters - use of a longer label will result in truncation and a warning will be issued. %s: truncating label length from %d to %d ""''--failed to set label in AG %d new label = "%s" failed to read label in AG %d warning: AG %d label differs set/print feature bits in sb version Example: 'version' - print current feature bits 'version extflg' - enable unwritten extents The version function prints currently enabled features for a filesystem according to its the version field of the primary superblock. It can also be used to enable selected features, such as support for unwritten extents. The upated version is written into to all AGs. V4versionnum [0x%x] = %s extflgunwritten extents flag is already enabled %s: invalid version change command "%s" failed to set versionnum in AG %d V1V3,ATTR,NLINK,QUOTA,ALIGN,DALIGN,SHARED,DIRV2,LOGV2,EXTFLG,SECTOR%-0*.*x: %02x inodatartsummarytexttype[newtype]set/show current data type supported types are: %s, current type is "%s" no such type %s no current object lshift[shiftcount] [start] [len]rshiftlrotrrotsequence[from] [to] [start] [len]randomnum [start] [len]write[field or value]...write value to disk The 'write' command takes on different personalities depending on the type of object being worked with. Write has 3 modes: 'struct mode' - is active anytime you're looking at a filesystem object which contains individual fields (ex: an inode). 'data mode' - is active anytime you set a disk address directly or set the type to 'data'. 'string mode' - only used for writing symlink blocks. Examples: Struct mode: 'write core.uid 23' - set an inode uid field to 23. 'write fname "hello\000"' - write superblock fname. (note: in struct mode strings are not null terminated) 'write fname #6669736800' - write superblock fname with hex. 'write uuid 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff' - write superblock uuid. Data mode: 'write fill 0xff' - fill the entire block with 0xff's 'write lshift 3' - shift the block 3 bytes to the left 'write sequence 1 5' - write a cycle of number [1-5] through the entire block. String mode: 'write "This_is_a_filename" - write null terminated string. In data mode type 'write' by itself for a list of specific commands. %s started in read only mode, writing disabled no handler function for type %s, write unsupported. length (%d) too large for data block size (%d)usage: write fieldname value unable to parse '%s'. parsing error unable to convert value '%s'. usage (in string mode): write "string..." write: invalid subcommand usage: write (in data mode) %-9.9s %s write %s: invalid number of arguments libxfs%s: %s: device %lld is not open %s: %s: too many open devices %s: cannot open %s: %s %s: cannot stat %s: %s %s: device %lld is already open %s: can't find a character device matching %s %s: %s is not a volume device name %s: can't get size for data subvolume %s: can't get size for log subvolume %s: can't get size for realtime subvolume xfs_inodexfs_iforkxfs_dabufxfs_inode_log_itemxfs_buf_log_itemxfs_da_statexfs_btree_curxfs_bmap_free_item%s: size check failed %s: log size checks failed %s: cannot read realtime bitmap inode (%d) %s: data size check failed %s: realtime init - %llu != %llu %s: realtime device init failed %s: filesystem has a realtime subvolume %s: realtime size check failed %s: failed to alloc %ld bytes: %s %s: cannot read root inode (%d) %s: cannot read realtime summary inode (%d) libxfs_device_to_fdlibxfs_device_openlibxfs_device_closelibxfs_device_zeroUn%s: %s can't memalign %d bytes: %s %s: %s seek to offset %llu failed: %s %s: %s write failed: %s %s: %s not progressing? %s: buf calloc failed (%ld bytes): %s %s: read failed: %s %s: error - wrote only %d of %d bytes %s: pwrite64 failed: %s %s: zone init failed (%s, %d bytes): %s %s: zone calloc failed (%s, %d bytes): %s %s: calloc failed (%d bytes): %s %s: realloc failed (%d bytes): %s %s: xact calloc failed (%d bytes): %s %s: warning - itobp failed (%d) %s: warning - iflush_int failed (%d) %s: unrecognised log item type %s: cannot reserve space: %s Inode %lx i_ino %llx i_df.if_bytes %d i_df.if_u1.if_extents/if_data %lx i_df.if_broot %lx i_df.if_broot_bytes %x On disk portion di_magic %x di_mode %o di_version %x Inline inode Other inodeEXTENTS %d: startoff %llu, startblock 0x%llx, blockcount %llu, state %d B-tree inode Extents inode di_nlink %x di_uid %d di_gid %d di_nextents %d di_size %llu di_gen %x di_extsize %d di_flags %x di_nblocks %llu  (,048<  (08@HLPRSTXZ\`d|  $((corrupt inode %Lu (bad size %d for local fork, size = %d). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu ((a)extents = %d). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (btree). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, extent total = %d, nblocks = %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, forkoff = 0x%x. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode (local format for regular file) %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (bad size %Ld for local inode). Unmount and run xfs_repair.@BtBBB8BABTBABTCBMAPIABT  xfs_da_do_buf: bno %lld dir: inode %lld [%02d] br_startoff %lld br_startblock %lld br_blockcount %lld br_state %d Invalid inode number 0x%Lxxfs_dir2_leafn_rebalance: picked the wrong leaf? reverting orignal leaf: blk1->index %d xfs_dir2_node_addname_int: dir ino %llu needed freesp block %lld for data block %lld, got %lld ifbno %llu lastfbno %d fblk 0x%p blkno %llu index %d magic 0x%x ... fblk is NULL D D~\D~\D~\DDpD~\D~\DD~\DXD~\DDtDDDDHDHDHD inode: %lld start_block : %llx start_off : %llx blkcnt : %llx extent-state : %x corrupt dinode %Lu, (btree extents). Unmount and run xfs_repair.%s: %s contains a mounted filesystem /proc/mounts/etc/mtabro%s: %s contains a possibly writable, mounted filesystem %s: %s contains a mounted and writable filesystem %s: warning - cannot set blocksize on block device %s: %s %s: cannot stat the device file "%s": %s %s: warning - cannot get sector size from block device %s: %s %s: can't determine device size XFS: Log inconsistent (didn't find previous header)XFS: Log inconsistent or not a log (last==0, first!=1)XFS: empty log check failedXFS: totally zeroed logXFS: failed to find log headXFS: xlog_find_tail: couldn't find sync recordXFS: xlog_recover_process_data: bad clientidXFS: xlog_recover_process_data: bad flagXFS: xlog_recover_unmount_trans: Unmount LRXFS: xlog_recover_unlink_tid: trans not foundXFS: xlog_recover_process_data: bad transactionXFS: %s: unrecognised log version (%d).xlog_valid_rec_header* ERROR: mismatched uuid in log * SB : %s * log: %s LOG REC AT LSN cycle %d block %d (0x%x, 0x%x) * ERROR: 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All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, # Mountain View, CA 94043, or: # # http://www.sgi.com # # For further information regarding this notice, see: # # http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ # OPTS="" USAGE="Usage: xfs_info [-V] [-t mtab] mountpoint" while getopts "t:V" c do case $c in t) OPTS="-t $OPTARG" ;; V) OPTS="-V $OPTARG" ;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac done set -- extra $@ shift $OPTIND case $# in 1) xfs_growfs -p xfs_info -n $OPTS $1 status=$? ;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac exit $status #!/bin/sh -f # # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, # Mountain View, CA 94043, or: # # http://www.sgi.com # # For further information regarding this notice, see: # # http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ # OPTS=" " DBOPTS=" " USAGE="usage: xfs_ncheck [-sfV] [-l logdev] [-i ino]... special" while getopts "b:fi:l:svV" c do case $c in s) OPTS=$OPTS"-s ";; i) OPTS=$OPTS"-i "$OPTARG" ";; v) OPTS=$OPTS"-v ";; V) OPTS=$OPTS"-V ";; f) DBOPTS=$DBOPTS" -f";; l) DBOPTS=$DBOPTS" -l "$OPTARG" ";; \?) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac done set -- extra $@ shift $OPTIND case $# in 1) xfs_db$DBOPTS -r -p xfs_ncheck -c "blockget -ns" -c "ncheck$OPTS" $1 status=$? ;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac exit $status # /etc/inittab init(8) configuration for BusyBox # # Copyright (C) 1999-2003 by Erik Andersen ::sysinit:/linuxrc ::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty2::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty3::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty4::askfirst:-/bin/ash ::restart:/sbin/init ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot ::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r ::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a ELF 4 4 (p d de( ` P( (  Ppppp pDppCD%B6"@+)*3(=45</!2-$1'? ,0:>C;8.#7&9A `  P    & ` q/P  0 D"e?p-kDd p5h_`PR@v0' @dgm 5"DXPup_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__init_gp_disp_fini__cxa_finalize_Jv_RegisterClassesext2_plugrecEngFncsfsim_test_versionmemsetfsim_get_ext2_superblockfsim_get_volume_limitsfsim_fsckpipe__errno_locationforkclosefcntlwaitpidreadusleepstrlenstrcpydup2execvp_exitfsim_unmkfswritesprintffsim_mkfsBlindExtractObjectInsertObjectstrncpyGetObjectevms_plugin_recordsset_mkfs_optionsmallocfreestrcmpstrcatopenset_fsck_optionsfsim_rw_diskblockslseeklibc.so.0_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss_endlibe2fsim.1.so,048@DHLPTX\dhpx|>>><' `!'௼<' <! 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'9  ' Ext2/3Ext2/3 File System Interface ModuleIBM%s: Enter. %s: Exit. %s: Exit. rc = %d. %s: volume:%s, min:%lld, max:%lld %s: fssize:%lld, vol_size:%lld %s: EXT2 FSIM returned min size > volume size, setting min size to volume size Running fsck before expanding volumeAttempt to execute fsck failed (%d)Aborting volume expandexpand output:%sresize2fs%s: Expand completed successfully %s: Expand completed with rc = %d %s: Expand died with signal %dRunning fsck before shrinking volumeAborting volume shrinkYes %lldShrink output:%s: Shrink completed successfully %s: Shrink completed with rc = %d %s: Shrink died with signal %d%s is mounted.e2fsck checked the volume READ ONLY and found, but did not fix, errors.Unmount %s and run e2fsck again to repair the file system.e2fsck exited with status code %d.badblocksCheck For Bad BlocksCheck the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.badblocks_rwRW Check For Bad BlocksDo a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.vollabelVolume LabelSet the volume label for the file system.journalCreate Ext3 JournalCreate a journal for use with the ext3 file system.%s: Exiting: rc = %d forceForce CheckForce complete file system check.readonlyCheck Read-OnlyCheck the file system READ ONLY. Report but do not correct errors.Check for bad blocks and mark them as busy.Do a read/write check for bad blocks and mark them as busy.timingTiming StatisticsPrint timing statistics.Can't check for bad blocks when the volume is mounted.The size of volume %s is %d bytes.mke2fs requires a minimum of %u bytes to build the ext2/3 file system.VersionExt2 Revision NumberExt2 Revision Number.StateExt2 StateThe state of Ext2.CleanVolLabelFile system volume label.Free File System SpaceAmount of unused space in the file system.Needs journal replayFile System SizeSize of the file system.FreeSpaceHad errorsDirty%d.%d.%dShort NameA short name given to this plugin.Long NameA long name given to this plugin.TypePlugin TypeThere are various types of plugins; each responsible for some kind of storage object.File System Interface ModulePlugin VersionThis is the version number of the plugin.Required Engine Services VersionThis is the version of the Engine services that this plug-in requires. It will not run on older versions of the Engine services.Required Engine FSIM API VersionThis is the version of the Engine FSIM API that this plug-in requires. It will not run on older versions of the Engine FSIM API.E2fsprogs VersionThis is the version of the e2fsprogs that this plugin was shipped with.1.35fs_setupfs_cleanupfs_probefs_can_mkfsfs_can_unmkfsfs_can_fsckfs_get_fs_sizefs_get_fs_limitsfs_expandfs_unmkfsfs_shrinkfs_mkfsfs_fsckfs_get_option_countfs_init_taskfs_set_option,T*++,Tfs_set_volumesfs_get_volume_infofs_get_plugin_infofs_can_expand_byfs_can_shrink_byfsim_get_volume_limitsset_mkfs_optionsfsim_mkfsset_fsck_optionsfsim_fsckfsim_rw_diskblocksfsim_get_ext2_superblockext2fs_swap_superfsim_unmkfsmke2fs-q-b2048-b4096mke2fs command: %s -c-cc-j-L /dev/null%s: mke2fs exited with status %d%s: mke2fs died with signal %de2fsck-f-pfsck command: %s -n-tte2fsck output:%s: e2fsck died with signal %d%s: e2fsck completed with exit code %d H\x`@ 0 `abx$%H'(H?BDQ0 pkDd ph`P@v0 dup ` P  00 8?@88Ā0`@XH8$?@%Ā@'0(H`?HBЀ?PDHQa@bx@d (d@hxkD@pxuHvp?H `P.shstrtab.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rel.ro.data.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 p$# @+(((3  P P< ` `B xHTPPXZblsz @ELF 4T 4 (pP@P@P@P@P@0 8 8e(P-H < P` $pppp p:pp o%:"  *5,-7$+()1 9# ! 0% 3&6.'4/28 @LpL P@ Q Q0 P@ 2P P @dQ0 QN Q P`(Qp"QQD G ,G$< $2QT lQ< Q@ PP ^ 1 3# QP Q8 ;KX7 $QH 0 @lpQ4 QL R Q  WQ v PP@ zQ i ._DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__dl_linux_resolve_gp_disp_dl_linux_resolver_dl_boot_dl_elf_main_dl_handles_dl_symbol_tables_dl_loaded_modules_dl_malloc_function_dl_debug_addr_dl_pagesize_dl_errno_dl_secure_dl_ldsopath_dl_preload_dl_library_path_dl_progname_dl_parse_lazy_relocation_information_dl_debug_state_dl_getenv_dl_parse_dynamic_info_dl_unsetenv_dl_unmap_cache_dl_elf_hash_dl_find_hash_dl_perform_mips_global_got_relocations_dl_check_hashed_files_dl_dprintf_dl_check_if_named_library_is_loaded_dl_protect_relro_dl_map_cache_dl_malloc_dl_strdup_dl_add_elf_hash_table_dl_load_elf_shared_library_dl_internal_error_number_dl_load_shared_library_dl_error_number_dl_parse_relocation_information_dl_fixup_dl_get_ready_to_run_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss_endld-uClibc.so.0PP!'9<'!'د $ !`(! $'(@! <'Ř! !% @#'9E0(! 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 +PP 3 4`4`<8H8HB88ZpH@@0TppXZpb@@lDDsLLzTTXXpPP$# libhandle.la - a libtool library file # Generated by ltmain.sh - GNU libtool 1.5.10 (1.1220.2.131 2004/09/19 12:46:56) # # Please DO NOT delete this file! # It is necessary for linking the library. # The name that we can dlopen(3). dlname='libhandle.so.1' # Names of this library. library_names='libhandle.so.1.0.3 libhandle.so.1 libhandle.so' # The name of the static archive. old_library='libhandle.a' # Libraries that this one depends upon. dependency_libs=' /usr/lib/gcc/mips-unknown-linux-uclibc/3.4.3/libstdc++.la' # Version information for libhandle. current=1 age=0 revision=3 # Is this an already installed library? installed=yes # Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules? shouldnotlink=no # Files to dlopen/dlpreopen dlopen='' dlpreopen='' # Directory that this library needs to be installed in: libdir='/lib' ELF 4x 4 (pLLLLLe(`!00 $ \ ^ p pppp p5pp#%5%( + !$'40" 1#-3*)&.2,/ $ @  H L T \`w`&`<d(`4( $  :PK/  p} FD"l P[p^`5"eP4HX@_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__init_gp_disp_fini__cxa_finalize_Jv_RegisterClassesioctlmallocmemcpy__errno_locationpath_to_handleopen64closehandle_to_fshandlememcmppath_to_fshandlestrncpyopen_by_fshandleopen_by_handlereadlink_by_handleattr_multi_by_handleattr_list_by_handlefssetdm_by_handlefree_handlefreejdm_getfshandlerealpathjdm_new_filehandlejdm_delete_filehandlejdm_openjdm_readlinkjdm_attr_multijdm_attr_listlibstdc++.so.6libm.so.0libc.so.0libgcc_s.so.1_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss_endlibhandle.so.1//usr/lib/gcc/mips-unknown-linux-uclibc/3.4.3`d<'<!'௼<'! 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Fatal marshalling problemauthunix_create: out of memory unixRPC: SuccessRPC: Can't encode argumentsRPC: Can't decode resultRPC: Unable to sendRPC: Unable to receiveRPC: Timed outRPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Authentication errorRPC: Program unavailableRPC: Program/version mismatchRPC: Procedure unavailableRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: Remote system errorRPC: Unknown hostRPC: Unknown protocolRPC: Port mapper failureRPC: Program not registeredRPC: Failed (unspecified error) )BVm|  - FXnAuthentication OKInvalid client credentialServer rejected credentialInvalid client verifierServer rejected verifierClient credential too weakInvalid server verifierFailed (unspecified error),G_xIXIXIXH(H(IXIHhIXIIXIXIXIXIXIXIXIXRPC: (unknown error code)%s: ; errno = %s; why = (unknown authentication error - %d); low version = %lu, high version = %lu; s1 = %lu, s2 = %lu - clnt_raw.c - Fatal header serialization error.clnttcp_create: out of memory [ [([<[[[`[Z[[h[p[|[[[clntudp_create: out of memory iijiij$jiij,j8jHjTjdjtget_myaddress: socketget_myaddress: ioctl (get interface configuration)get_myaddress: ioctl<__get_myaddress: socket__get_myaddress: ioctl (get interface configuration)__get_myaddress: ioctlCannot register servicepmap_getmaps rpc problem<Cannot create socket for broadcast rpcCannot set socket option SO_BROADCASTbroadcast: ioctl (get interface configuration)broadcast: ioctl (get interface flags)Cannot send broadcast packetBroadcast poll problemCannot receive reply to broadcast|bad auth_len gid %d str %d auth %d svc_run: - 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[ ! -z "$(ps | grep "telnetd")" ] && TELNETDUP="true" || TELNETDUP="false" else TELNETDUP="false" fi fi fi #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// For those in the Church of the SubGenius... BUILDDATE="Build Date: $(date -d ${BBDATE} +"%B %d, %Y")" for CMDLINE in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [ "${CMDLINE}" = "discord" ]; then BUILDDATE="$(ddate +'Built on %{%A, the %e day of %B%} in the YOLD %Y. %NCelebrate %H!' ${DISDATE})" fi done #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Basic Startup Stuff #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo -e "Gentoo Linux; http://www.gentoo.org/" echo -e " Copyright 2001-${CPYYEAR} Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL" echo -e "" echo -e " Gentoo/MIPS Netboot for ${MACHTYPE} Machines" echo -e " ${BUILDDATE}" echo -e "" #// If this is the initial startup, then display some messages, otherwise just execute a shell for the user if [ ! -f "/tmp/.startup" ]; then if [ -z "${MYIP}" ]; then einfo "To configure networking, do the following:" echo -e "" einfo "For Static IP:" einfo "/bin/net-setup [telnet]" echo -e "" einfo "For Dynamic IP:" einfo "/bin/net-setup dhcp [telnet]" echo -e "" einfo "If you would like a telnetd daemon loaded as well, pass \"telnet\"" einfo "As the final argument to /bin/net-setup." echo -e "" else einfo "IP Address: ${MYIP}" echo -e "" if [ "${TELNETDUP}" = "true" ]; then einfo "Telnetd has been launched on IP ${MYIP} on Port 23" echo -e "" fi fi #// All Done touch /tmp/.startup else /bin/ash fi echo -e "" #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The files in here are copied to /etc upon initrd bootup. This is because /etc is mounted to tmpfs so that the user cand have read/write access to /etc for the possible creation of some config files (i.e., for RAID devices) on startup. # Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/fstab,v 1.7 2002/05/12 21:48:18 azarah Exp $ # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # #// Main Filesystems /dev/ram0 / ext2 noatime 0 0 none /tmp tmpfs defaults,rw 0 0 #// Miscellaneous Filesystems proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 # /etc/inittab init(8) configuration for BusyBox # # Copyright (C) 1999-2003 by Erik Andersen ::sysinit:/linuxrc ::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty2::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty3::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty4::askfirst:-/bin/ash ::restart:/sbin/init ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot ::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r ::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a # mdadm configuration file # # mdadm will function properly without the use of a configuration file, # but this file is useful for keeping track of arrays and member disks. # In general, a mdadm.conf file is created, and updated, after arrays # are created. This is the opposite behavior of /etc/raidtab which is # created prior to array construction. # # # the config file takes two types of lines: # # DEVICE lines specify a list of devices of where to look for # potential member disks # # ARRAY lines specify information about how to identify arrays so # so that they can be activated # # You can have more than one device line and use wild cards. The first # example includes SCSI the first partition of SCSI disks /dev/sdb, # /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd, /dev/sdj, /dev/sdk, and /dev/sdl. The second # line looks for array slices on IDE disks. # #DEVICE /dev/sd[bcdjkl]1 #DEVICE /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb1 # # If you mount devfs on /dev, then a suitable way to list all devices is: #DEVICE /dev/discs/*/* # # # # ARRAY lines specify an array to assemble and a method of identification. # Arrays can currently be identified by using a UUID, superblock minor number, # or a listing of devices. # # super-minor is usually the minor number of the metadevice # UUID is the Universally Unique Identifier for the array # Each can be obtained using # # mdadm -D # #ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=3aaa0122:29827cfa:5331ad66:ca767371 #ARRAY /dev/md1 super-minor=1 #ARRAY /dev/md2 devices=/dev/hda1,/dev/hda2 # # ARRAY lines can also specify a "spare-group" for each array. mdadm --monitor # will then move a spare between arrays in a spare-group if one array has a failed # drive but no spare #ARRAY /dev/md4 uuid=b23f3c6d:aec43a9f:fd65db85:369432df spare-group=group1 #ARRAY /dev/md5 uuid=19464854:03f71b1b:e0df2edd:246cc977 spare-group=group1 # # When used in --follow (aka --monitor) mode, mdadm needs a # mail address and/or a program. This can be given with "mailaddr" # and "program" lines to that monitoring can be started using # mdadm --follow --scan & echo $! > /var/run/mdadm # If the lines are not found, mdadm will exit quietly #MAILADDR root@mydomain.tld #PROGRAM /usr/sbin/handle-mdadm-events nameserver nameserver nameserver ELF@ 4T 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@DDPp@@@@@  e(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0pj @ ` @<@(@x@H  ppppp@p pCppCC @!"; 7 3 - ?<1=& B*4)9#8$6%(.+/,'0:25>A ypO@@p@ `pp@.`ppk@<I@<@<@<!@<!"@$ $ $D (!@(!@ DP$b4+@ $e$ȏpD $>,h $ $ `!'(<'qP!'௿xFG $>PD $>\ԏ ' <'p!'௿$x $ $B$>P@@8! FD $>\ԏ ' ' <'p !'௿D $h $<'o!'௿$(! @$ (!$  (!$ (!$ (!$(! 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D LHD@<840,('P<'a!'d`\XTPLHD@x$bD H cD !FBh $ @(,t'9  !P!@!0@¯8'9H B@ďx' B@$@!E`O<40<` !'90 Ebt@B(B@!U+@cq!+@h#$Y`(! 0! 8!@!B(B@BP !D$+@!̏ !bC%@$H C%@Ut`(B@!U+@3cq!+@h#$Y0 0! 8!@!@!@ !0r(!r ! 0!@&10*W!ďB*Cp!+@e `#C# ! @bcC%@d4$B$H 4<4$cW<ȏpD$?p $ h $D $?ԏt8! $@/'9 $Lh$Y`(! 0! 8!@!B(B@ BP ! D$7B'9  ČBC+@!` P@$Bb#ˆ#$B'9 B8b!߯8dDDx E<xDE $@='9 $ChM$Y@ !$B'9 8 !8W!'9 !8&1 !0*8`>0Hď!(@b'9  DDx ES'9 , ` !8d`\XTPLHD@'h<'[<!'d`\XTPLHD@hlD$$@p t@(!@{4D &t@D+`pxC'9 @ 0 !x  88,b,C%@]'9H @B!! @XB@B(B@ TxDE $@0T ' @U' &PC$ (!$ (!$  (!$ (!$ (!(! $'$$(B@((B$(,RxȏpD$?DȏpD$?p$  >xD $@ltl $@$ $!xDE $@B@8hp(!'9 p&Rb&BB*@! Dh $xp,$C0E!E'90! !tlC@D`EB(B@ld+@bxU# !dq!+T@#lCs!+T@#hp(!`0!'9 @!@w8Ihpe!$B(!q 0!'9 i@!Ql GEȏpd8! $@ȏp!"BQ!Bð!3 !@ !$B'9 Bb!x>lBD+@:le+ ! @B@B(B@ ,dDDx E,$B'9H ,,(d*@Y'9 $s4$ D$BîB0'9H  8!B4`@0b*@fhp$C(! `0!@!0&$B0! !p ! (!@,p&RQ *5!3*@6hp(! 0!'9 pq#"Q!!!ð!hBp$(! `0!@!pD'9! !&Rb!Q *3*D'9 !&1b!4!DH`'9 x D, , 8 Dd`\XBTPLHD@'h<'R!'lhd`\XTPLH􏙀\!D! (!(!,x\!d ! !@ !t 0$4$$B D$@@!8<@@ĬC`ȬC !$@ (!@!$b⏼$c,b@$cD0C!B\!@䏙'  0!4(C 8cB+C%@ݏȏf g h i j k l m n o p DpD$Ab$BѬbΌ^Bʯ0$ƬCb$Bb@$$B'9 ` @$$B%4D'9 ` 䏙'  0!8 B@ȏDp$A(! ̏䏙'  0!< B@ȏDp$A8Bx,b%$B*@䏅$AX  !@ dC$C!$C^d$  D@!@+"$B C"$AX  ! ! $A\@ۏ'  ! 0!@(! B@$P4cD$cD!E,cȏpD$Ad$ GȏDp$A'9 ` b@ B(B@yB@&BCy&"*@y$U!%*`R4@ ! '$@(!<+4BPlpȎ#*@!$+@b@PbH@ !+@ (!$S@!, ڏH, (!"SǏ  ! $A@͏V0@@ ! $A@֏􏂀C(! &$@(!@ߏ8 !$A &@!$b䏼`֎ $@(!@ȏpD$>,ȏpD$ApD$A'9 ` ȏpD$B,pD$BpU!،D'  0!$ B@$b}U!dGp$BU!،D'  0!@! B@lȏU!dGp$BȏpD$Bȯ8! (!~@ ! '(@(0B@UbxD$B @0!xDB@e $BAp$C,@(!$CD @8!7 $CpSl E@8!ȏpDx$Cl E,ȏpDl$C-"ď ! $AX@!@/l E8!ȏpDV$C0 $C@'bl E0ȏpDA$CȏpD$CȏpD$C(! h $B  !84$D8!  !@0!@@B@<!&d*  !DB Dl,@B'9@@< #*xD $C쏤@<*@ȏ8؏0 lhd`\XTPLH!'p<'F!'د '99$&" $& 1& '(x! $Bx! $Ax! $?x! $>x! $=x! $;x! $:x! $9x! $8x! $6x! $3x! $2x! $1x! $0x! $/x! $,x! $+x! $*x! $)x! $(x! $'x! $&x! $%x! $$x! $"x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'C!'௼<'Cl!'9 P ' done badblocksUsage: %s [-b block_size] [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-svwnf] [-c blocks_at_once] [-p num_passes] [-t test_pattern [-t test_pattern [...]]] device [last_block [start_block]] %lu adding to in-memory bad block list%9ld/%9ldTesting with random pattern: Testing with pattern 0x%02xduring seekWeird value (%ld) in do_read Weird value (%ld) in do_write during ext2fs_sync_deviceChecking for bad blocks (read-only test): while beginning bad block list iterationwhile allocating buffersChecking blocks %lu to %lu Checking for bad blocks in read-only mode Checking for bad blocks in read-write mode From block %lu to %lu Reading and comparing: Checking for bad blocks (non-destructive read-write test) Checking for bad blocks in non-destructive read-write mode Interrupt caught, cleaning up during test data write, block %lub:fi:o:svwnc:p:h:t:bad block size - %sbad simultaneous block count - %sbad number of clean passes - %srrandomcan't allocate memory for test_pattern - %sinvalid test_pattern: %s -%u Maximum of one test_pattern may be specified in read-only modeRandom test_pattern is not allowed in read-only modeCouldn't determine device size; you must specify the size manually while trying to determine device sizebad blocks count - %sbad starting block - %sbad blocks range: %lu-%lu%s is mounted; badblocks forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. ext2fs_check_if_mountwhile determining whether %s is mounted.it's not safe to run badblocks! while trying to open %swcreating in-memory bad blocks listinput file - bad formatPass completed, %u bad blocks found. U?H?h???????????,????????? @=@@=`@@<@<@<@<@<@@ K@@@dY@@@-@@@R?@5P;@c@p@`_init_fini__uClibc_start_main_Jv_RegisterClassesprognamefprintfstderrexitstdoutblkid_tag_iterate_beginblkid_tag_nextstrcmpblkid_dev_devnameblkid_tag_iterate_endputcharmemsetgetoptoptargfputsblkid_parse_tag_stringoptindblkid_get_cacheblkid_find_dev_with_tagblkid_put_cachefreeblkid_get_devblkid_probe_allblkid_dev_iterate_beginblkid_dev_nextblkid_dev_iterate_end_DYNAMIC_LINKING__RLD_MAPlibblkid.so.1_gp_disp_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_libuuid.so.1libc.so.0_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss<'w!'௼<'w!'9  <'w!'9 ' <'wh!!'$00 p'菂L< '<'w!'௿$BB@ $!@ "$B@BY $B$$!"' <'vp!'௿$BB@ 4$@4 ' <'v!'د Fd$@$BT $L '(<'u!'د !HP$y `  ! !d $` !@P$y `  ! !d $` !@ <'t!'<840,($ !!!A$t @!D !' '@,++C$@@ !!P &@&12*@P2*@叙D` | $ ڏ ! !@(! $0  !` $ <840,($ '@<'s!'LHD@<840,(TT$(!!  '' !T(! $!!!!!$'XT ! $ $bq$sb#(bt@$v$cb$hb`` !bQ(bw@$w$tb*W !bJS !P@BT@!R!ҏ.b@&sH8E$0 &s'9   !B&@Hl'D '@H8E $L !'9 8E $h'9   !⏼$bP@tB@!t !!$Y  `u*@`(!'T$C!B*&R(!`$#x(! ' @$@3$@$!  @@ !(!'9 p `0!!Z, T'9 ` DG,!E & $+@ҏ@@!!E $ &@ !(!@`0!'9 p !+@Տ  h  @!'$  !(!@`0!$'9 p !\  !    !LHD@<840,('P<'n!'د '99$&" $& 1& '(x! $,x! $+x! $*x! $(x! $&x! $%x! $$x! $"x! $!x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'l!'௼<'l\!'9 P ' blkid%s %s (%s) 1.0.012-Feb-2003usage: %s [-c ] [-h] [-p] [-s ] [-t ] [-v] [-w ] [dev ...] -c cache file (default: /etc/blkid.tab, /dev/null = none) -h print this usage message and exit -s show specified tag(s) (default show all tags) -t find device with a specific token (NAME=value pair) -v print version and exit -w write cache to different file (/dev/null = no write) dev specify device(s) to probe (default: all devices) %s="%s" %s: c:f:hps:t:w:vToo many tags specified -t needs NAME=value pair Can only search for one NAME=value pair  @8@@@@@@@p@@`@P@@@0@ @@@d@@@@@@@P@@p@`@d @ @ `(@ (@ p@@ P@d@.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@((P+ @xx3@HH;@ddA@ pG@``S@XY2@88Ya@k r y ~ @` `p p!!!""ELF@ 4$p 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@ @`@@@@@JJe(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0 @ @ @(@ @p j pppp@p p+ppo%+ #  )   "$*!&%('A @@H:@ S@@L@$e`_@}@@SPP!"<@ @q@_@Y@5@@@  d@p~@`@P@K@@@0@=@ v@@@@L@B@@ k@_init_fini__uClibc_start_main_Jv_RegisterClassesstderrfputsprognamefprintfbdcmsfputcexitstrcmpioctlatoiperrorfopen64sprintfreport_devicefgetssscanfstrrchrsetlocaledo_commandsclosereport_headerreport_all_devices_DYNAMIC_LINKING__RLD_MAPlibc.so.0_gp_disp_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss_end<'z!'௼<'y!'9  <'y!'9` ' <'yx!!'$00 x'菂\@ '<'y !'௿$BPB@ $!@ "$B@BY $B$$!P"' <'x!'௿$BB@ 8$@8 ' <'x!'Я,($ P< $p4 $p! $p$  $܏< $p$ $$pF $D4pS!B$HP@@0!F $ FL$ %& &sp$$L &%$ L &s&RᏙH<'vd!'د$ 4!!`%@ ! &1@&. @`$!$ '(<'u!'ȯ0,(!< 4`' !<@ !4r' @@! @ $@@!C%@' $%Bd%C#"!b 7î"&0,(`!'8<'t!'`\XTP(d!$ !@!@(< D@8<4@ !6%^ '8@ (@R`PpD$TF !6%c '<@(@A`PpD$hF `8!5(6%h ! 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not reading inode or group bitmapsif you specify the superblock, you must also specify the block sizewhile opening filesystemwhile reading inode bitmapwhile reading block bitmapwhile trying to close filesystemUsage: open [-s superblock] [-b blocksize] [-c] [-w] iwfcb:s:block sizesuperblock numberwhile trying to change native directory to %sext2fs_closeinitialize blocks countwhile initializing filesystemUsage: show_super [-h]Directories: %d Group %2d: block bitmap at %d, inode bitmap at %d, inode table at %d %d free %s, %d free %s, %d used %s inodeinodesdirectories-clean, (%lld-%lld):%d-%d(%lld):%d(TIND):%d(IND):%d(DIND):%dregularsymlinkblock specialcharacter specialFIFOsocketbad type%sInode: %u Type: %s %sMode: %04o Flags: 0x%x Generation: %u %sUser: %5d Group: %5d Size: %sLinks: %d Blockcount: %d %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d %sFragment: Address: %d Number: %d Size: %d %sctime: 0x%08x -- %s%satime: 0x%08x -- %s%smtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sDevice major/minor number: %02d:%02d (hex %02x:%02x) %sBLOCKS: %s%lld %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d Translator: %d %sdtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sFast_link_dest: %.*s (New-style) %sTOTAL: %lld Warning: inode already clearWarning: inode already setInode %u is not in use Inode %u is marked in use Warning: block %d already clearWarning: block %d already setBlock %d not in use Block %d marked in use %30s [%s] Bad value - %s0x%x%dMode0%oUser IDGroup IDSizeCreation timeModification timeAccess timeDeletion timeLink countBlock countFile flagsGenerationFile aclHigh 32bits of sizeFragment addressDirect Block #%dIndirect BlockDouble Indirect BlockTriple Indirect BlockDirectory aclTranslator BlockFragment numberFragment sizewhile trying to get pathname of cwd[pwd] INODE: %6u PATH: %s [root] INODE: %6u PATH: %s while trying to get pathname of rootmake_link Inode is not marked as deletedunlink_file_by_nameFree blocks found: %d Usage: find_free_block [count [goal]]Bad count - %sBad goal - %sext2fs_new_blockUsage: find_free_inode [dir] [mode]Free inode found: %u ext2fs_new_inodeBad dir - %sBad mode - %s The file '%s' already exists Allocated inode: %u while expanding directorycopy_fileUsage: mknod [p| [c|b] ]argv[0]ext2fs_mkdirwhile trying to resolve filenamefile is a directoryfile is not a directorydirectory not emptywhile iterating over directoryOpen mode: read-%s onlyFilesystem in use: %s --none--ext2fs_expand_dirUnknown feature: %s Filesystem features:(none) logical_blklogical_blockwhile mapping logical block %d Inode table for group %lu is missing Inode %d is part of block group %lu located at block %lu, offset 0x%04lx debugfs %s (%s) 1.3528-Feb-2004iwcR:f:b:s:VUsage: debugfs [-b blocksize] [-s superblock] [-f cmd_file] [-R request] [-V] [[-w] [-c] device] Using %s debugfs0.0creating invocationadding standard requests-debugfs: %s /usr/binpagermoreless__none__DEBUGFS_PAGERw%s/%sFilesystem not openFilesystem %s is still open. Close it first. Filesystem opened read/onlyFilesystem bitmaps not loadedBad %s - %sblock numberInvalid block number 0Usage: %s %s [count]while reading inode %uwhile writing inode %uUsage: ncheck ...Inode Pathname%u %u %s do_ncheckwhile allocating inode info arraywhile opening inode scanwhile starting inode scanBad inode - %swhile doing inode scanwhile calling ext2_dir_iteratewhile resolving pathname for inode %d (%d)Usage: icheck ...Block Inode number%u while allocating block bufferwhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate%u %u JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec %c%6u%c %6o (%d) %5d %5d %s %s %5lld%2d-%s-%4d %02d:%02d%5d%c%u%c (%d) %s dlUsage: ls [-l] [-d] filels_deleted_inodes[secs] Inode Owner Mode Size Blocks Time deleted %6u %6d %6o %6llu %4d/%4d %s%d deleted inodes found. Bad time - %swhile allocating deleted information storagewhile reallocating arraywhile setting times of %swhile setting permissions of %swhile changing ownership of %swhile opening ext2 filewhile reading ext2 filewhile writing filewhile closing ext2 filedump_fileUsage: dump_inode [-p] while opening %s for dump_inodewhile allocating memorywhile allocating for symlinkwhile creating symlink %s -> %swhile opening symlinkwhile reading symlinkwhile closing symlinkwhile dumping %s..while making directory %s %s is not a directorywhile statting %sinodes_countblocks_countr_blocks_countfree_blocks_countfree_inodes_countfirst_data_blocklog_block_sizelog_frag_sizeblocks_per_groupfrags_per_groupinodes_per_groupmax_mnt_countstateerrorsminor_rev_levelcheckintervalcreator_osrev_leveldef_resuiddef_resgidfirst_inoinode_sizeblock_group_nrfeature_compatfeature_incompatfeature_ro_compatvolume_namelast_mountedlastcheckalgorithm_usage_bitmapprealloc_blocksprealloc_dir_blocksjournal_uuidjournal_inumjournal_devlast_orphanhash_seeddef_hash_versionCouldn't parse '%s' for field %s. Error maximum size for %s is %d. nullcleartimerandomInvalid UUID format: %s Invalid hash algorithm: %s "set_super_value -l" will list the names of superblock fields which can be set.s_-lSuperblock fields supported by the set_super_value command:unknownhash algorithm %-20s %s stringintegerunsigned integerUUIDinvalid field specifier: %swhile seeking in reading journalwhile while reading journalshort read (read %d, expected %d) while while reading journal(%d+%u): %u (%s): %u ab:ci:f:sUsage: logdump [-ac] [-b] [-i] [-f] [output_file]Inode %u is at group %u, block %u, offset %u Journal superblock magic number invalid! no journal backup in super block while opening %s for logdumpUsing external journal found at %s filesystem has no journalExt2 superblock header found. uuid=%s blocksize=%d journal data size %ld No magic number at block %u: end of journal. Found sequence %u (not %u) at block %u: end of journal. Journal starts at block %u, transaction %u unrecognised typedescriptor blockFound expected sequence %u, type %u (%s) at block %u Unexpected block type %u at block %u. commit blockV1 superblockV2 superblockrevoke tableDumping revoke block, sequence %u, at block %u: Revoke FS block %u at block %u, sequence %u Dumping descriptor block, sequence %u, at block %u: FS block %u logged at sequence %u, journal block %u %04x: %08x CLEARSET (block bitmap for block %u: block is %s) (inode block for inode %u): Blocks: INDDINDTINDBad block number - %s@D@d@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'(@'@'@'@'Entry #%d: Hash 0x%08x%s, block %d (**)Entry #%d: Hash 0x%08x, block %d htree_dump_int_blockhtree_dump_leaf_nodeCouldn't allocate child block. %u 0x%08x (%d) %s while reading block %d Corrupted directory block (%d)! while calculating hash--------------------- Number of entries (count): %d Number of entries (limit): %d Usage: htree_dump [-l] fileRoot node dump: Reserved zero: %d Hash Version: %d Info length: %d Indirect levels: %d Flags: %d Not a directoryNot a hash-indexed directoryCouldn't allocate htree bufferError reading root nodeh:usage: dx_hash filenamewhile caclulating hashHash of %s is 0x%0x (minor 0x%0x) Usage: dirsearch dir filenameCouldn't allocate buffersearch_dir_blockwhile reading block %luEntry found at logical block %lld, phys %d, offset %d Unused block %ld contains non-zero data: While reading block @@(@0@8@D@L@T@`@h@p@Հ@Մ@Ռ@Ր@Ք@L@ՠ@ը@մ@ռ@@@@@@ @@ @$@4@8@H@L@T@\@d@l@t@|@ք@֐@֔@֜@֤@@֬@ְ@@@@@@@@@$@,@@@H@X@h@p@x@ׄ@ה@ל@׬@״@@eL@ϐ@%@Ϩ@)l@ϼ@f|@@-@@)@@+@<@z(@X@@t@:(@Аt@JD@Шh@@\@9,@P@NL@H@Q@@@^`@8@c0@00@aT@D(@a@| @:@Ѡ@;\@Ѽ@<`@@=X@@>L@@?@0@A@L@E@h@R@@҈@T0@Ҝ@J@Ұ@f@@Z@@@@O@@U@ @@Hx@@dp@'@Ӏh@\@Ӹ\@p@T@@H@L@,<@d@L4@@x,@h|@Ԩ$@i@@İ@@d @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @p@ @p@ @p@ @p@ $@p@ (@p@$ ,@p@4 0@T@D 4@p@X 8@p@h <@p@ H@p@| J@T@ N@p@ P@p@ R@p@ X@p@ \@p@ `@p@ d@p@ f@p@ h@p@ l@p@ n@p@ p@p@$ t@p@8 x@p@ |@@L @8@X @@8@h T@p@t @p@ @p@ @p@ @@ @p@ @p@ @p@ @@ @@A@@@s@p @@@@A@@@@ΰ@Π@ΐ@΀@p@`@P@1d@JD@@@0@ @@aT@@ @ @-@@@Ͱ@͠@\@^`@d@u@͐@̀@p@`@Q@q@İ@P@@@p@0@ @@NL@x@0 @=X@r@@@@@@̰@Z@̠@̐@̀@z(@@@)@p@O@`@P@@@0@ @w|@E@q@>L@s( @)l@f|@'@a@s@@@<` @@h|@ @@@eL@˰@ˠ@ː@ˀ@U@p@`@J@tH@P@@@0@f@ @@@@@R@@@uP@@ʰ@ʠ@ʐ@ʀ@!@p@`@P@@@0@ @%@@p@@@@xl@?@ @:@+@@@@v@ɰ@ɠ@ɐ@ɀ@@p @`@P@@@0@;\@ @@@@@:(@ @i@t@T0@@Ȱ@Ƞ@Ȑ@L@Ȁ@p@9,@c0@`@P@@@0@ @ @@@@@@ǰ@Ǡ @! @0 @#?@@%P@'0@(H @)l0@)؀@@+P@- @.H0@/0@1d@9,8@:((@:@;\0@<`0@=X(@>L0@?0@A(@BH@Ch@D@E@JD(@JԀH@L?H@NL0@NԀ @O@PȀ0@Q0@R@0@T08@U?!h@Z@^`8@_܀ @`@a(@aT@b@c0@eL(@f(@f|?8@h|@@i0@jP@p@px@q@q̀8@rЀ @s( @s @s @tH(@t@@uP0@u0@v8@w|H@xl(@x(@y@z(@~@?@8@@@@Ѐ @@@<8@< @8@̀?H@x@\H@Ѐ0@p0@T0@8(@܀(@(@p@@`?@@(@\@E(@@L@dP@@@$@@İ0@!@0.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rel.ro.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@PP+ @ 3@ ;@!!A@"0"0pG@ǠǠS@00XY@ϐϐ*Qa@kry~`PP``X  ,  @ xxELF@94h 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@""0Y@@@@@8"8"e(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0A @9d C@ @$@ X  pppp@p pp!p-qz:XH wqf*TGx36f`<26 UtYhx)&C^~4L8%uO}R;_A7Bp;\\iQT.^#(h"!zW>g4NSK/bL0=F-?0u1r')m | y ~l#K+]N$B[Dg>$IkYE5GaFU@sZ] , c9Mod Hv{VJP:nVePRrjk&(1W}Co8 JsD*5%I@b!/A,9+"dS? 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($b$C*@9,&!$*T@u ԎD cT#D!G0bC%(!$B!BT($D 0!0bC%E!D!CBb%<4Bb@ !(!0g8'@ !'96 (!@ ("$Bb*T`CB!BT@CbT#C!B@ $EB!Bx! $7x! $0x! $-x! $,x! $x! $x! $ x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $동x! $ޏx! $ۏx! $ӏx! $Əx! $ŏx! $ďx! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $tx! $rx! $fx! $cx! $Vx! $Ux! $Px! $Nx! $Jx! $Ix! $Ex! $Cx! $6x! $4x! $1x! $-x! $(x! $'x! $$x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'ޠ!'௼<'|!'9:P ' %d expected, %d found in %lu print_disk_tree: bad block type (%b) Could not read block %lu level too smallCould not open ondisk bitmap%s %d %s debugreiserfs.cNo area to scan specifiedWhole device (%d blocks) is to be scanned Loading on-disk bitmap .. %d bits set - done %d blocks marked in the given bitmap init_bitmap: could not load bitmap: %m could not load fitmap from "%s"wdebugreiserfs: could not open badblock file %s before free line : %s debugreiserfs: could not open corruption list file %s after freeCould not get block %lu a:b:C:F:SU1:pkn:Nfr:dDomj:JqtZl:LVB:uvparse_options: bad block numberparse_options: bad list corruption filedebugreiserfs: Cannot not open '%s': %s%s %s (2003 www.namesys.com) 3.6.19Usage: %s [options] device Options: -d print blocks details of the internal tree -D print blocks details of all used blocks -B file extract list of badblocks -m print bitmap blocks -o print objectid map -J print journal header -j filename print journal located on the device 'filename' stores the journal in the specified file 'filename. -p send filesystem metadata to stdout -u read stdin and unpack the metadata -S handle all blocks, not only used -1 block block to print -q no speed info -V print version and exit no filesystem found debugreiserfs: can not open reiserfs on "%s": %s debugreiserfs: Failed to open the fs journal. %lu is used in ondisk bitmap %lu is free in ondisk bitmap print_one_block: bread failedLooks like unformattedThe internal reiserfs tree has: %d internal + %d leaves + %d unformatted nodes = %d blocks Could not open journalThe '%s' device with reiserfs has: could not read block %lu Will try to extract list of bad blocks and save it to '%s' file Done init_bitmap??Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ??Ȍ?ɘ?Ǹ??Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ??Ǹ?ʨ?ɰ?T?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ??x?Ǹ?Ȁ?ʰ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?0?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?,?P?Ǹ?Ɍ?Ǹ?\?Ǹ?Ǹ?Ǹ?ɼ?4?8?ɰ?################## command : %s?>@7@8@o@`@@@@@@@P@@@t@@@@@@@do_appendmap_one_itemdo_overwrite@L@@@@Lscan.crealloc failedfopen failed: %m Reading file map from stdin.. bread failed block %lu, item %d belongs to file %K: %H block %lu, item %d (%H): entry %d %s.%d%d - (%d): [%K]:"%s": stored in the %s could open %s: %mscan.logLog file 'scan.log' is openedWhat key do you want to find: dirid?objectid?looking for (%K) %ld bits set in bitmap There were %d items saved Enter dirid objectid "name" or press ^D to quit >looking for file "%s" in (%K) - name is found in block %lu (item %d, entry %d) wrong itemno appropriate tail foundoverwrite (indirect): %H contains different data overwrite (direct): %H contains different data .mapflush_map: fopen failed: %mname not found regcomp failedLooking for names matching %s There were found %d names matching the pattern "%s", %d names skipped block %lu is reiserfs internal node block %lu is journal descriptor block %lu is reiserfs super block %u_%uWhich should be left?: write %ld Problem item %d: The problem has occurred looks like a hardware problem (perhaps memory). Send us the bug report only if the second run dies at the same place with the same block number. The problem has occurred looks like a hardware problem. If you have bad blocks, we advise you to get a new hard drive, because once you get one bad block that the disk drive internals cannot hide from your sight,the chances of getting more are generally said to become much higher (precise statistics are unknown to us), and this disk drive is probably not expensive enough for you to you to risk your time and data on it. If you don't want to follow that follow that advice then if you have just a few bad blocks, try writing to the bad blocks and see if the drive remaps the bad blocks (that means it takes a block it has in reserve and allocates it for use for of that block number). If it cannot remap the block, use badblock option (-B) with reiserfs utils to handle this block correctly. show_buffers (dev %d, size %lu): free %d, count != 0 %d, dirty %d, all %d remove_from_hash_queue: hash queue corruptedput_buffer_list_end: buffer list corruptedgrow_buffers: no memory for new buffer dataget_free_buffer: buffer list is corruptedbrelse: can not free a free buffer %lu_RollBackFileForReiserfsFSCKCannot create file %s, work without a rollback file rollback: file (%s) initialize r+rollback: file (%s) opened Cannot stat rollback file (%s) Cannot open file (%s) Specified file (%s) does not look like a rollback file rollback: wrong rollback blocksize, exit rollback: %d blocks backed up rollback: specified device cannot be stated, exit rollback: unspecified device, exit rollback: specified journal device cannot be stated rollback: (%u) blocks restored rollback: fread: %s rollback: block from unknown device, skip block device cannot be lseeked, skip block rollback: write %d bytes returned error (block=%lld, dev=%d): %s bwrite: bad block is going to be written: %lu bwrite: write %lld bytes returned %lld (block=%ld, dev=%d): %s bwrite: read (block=%lu, dev=%d): %s bwrite: lseek to position %llu (block=%lu, dev=%d): %s bwrite: fstat of (%d) returned -1: %s rollback: block (%lu) has the size different from the fs uses, block skipped sync_buffers: buffer list is corruptedinsert_into_hash_queue: hash queue corruptedgetblk: no free buffers after grow_buffers and refill (%d)%s: End of file, cannot read the block (%lu). %s: Cannot read the block (%lu): (%s). flush_buffers: device is not specifiedcheck_and_free_buffer_mem: not free buffer (%d, %ld, %ld, %d) check_and_free_buffer_mem: dirty buffer (%d %lu) found check_and_free_buffer_mem: found %d buffers, must be %dinvalidate_buffers: dirty buffer or used buffer (%d %lu) found breadHans Reiser was the project initiator, source of all funding for the first 5.5 years. He is the architect and official maintainer. Vladimir Saveliev started as the most junior programmer on the team, and became the lead programmer. He is now an experienced highly productive programmer. He wrote the extent handling code for Reiser4, plus parts of the balancing code and file write and file read. Alexander Zarochentcev (zam) wrote the high low priority locking code, online resizer for V3 and V4, online repacker for V4, block allocation code, and major parts of the flush code, and maintains the transaction manager code. We give him the stuff that we know will be hard to debug, or needs to be very cleanly structured. Nikita Danilov wrote most of the core balancing code, plugin infrastructure, and directory code. He steadily worked long hours, and is the reason so much of the Reiser4 plugin infrastructure is well abstracted in its details. The carry function, and the use of non-recursive balancing, are his idea. Vladimir Demidov wrote the parser for sys_reiser4(), the V3 alpha port, part of the V3 journal relocation code, and helped Hans keep the business side of things running. Chris Mason wrote the journaling code for V3, which was enormously more useful to users than just waiting until we could create a wandering log filesystem as Hans would have unwisely done without him. Jeff Mahoney optimized the bitmap scanning code for V3, and performed the big endian cleanups. Elena Gryaznova performed testing and benchmarking. Oleg Drokin was the debugger for V3 during most of the time that V4 was under development, and was quite skilled and fast at it. He wrote the large write optimization of V3. Edward Shushkin wrote the encryption and compression file plugins, and the V3 journal relocation code. Alexander Lyamin keeps our hardware running, and was very generous to our project in many little ways. Vitaly Fertman wrote fsck for V3 and maintains the reiserfsprogs package now. He wrote librepair, userspace plugins repair code, fsck for V4, and worked on developing libreiser4 and userspace plugins with Umka. Yury Umanets (aka Umka) developed libreiser4, userspace plugins, and all userspace tools (reiser4progs) except of fsck. Joshua Macdonald wrote the first draft of the transaction manager. Yuri Rupasov did testing and benchmarking, plus he invented the r5 hash (also used by the dcache code). Yura Rupasov, Anatoly Pinchuk, Igor Krasheninnikov, Grigory Zaigralin, Mikhail Gilula, Igor Zagorovsky, Roman Pozlevich, Konstantin Shvachko, and Joshua MacDonald are former contributors to the project. Jeremy Fitzhardinge wrote the teahash.c code for V3. Colin Plumb also contributed to that. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, www.darpa.mil) is the primary sponsor of Reiser4. DARPA does not endorse this project; it merely sponsors it. Continuing core development of ReiserFS is mostly paid for by Hans Reiser from money made selling licenses in addition to the GPL to companies who don't want it known that they use ReiserFS as a foundation for their proprietary product. And my lawyer asked 'People pay you money for this?'. Yup. Life is good. If you buy ReiserFS, you can focus on your value add rather than reinventing an entire FS. BigStorage (www.bigstorage.com) contributes to our general fund every month, and has done so for quite a long time. SuSE (www.suse.com) pays for continuing work on journaling for version 3, paid for much of the previous version 3 work, and is paying for Chris and Jeff to do V3 maintenance. Reiserfs integration in their distro is consistently solid, and they were key to our becoming widely used. Lycos Europe (www.lycos-europe.com) had a support contract with us that consistently came in just when we would otherwise have missed payroll, and that they kept doubling every year. Much thanks to them. Many persons came to www.namesys.com/support.html, and got a question answered for $25, or just gave us a small donation there. Thanks to all of those sponsors, including the secret ones. Without you, we would each still have that day job. 0%20%40%60%80%100%Stat of the device '%s' failed. %s _mem_begin_checkmem: memory corrupted - invalid sizemem_endcheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid head signcheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid end signgetmem: no more memory (%d)expandmem: no more memory (%d)__free_file != ((void *)0)mntfile != ((void *)0)misc.cdevice != ((void *)0)/etc/mtab/proc/proc/mountsroleft %lu, %d /secdone %lu, %d /sec%s%scount_blocks: block device too largeFailed to open '%s': %s. stat on device failed /dev/A pair of credits: misc_mntent_lookupmisc_root_mountedmisc_mntentleaf_delete_items_entirelyleaf_paste_in_bufferleaf_insert_into_bufleaf_cut_from_bufferleaf_define_dest_src_infosAJAK8AKALTALlbalance.cleaf_delete_items_entirely: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_paste_in_buffer: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_insert_into_buf: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_cut_from_buffer: bad leaf %lu: %bvs-10250: leaf_define_dest_src_infos: shift type is unknown (%d)left mergeableright mergeableVIRTUAL NODE CONTAINS %d items, has size %d,%s,%s, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d MODE='%c' %s %d %dprints.cvi_type: 6000: unknown type (0x%x)It is directory with %d entries: %d level=%d, nr_items=%d, free_space=%d rdkey%*s[%u %u][%u %u 0x%Lx %s (%d)]BADold%u %u 0x%Lx %s (%d), len %u, location %u entry count %u, fsck need %u, format %snew[dc_number=%u, dc_size=%u]%c%c%cdirectorydirectindirectstat dataOffset Bh (b_blocknr, b_count) Position Nr_item%6d %10p (%9lu, %7d) %8d %7d length%3s: %-25s%s%-22s%-12s%s ### Object keyName HashGen number%3d: "%-25.*s"(%3d)%20K%12d%5d, loc %u, state %x %s %3d: wrong entry location %u, deh_offset %u %d(%d)%d pointer%s [print_indirect_item: invalid item len%d/%Y %T(OLD SD), mode %M, size %u, nlink %u, uid %u, FDB %u, mtime %s blocks %u(NEW SD), mode %M, size %Lu, nlink %u, mtime %s blocks %u, uid %u%s %s block %lu, item %d: %H direct item: block %lu, start %d, %d bytes Device [0x%x] Magic [0x%x] Size %u blocks (including 1 for journal header) (first block %u) Max transaction length %u blocks Max batch size %u blocks Max commit age %u Reiserfs super block in block %lu on 0x%x of format 3.6 with unknown format with standard journal Count of blocks on the device: %u Number of bitmaps: %u Blocksize: %d Free blocks (count of blocks - used [journal, bitmaps, data, reserved] blocks): %u Root block: %u format 3.5 with Blocks (total/free): %u/%u by %d bytes NOT Filesystem is %sclean non-Tree height: %d Hash function used to sort names: %s Objectid map size %d, max %d Journal parameters: Blocks reserved by journal: %u Fs state field: 0x%x: some corruptions exist. I/O corruptions exist. sb_version: %u FATAL corruptions exist. inode generation number: %u UUID: %U LABEL: %.16s Set flags in SB: ATTRIBUTES CLEAN Filesystem state: consistent consistency is not checked after last mounting ReIsErLBDesc block %lu (j_trans_id %ld, j_mount_id %ld, j_len %ld) print_block: buffer is NULL Block %ld contains unformatted data =================================================================== LEAF NODE (%ld) contains %b (real items %d) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |###|type|ilen|f/sp| loc|fmt|fsck| key | | | | |e/cn| | |need| | DELETED------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |%3d|%30H|%s =================================================================== FIRST ITEM_KEY: %k, LAST ITEM KEY: %k \n" INTERNAL NODE (%ld) contains %b PTR %d: %y KEY %d: %20k PTR %d: %20y ********************** PRINT_TB for %s ******************* MODE=%c, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d ********************************************************************** h * S * L * R * F * FL * FR * CFL * CFR ** %u * %3lu(%2lu) * %3lu(%2lu) * %3lu(%2lu) * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * * h * size * ln * lb * rn * rb * blkn * s0 * s1 * s1b * s2 * s2b * curb * lk * rk ** %d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %3d * %2d * %3d * %4d * %2d * %2d * * %d * %4d * %2d * * %2d * * %2d * %s%p (%lu %d)FEB list: ********************** END OF PRINT_TB ******************* , Bitmap blocks are: #%d: block %lu: used %d, free %d %d) Free(%d-print_bmap: bread failed for %d: %lu Busy (%d-%d) Busy(%d-Free (%d-print_objectid_map: proper signature is not found Map of objectids (super block size %d) busy(%u-%u) free(%u-%u) Object id array has size %d (max %d):%s%u Journal header (block #%lu of %s): j_last_flush_trans_id %ld j_first_unflushed_offset %ld j_mount_id %ld #%d %lu->%lu%s BMountid %u, transid %u, desc %lu, length %u, commit %lu print_journal: journal is not opened vi_typesearch_by_keystree.csearch_by_key: something wrong with the treesearch_by_key: expected level %dnot set"tea""rupasov""r5"ReIsErFsReIsEr2FsReIsEr3Fsnode_formats.cUnknown format foundleafbroken leafunknownDetecting hash code: could not detect hash with name "%.*s" func2code: no hashes matches this function code2func: wrong hash code %d. Using default %s hash function get_bytes_number: called for wrong type of item %hIND???DRCTDIRSDset_key_type_v2: type is too big %dget_set_sd_field: unknown field of old stat dataget_set_sd_field: unknown field of new stat datamark_objectid_as_used: objectid map corruptedreiserfs_super_block_sizefunc2codeset_key_type_v2get_set_sd_fieldALAAʴAxAreiserfs_openreiserfs_search_by_entry_keyreiserfs_paste_into_itemreiserfs_locate_entryreiserfs_find_entryreiserfs_add_entrymake_sure_root_dir_existscreate_badblock_bitmapbadblock_listcallback_badblock_rm reiserfs_open: the reiserfs superblock cannot be found on %s. reiserfs_open: bread failed reading block %d reiserfs_open: a superblock with wrong parameters was found in the block (%d). %s: Your partition is not big enough to contain the filesystem of (%lu) blocks as was specified in the found super block. reiserfs_open: bread failed reading block %d, size %d reiserfs_create: no enough blocks on device reiserfs_create: can not create that small (%d blocks) filesystem reiserfs_create: getmem failed reiserfs_create: could not open %s: %s reiserfs_create: getblk failed reiserfs_reopen: closed failed: %sreiserfs_reopen: could not reopen device: %sreiserfs_reopen: reading super block failedblock allocator is not defined block deallocator is not defined uget_rkey: invalid block number (%d). Must be %lduget_rkey: illegal offset in the path (%d)uget_rkey: parent is not uptodateuget_rkey: invalid position (%d) in the pathuget_rkey: buffer on the path is not in treeusearch_by_position: looking for %k found a directory with the same key uget_lkey: invalid block number (%d). Must be %lduget_lkey: illegal offset in the path (%d)uget_lkey: parent is not uptodateuget_lkey: invalid position (%d) in the pathuget_lkey: buffer on the path is not in treereiserfslib.creiserfs_search_by_entry_key: found item is not of directory type %H_search_by_entry_key: item corresponding to delimiting key %k not found_search_by_entry_key: %k is not a directoryreiserfs_paste_into_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfs_insert_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfs_locate_entry: wrong delimiting key in the treereiserfs_locate_entry: can not find name in broken directory yetreiserfs_find_entry: wrong delimiting key in the treereiserfs_find_entry: can not find name in broken directory yetreiserfs_add_entry: looking for %k (inserting name "%s") search_by_entry_key returned %dIt must be root's stat data %k '%s' looks mounted.%s is not a block special device Continue (y/n):y Use -f to force over %s is entire device, not just one partition! %u%s: block number (%u) points out of fs size (%u). %s: Failed to open the given badblock file '%s'. %s: block number (%u) belongs to system reiserfs area. It cannot be relocated. %s: Some problems while searching by the key occured. Probably due to tree corruptions. %s: fix_nodes failedreiserfsck_insert_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfsck_paste_into_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfs_bitmap_copyreiserfs_bitmap_disjunctionreiserfs_bitmap_deltareiserfs_bitmap_set_bitreiserfs_bitmap_clear_bitreiserfs_bitmap_test_bitreiserfs_bitmap_comparereiserfs_shrink_bitmapreiserfs_bitmap_find_zero_bitreiserfs_open_ondisk_bitmapreiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmapreiserfs_create_ondisk_bitmapto->bm_byte_size == from->bm_byte_sizebitmap.cto->bm_byte_size == from->bm_byte_size && to->bm_bit_size == from->bm_bit_sizebase->bm_byte_size == exclude->bm_byte_size && base->bm_bit_size == exclude->bm_bit_sizebit_number < bm->bm_bit_sizebit %u, bitsize %lu bm1->bm_byte_size == bm2->bm_byte_size && bm1->bm_bit_size == bm2->bm_bit_sizebm->bm_bit_size >= bit_count*first < bm->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmap: bread failed for block %lu Getblk failed for (%lu) Temp file opened by fsck: "%s" .. open_file: could not open file %s reiserfs_bitmap_save: fseek failed: %s reiserfs_bitmap_save: fseek failed: %sis_stage_magic_correct: fseek failed: %s is_stage_magic_correct: no magic found is_stage_magic_correct: wrong pass foundreiserfs_bitmap_load: no bitmap start magic foundreiserfs_bitmap_load: creation failedreiserfs_bitmap_load: no bitmap end magic foundbm->bm_byte_size == to_copybitmap is initiaized already%s: wrong either bitmaps number, count of blocks or blocksize, run with --rebuild-sb to fix it reiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmap: bread failed reading bitmap (%lu) reiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmap: getblk failednext_transaction: valid transaction is expectedreplay_one_transaction: transaction %lu: reading %lu block failed replay_one_transaction: transaction %lu: block %ld should not be journalled (%lu) reading descriptor block %lu failed reading commit block %lu failed WARNING: wrong transaction max size (%u). Changed to %u reiserfs_open_journal: wrong journal parameters found in the super block. You should run reiserfsck with --rebuild-sb to check your superblock consistency. reiserfs_open_journal: journal parameters from the superblock does not match to the journal headers ones. It looks like that you created your fs with old reiserfsprogs. Journal header is fixed. reiserfs_open_journal: journal parameters from the super block does not match to journal parameters from the journal. You should run reiserfsck with --rebuild-sb to check your superblock consistency. Journal of (%lu) block size found on specified journal device %s. Must be not less than (%lu). Filesystem with standard journal found, wrong name of specified journal device %s Detected journal on specified device %s does not fit to the device. Start block (%lu) + size (%lu) less than device size (%lu). reiserfs_open_journal: bread failed reading journal header. reiserfs_create_journal: offset is %lu, but it cannot be less then %llu on the device %s reiserfs_create_journal: cannot create a journal of %lu blocks with %lu offset on %d blocks reiserfs_create_journal: no enough blocks on device %lu, needed %lu reiserfs_create_journal: offset is %lu, blocks on device %lu NOTE: journal new size %lu is greater than default size %lu: this may slow down initializing and mounting of the journal. Hope it is ok. WARNING: Journal size (%u) is less, than minimal supported journal size (%u). reiserfs_create_journal: stat %s failed: %s reiserfs_create_journal: could not open %s: %s reiserfs_create_journal: getblk failed reiserfs_reopen_journal: reading journal header failedreiserfs_reopen_journal: closed failed: %sreiserfs_reopen_journal: could not reopen journal deviceReplaying journal.. Reiserfs journal '%s' in blocks [%u..%u]: %d transactions replayed journal.creplay_journal: journal is not openedreplay_journal: fs is not opened with write permsNo transactions found Trans broken: mountid %lu, transid %lu, desc %lu, len %lu, commit %lu, next trans offset %lu Trans replayed: mountid %lu, transid %lu, desc %lu, len %lu, commit %lu, next trans offset %lu replay_journalget_FEBbalance_leafbalance_leaf_when_deletedo_balan.cvs-12300: get_FEB: FEB list is emptywhen_delINSERTUNKNOWNPAP-12040: balance_leaf_when_delete: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PASTECUTPAP-12130: balance_leaf: lnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)DELETEPAP-12175: balance_leaf: rnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)vs-12195: balance_leaf: CFR not initializedPAP-12245: balance_leaf: blknum > 2: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)check_leftcheck_rightare_items_mergeableget_right_neighborget_far_parentfix_nodesget_direct_parentip_check_balanceare_leaves_removablefix_node.cvs-8065: check_left: all items fit in the left neighborvs-8095: check_right: all items fit in the left neighborvs-8125: decrement_key: item of wrong type found %kvs-16070: are_items_mergeable: left %k, right %kvs-16080: get_right_neighbor: get_rkey returned min key (path has changed)get_empty_nodes: not free empty bufferget_lfree: block %u block_head %z has bad child pointer %y, order %d get_far_parent: buffer of path is notin the treeget_far_parent: incorrect position in the parentget_far_parent: incorrect disk child in the parentget_far_parent: root not found in the pathget_far_parent: position is not definedPAP-8260: get_direct_parent: illegal offset in the pathget_direct_parent: root changedget_direct_parent: parent in the path is not in the treeget_direct_parent: wrong position in the pathget_direct_parent: parent in the path is not parent of the current node in the treevs-8210: ip_check_balance: S[0] can not be 0vs-8215: ip_check_balance: incorrect return value of get_empty_nodesvs-8135: are_leaves_removable: empty node in the treedT.>k[internal_define_dest_src_infosB BB|BpBBB@balance_internalbalance_internal_when_deleteibalance.cinternal_define_dest_src_infosshift type is unknown (%d)balance_internal_when_deleteunexpected tb->lnum[%d]==%d or tb->rnum[%d]==%dbalance_internalOne new node required for creating the new rootbalance_internal: invalid child_pos CC^pCCbC CcC CՀCCChCٜCPCۀC۸CpCCLC$CޤC,CCDCCTCpCHCCDC<C<C<C<CHC<C<C<C<CLC<C<C<C<CPC<C<C<C<CTC<C<C<C<CXCC(C0C<ClCtD C@DABCCBATDAsCCAqhBBPCBc\CA'TWHC(\C&DCB AACBĜB)CpC`BBB!B9AڐCPBB%@C@AsBzC0BC BAcB`B3 BAHCwC^pABdCACAB$B CCAZxB{AdCB*8CVVBB'<CCAuB@Am`CBABB B)BB-Bt CBdD!CBBA $CBFDAܜBxBsB$lCpB:C`AB6(AuTAB|B\A`ABҐAY,CPBC@C%DC0BC @CxC@@B CcACB+CB CCCBF@@CAo|WBkB&lB|BPB@tpB'BCB|CCCy<B:CpB`AC`BcB!CPBtC@B#LAdBόC0VB C BtBBhB'xACBbB/,CCCBJtBA\A@Bh B<A0BBQPXhB.B5CB|A BALB=CAtACBBBsHB9BXA4ABBhCXWBaCAjLBdBAdC@ڀA,B!0 BBCpC]@FA0C`B'B44BBcAyCP@9dC@C0CBBA|@B"A`B`@DC AB@CABlVCBTC#$@LB!tBAB<B`BBCCBCADBBBPAAuAL<CBdXB`B@0CBpB҈CbBAhCBAҬA@AA@WtBBPCBhB A~A CA"BVB,@XC@Z$CpAWB<@C`BGTBh(W@d@AZBCPC@C0C AxHBBdAwAspWtCAtC`BVBB8CBAvAdWCC@0CB-8@9d C @;`?@@>8@B̀0@C(@DȀ@@F@@HԀP@V0@Wt @W0@X̀ @Y<0@Z$ @Z`@b8X@j`@zD?H@|xh@08@dp@ЀP@0@?H@0(@p@@0@٬8@ڀ(@L(@@@h@Ѐ8@@@@0A8A?8A0HA $8A 0HA0HA`0HA0Ad0AAAĀ(AAHA"ĀPA$P(A%@A'TAKp8AL<AT ATDAThATpPAU(AV(AWLAW(AWԀ(AY,AY(AZx AZ܀(A[A]A^̀(A_AcAh|?8AjL8Am`?@Ao| Ao8Aqh(Ar (As(AspAsAtdAt܀AuT AuAuЀ(Av(AwĀ(AxH0Ay(Az`A}\`A~p A~ԀA Ad?8A @AD0AAAA A A`8ALA0AHA(A(AtAAAAdAAAD0A0A0@A\PAXAHA,HAphAPA8hAXÀ8ApA0A|8Ad0AҬ8AAA0AHA`AxAӐ8AԌ0AդXA@xAٜ0AڐA(At0A<HAܜ(A@Aࠀ8A`AA08A鰀 AXA0At(A\@A(A@PB`BPB 0B 8B ?@BP8B BpBBЀ(B(B88BPBBЀ(BPPB@BB<B0BĀ B 0B B!0 B!t B! B! B" B#L(B$( B$lB$ B%(B&B&l(B'<B'xB'B'Ԁ(B)(B)(B*0B*8?8B+0B-B-8(B. 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"' <'u`!'௿$BB@ 4$@4 ' <'t!'௿lD$D FH $<'t!\(! D<'t!'ȯ0,($  !!!!E! ! (!@92 !&y   !+ !@ (! @& $돼&EH@`+@ $$-&y  ! &4+ $, $-&y   !!$&14+@00,($ '8<'s!'ȯ40,(! '@P$@(!$ '@@$P!`!0 '  !@ !P$@(!$  !$P؏$Q, ! ⏼ @EH@ `+@$$ , $ 40,('8<'q!'@ l! ! !$$ $!!!!!  `C| !$ (!@!$bT $hb"(bi@$o$bb(bc@$f$Vb5#$Y pb$Y pb(bp@$x$ib $Y pb1$Y p&&s'&D$bb$Bb '9 p  @ $ @!@ $ @!<+ 4 @0! $ \$Bb&"C*@W\XFp$ 8!  +T!F.B $d$cF$`$$V4 Th !C'x0! @8!@4 Dx0B,B@DxL Dxb`0B@o e$$Y '(@(!@3 (<;4B9b'(,$b3@PD$ ((!'9 p  dPDg $ H  $ ` $H'9 \ $4  $ PD$  ꏼ D48h<$  h @!'('(@ ! (! (!&R $D!d$D! &1b@"+@폼 Rx'9 \ (! Jxx x"0@ B",T@^%$(LCXC!$BC` EH @0+@)$$ #b`0B@'sc"@%!S   @8!df$! e  !H ,` $ Տ 9 گD''| !(! '"C Fc!+@⏼ (!$!! ! `(!X & E8 $!я $$D!$!@EH@b+@$b$ $,b& $! $Y   EH@㏙`+@$$ 8$" @"$ !D$R @! "$!BS(#ɏ  &"( 8 $"0"$@!! D"$!BS(#ɏ  &"( 8 $"D%$ (!X0! $"$!BS(#ʏ  &"( "$!GE F $"X`菼 8 $" "GF $p !  !H@ b+@`!$ C#$Bb b!寣8 $""(! !F(! $H@揼 b+@`!$ C#$&c($B +!!Ǭ(! $!ȏ|P@-$" $Y  | @& $" X0! $3 $ $,,`$,   $  $! $Y   , $ # 8 $"0"$@!! 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D؏8 !"'@6$BB0BT@$/$$5 !  (!@ (!  !@: : ,B,cC%@ՏSԏ@! $B$$$X$ (!؏ DH BX@"&##$T` PX(C!® $B$X$$$ (!؏ D鏼< !@X$,($ '0<'!'Я,($ X0!@! C! C$X$$b$&1< <  !@X &1$B  (!؏ D"*T@؎揙<,($ '0<'!'د$ $!!'9 !@! !@HB"#\@#q"$B D@0!;B@$BX CED$bP$cpG&C&$D$(!!F` !$ !'(<'!'௿$'9 !@0!B#(F!' <'h!'د$ X"@!#b!T"&RB*T@# $x! $=x! $<x! $;x! $:x! $9x! $8x! $6x! $4x! $3x! $2x! $0x! $.x! $+x! $)x! $'x! $&x! $%x! $$x! $"x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'!'௼<'!'9. ' 28-Feb-20041.35Usage: %s [-panyrcdfvstDFSV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize] [-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size] [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j ext-journal] [-E extended-options] device Emergency help: -p Automatic repair (no questions) -n Make no changes to the filesystem -y Assume "yes" to all questions -c Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list -f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean -v Be verbose -b superblock Use alternative superblock -B blocksize Force blocksize when looking for superblock -j external-journal Set location of the external journal -l bad_blocks_file Add to badblocks list -L bad_blocks_file Set badblocks list %s%s %s%s%s: |%s%s %4.1f%% %u %s %4.1f%% %s%d %lu %lu e2fsckpanyrcC:B:dE:fvtFVM:b:I:j:P:l:L:N:SsDkError validating file descriptor %d: %s Invalid completion information file descriptorOnly one the options -p/-a, -n or -y may be specified.ea_verIncompatible options not allowed when byte-swapping. Unable to resolve '%s'Invalid EA version. Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid raid options are: ea_ver= (y/n)%s%s? yes cancelled! no %s? no %s? yes no%s? %s yesreading inode and block bitmapse2fsck_read_bitmaps: illegal bitmap block(s) for %swhile retrying to read bitmaps for %swriting block bitmapswhile retrying to write block bitmaps for %swriting inode bitmapswhile retrying to write inode bitmaps for %s %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY. (i.e., without -a or -p options) %s: Memory used: %dk/%dk (%dk/%dk), time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f ext2fs_read_inodewhile reading inode %ld in %swhile writing inode %ld in %sIt$directory mapdx_block info arrayError reading block %lu (%s) while %s. Ignore errorForce rewriteError reading block %lu (%s). Error writing block %lu (%s) while %s. Error writing block %lu (%s). (NONE)FIXEDRELOCATEDALLOCATEDEXPANDEDRECONNECTEDCREATEDSALVAGEDTRUNCATEDINODE CLEAREDABORTEDSPLITCONTINUINGDUPLICATE/BAD BLOCKS CLONEDFILE DELETEDSUPPRESSEDUNLINKEDHTREE INDEX CLEARED(no prompt)FixClearRelocateAllocateExpandConnect to /lost+foundCreateSalvageTruncateClear inodeAbortSplitContinueClone duplicate/bad blocksDelete fileSuppress messagesUnlinkClear HTree index@b @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @i @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @i table for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) WARNING: SEVERE DATA LOSS POSSIBLE. The @S could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 @f. If the @v is valid and it really contains an ext2 @f (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the @S is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate @S: e2fsck -b %S <@v> The @f size (according to the @S) is %b @bs The physical size of the @v is %c @bs Either the @S or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! @S @b_size = %b, fragsize = %c. This version of e2fsck does not support fragment sizes different from the @b size. @S @bs_per_group = %b, should have been %c @S first_data_@b = %b, should have been %c @f did not have a UUID; generating one. Note: if there is several inode or block bitmap blocks which require relocation, or one part of the inode table which must be moved, you may wish to try running e2fsck with the '-b %S' option first. The problem may lie only with the primary block group descriptor, and the backup block group descriptor may be OK. Corruption found in @S. (%s = %N). Error determining size of the physical @v: %m @i count in @S is %i, should be %j. The Hurd does not support the filetype feature. @S has a bad ext3 @j (@i %i). External @j has multiple @f users (unsupported). Can't find external @j External @j has bad @S External @j does not support this @f Ext3 @j @S is unknown type %N (unsupported). It is likely that your copy of e2fsck is old and/or doesn't support this @j format. It is also possible the @j @S is corrupt. Ext3 @j @S is corrupt. @S doesn't have has_@j flag, but has ext3 @j %s. @S has ext3 needs_recovery flag set, but no @j. ext3 recovery flag clear, but @j has data. Clear @jRun @j anywayRecovery flag not set in backup @S, so running @j anyway. %s @o @i %i (uid=%Iu, gid=%Ig, mode=%Im, size=%Is) @I @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. Already cleared @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. @I @o @i %i in @S. @I @i %i in @o @i list. @f has feature flag(s) set, but is a revision 0 @f. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown read-only feature flag set. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown incompatible feature flag set. @j version not supported by this e2fsck. Moving @j from /%s to hidden inode. Error moving @j: %m Found invalid V2 @j @S fields (from V1 journal). Clearing fields beyond the V1 @j @S... Backing up @j @i @b information. Pass 1: Checking @is, @bs, and sizes @r is not a @d. @r has dtime set (probably due to old mke2fs). Reserved @i %i %Q has bad mode. @D @i %i has zero dtime. @i %i is in use, but has dtime set. @i %i is a @z @d. @g %g's @b @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i table at %b @C. @g %g's @b @B (%b) is bad. @g %g's @i @B (%b) is bad. @i %i, i_size is %Is, @s %N. @i %i, i_@bs is %Ib, @s %N. @I @b #%B (%b) in @i %i. @b #%B (%b) overlaps @f metadata in @i %i. @i %i has illegal @b(s). Too many illegal @bs in @i %i. @I @b #%B (%b) in bad @b @i. Bad @b @i has illegal @b(s). Duplicate or bad @b in use! Bad @b %b used as bad @b @i indirect @b. The bad @b @i has probably been corrupted. You probably should stop now and run e2fsck -c to scan for bad blocks in the @f. If the @b is really bad, the @f can not be fixed. You can clear the this @b (and hope for the best) from the bad @b list and hope that @b is really OK, but there are no guarantees. The primary @S (%b) is on the bad @b list. Block %b in the primary @g descriptors is on the bad @b list Warning: Group %g's @S (%b) is bad. Warning: Group %g's copy of the @g descriptors has a bad @b (%b). Programming error? @b #%b claimed for no reason in process_bad_@b. @A %N contiguous @b(s) in @b @g %g for %s: %m @A @b buffer for relocating %s Relocating @g %g's %s from %b to %c... Relocating @g %g's %s to %c... Warning: could not read @b %b of %s: %m Warning: could not write @b %b for %s: %m @A @i @B (%N): %m @A @b @B (%N): %m @A icount link information: %m @A @d @b array: %m Error while scanning @is (%i): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i: %m Error storing @i count information (@i=%i, count=%N): %m Error storing @d @b information (@i=%i, @b=%b, num=%N): %m Error reading @i %i: %m @i %i has imagic flag set. Special (@v/socket/fifo/symlink) file (@i %i) has immutable or append-only flag set. @i %i has @cion flag set on @f without @cion support. Special (@v/socket/fifo) @i %i has non-zero size. @j @i is not in use, but contains data. @j is not regular file. @i %i was part of the orphaned @i list. @is that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. @A refcount structure (%N): %m Error reading @a @b %b for @i %i. @i %i has a bad @a @b %b. Error reading @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has reference count %B, should be %N. Error writing @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has h_blocks > 1. Error allocating @a @b %b. @a @b %b is corrupt (allocation collision). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid name). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid value). @i %i is too big. @b #%B (%b) causes @d to be too big. @b #%B (%b) causes file to be too big. @b #%B (%b) causes symlink to be too big. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set on @f without htree support. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set but is not a @d. @h %i has an invalid root node. @h %i has an unsupported hash version (%N) @h %i uses an incompatible htree root node flag. @h %i has a tree depth (%N) which is too big Bad @b @i has an indirect @b (%b) that conflicts with @f metadata. Duplicate @bs found... invoking duplicate @b passes. Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad @bs Duplicate/bad @b(s) in @i %i: %bError while scanning inodes (%i): %m @A @i @B (inode_dup_map): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i (%s): %m Error addjusting refcount for @a @b %b (@i %i): %m Pass 1C: Scan directories for @is with dup @bs. Pass 1D: Reconciling duplicate @bs File %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) has %B duplicate @b(s), shared with %N file(s): %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) <@f metadata> (There are %N @is containing duplicate/bad @bs.) Duplicated @bs already reassigned or cloned. Couldn't clone file: %m Pass 2: Checking @d structure Bad @i number for '.' in @d @i %i. @E has bad @i #: %Di. @E has @D/unused @i %Di. @E @L to '.' @E points to @i (%Di) located in a bad @b. @E @L to @d %P (%Di). @E @L to the @r. @E has illegal characters in its name. Missing '.' in @d @i %i. Missing '..' in @d @i %i. First @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i (%p) @s '.' Second @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i @s '..' i_faddr @F %IF, @s zero. i_file_acl @F %If, @s zero. i_dir_acl @F %Id, @s zero. i_frag @F %N, @s zero. i_fsize @F %N, @s zero. @i %i (%Q) has a bad mode (%Im). @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: @d corrupted @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: filename too long @d @i %i has an unallocated @b #%B. '.' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated '..' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated @i %i (%Q) is an @I character @v. @i %i (%Q) is an @I @b @v. @E is duplicate '.' @e. @E is duplicate '..' @e. Internal error: couldn't find dir_info for %i. @E has rec_len of %Dr, should be %N. @A icount structure: %m Error iterating over @d @bs: %m Error reading @d @b %b (@i %i): %m Error writing @d @b %b (@i %i): %m @A new @d @b for @i %i (%s): %m Error deallocating @i %i: %m @d @e for '.' is big. @i %i (%Q) is an @I FIFO. @i %i (%Q) is an @I socket. Setting filetype for @E to %N. @E has an incorrect filetype (was %Dt, should be %N). @E has filetype set. @E has a zero-length name. Symlink %Q (@i #%i) is invalid. @a @b @F invalid (%If). @f contains large files, but lacks LARGE_FILE flag in @S. @p @h %d: node (%B) not referenced @p @h %d: node (%B) referenced twice @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad min hash @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad max hash Invalid @h %d (%q). Forcibly clearing HTREE flag on @i %d (%q). (Beta test code) @p @h %d (%q): bad @b number %b. @p @h %d: root node is invalid @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad limit (%N) @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad count (%N) @p @h %d: node (%B) has an unordered hash table @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad depth Duplicate @E found. @E has a non-unique filename. Rename to %sDuplicate @e '%Dn' found. Marking %p (%i) to be rebuilt. Pass 3: Checking @d connectivity @r not allocated. No room in @l @d. Unconnected @d @i %i (%p) /@l not found. '..' in %Q (%i) is %P (%j), @s %q (%d). Bad or non-existent /@l. Cannot reconnect. Could not expand /@l: %m Could not reconnect %i: %m Error while trying to find /@l: %m ext2fs_new_@b: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_@i: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_dir_@b: %m while creating new @d @b ext2fs_write_dir_@b: %m while writing the @d @b for /@l Error while adjusting @i count on @i %i Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: %m Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: Couldn't find parent @d entry Error creating root @d (%s): %m Error creating /@l @d (%s): %m @r is not a @d; aborting. Cannot proceed without a @r. /@l is not a @d (ino=%i) Pass 3A: Optimizing directories Failed to create dirs_to_hash iterator: %mFailed to optimize directory %q (%d): %mOptimizing directories: Pass 4: Checking reference counts @u @z @i %i. @u @i %i @i %i ref count is %Il, @s %N. WARNING: PROGRAMMING BUG IN E2FSCK! OR SOME BONEHEAD (YOU) IS CHECKING A MOUNTED (LIVE) FILESYSTEM. @i_link_info[%i] is %N, @i.i_links_count is %Il. They should be the same! Pass 5: Checking @g summary information Padding at end of @i @B is not set. Padding at end of @b @B is not set. @b @B differences: -%b +%b@i @B differences: -%i +%iFree @is count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Directories count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Free @is count wrong (%i, counted=%j). Free @bs count wrong for @g #%g (%b, counted=%c). Free @bs count wrong (%b, counted=%c). PROGRAMMING ERROR: @f (#%N) @B endpoints (%b, %c) don't match calculated @B endpoints (%i, %j) Internal error: fudging end of bitmap (%N) Error copying in replacement @i @B: %m Error copying in replacement @b @B: %m -(%b--%c) +(%b--%c) -(%i--%j) +(%i--%j)Unhandled error code (0x%x)! IGNORED%s. aextended attributeAerror allocatingbblockBbitmapccompressCconflicts with some other fs @biinodeIillegaljjournalDdeletedddirectoryeentryE@e '%Dn' in %p (%i)ffilesystemFfor @i %i (%Q) isggrouphHTREE @d @illost+foundLis a linkoorphanedpproblem inrroot @isshould beSsuper@buunattachedvdevicezzero-length@@/M-???%.*s@%c%%I%c0%o%.24s%%D%c%lld%%%c0x%llxNULL%d%u%llu@ڀ@@@@@ڈ@@@@@@jreaddo_one_passoffset < journal->j_maxlenrecovery.cAssertion failure in %s() at %s line %d: "%s" JBD: bad block at offset %u JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u obh != NULLJBD: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u JBD: Out of memory during recovery.JBD: error %d scanning journal journal_init_revokejournal_destroy_revoke(hash_size & (hash_size-1)) == 0journal->j_revoke == NULLrevoke.clist_empty(hash_list)?Arehash_dirRebuilding directoryPass 3A@YAΠAάAδAAPAPAPAdAl AAt A۠  A A A8  A` AݐAݸAA A@AXApAޘ ADA\AߐAA@+A,A AH!A|"A#A$AA%A8 &Ap 'A (A)A*A-AtAAAAA,AHApAA A A A A A8AXAtAA A AA A@ Al @A A @A A A@A<@AAA A!A@"A`#A$A%A&A'A(A)A8*Ah+A,A-A/A0A1At2A3A4A5A 6A(p7AT8A9A:A;A <A=AH >Ah?A @AAABACA( DA<EAdFAGAHAIA(JALKAxLAMA A$AA`A(AAAA  AT0A0A0A0A0A,0A`0A0A0AAAAAA$A4A`AxA A A A A  ATApAAAAAA0 A`AAAA A(ADA`AAA A !A "A@#Ad$A %A&A'A(A)A00AH1Ad2A3A4A5A6A,7AT8A|9A:A;A <A=A>A@?Ah@AAABACAA@AdAxAAAAAA4 AP At A A A AHAtAAAAAA8A`AXAt@AAAAA(A A0A@ALApA$APAxA@A@AA@AA(@A@A@1 A@1 A(@ A@ B@ BT@B|@B@BB8BdBB@AB@AB@1B@1 FZ\_dAA@@TAPA PA 0 @P `p7CAAAAAAA(A4A<AHATAdAlAtA׀AלA׬A׸AAAAAAAAAA(A0A8ADAPAXA`AlA؈AؔAبAذABB(B<BDBLBXB|BBBBBBBBBBB BB$B0B<BHBTB`BlBtBBBBBBBBB B@BTBh@BAAAAA@2\@AAA PAA_AAApA`APA@AeXA0@cA AAAAJAA}0AA0A\8A@1AA{AAAAeAp@1xA`APA@A0A AAAdAA&Ad AAjA}A[|AA'PAAAAAAJATApAStA`APA@A0@xA A@TABpAAAA AAAdAAAAAApA`@x A`tAAPA@A@A0A\AcAKA AAAAAQxAAAAA@AApA`APA@AtA0A AAXAAPAAAA@d,AAAFL@{AD@I`@@_(@`| @c @d, @e0h@e@f@@h@x @x(@z,(@z؀(@{@{h@|@|@~p@@((@@|@Ԁ@0@@@t@@ @((@(@?8@(@0@(@P@@p(@@@`@Μ@(@Ϩ@T@@@@@L@Lh@t?@?@@A0?PAPpA PA AA$` A$A$8A%H(A&0A'DA'P A'A'A' A( A(DA.(A/hA0LxA3$(A4P?A9܀@AY]4+5%QF:27G<N@?`W\XTl p@@spe@p~@w>@=@@2@4 !"{@=0@=  @=@=5@<@<@<@<Q@<@<@<Y@<@1@\  !BP@ʏB8P@Th`(!  !$ d@ !$? (!@H&,B@2e ! 0!@.$/\$c\tF$'ԯ0!8!et+@)Ԯb`4Bb $?P$C#z@pD$@ (!'9 $ڬb$, $' 0!`@!ЀB@(b>@`p'D$@ (!'9 `@$`$b ,P$@  !@$C$b( ! $@@$ ! $@@$pD$@8! (!'9 ޏ$pC,,(' 0!"xЀB@ ЀBT@$mb0X @B"x@쯢ЏpD$@ (!'9 ⏼,('Ў 0!Џl$dbM(be@2$s$Mb6(bN@B$WP`El$DbBlЀB@ Cl<4B3C+@pD$@ (!'9 $b4$C!b#C#b$(bt@$w$mbԏЌl$@C!b#! #D#ŬlTbďތll@C!b#C#l@$Џ0bT@ $$b,H D$$ƬC8,CЬC$C<,('Ў 0!@!CpЀB@,b3@pD$A (!'9 $b@,$C@CDDD@,$DCpD$A$ (!'9 폼@,$DnCpD$AD (!'9 폼,('Ў 0!btЀBT@$abHpD$Ad (!'9 ,T DobP,Q$CT$A  !@  ! @!ZCX'  !(! $,D0!d $A,@ !pD$A 8! (!'9 ,(' 0!"|ЀB@ ЀB@$bLb @B"|@ꯢЏpD$A (!'9 ,CC$CP$ǬC'9 &b*@,t+'9BT@B8@' !S!E 0!@ bt'Ԍ@ !0!8!`! @(!@B\'9 ӏ'9 ֏pS!G$=$?(! pD' $A؏:f$Ԯd $:Ed`4c$C;ԏ쌂X$X@b4B b@(!` $D1H $,B@B&x !(! $% ! $ԏ4BcD`FBT@'5P$D,  !@ ! $D4@&h Ԍb4Bb`E|4cP $D<x! $=x! $;x! $6x! $5x! $4x! $3x! $2x! $1x! $0x! $/x! $.x! $,x! $+x! $*x! $)x! $(x! $%x! $$x! $"x! $!x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'C!'௼<'B!'9 ' tune2fsPlease run e2fsck on the filesystem. Usage: %s [-c max-mounts-count] [-e errors-behavior] [-g group] [-i interval[d|m|w]] [-j] [-J journal-options] [-l] [-s sparse-flag] [-m reserved-blocks-percent] [-o [^]mount-options[,...]] [-r reserved-blocks-count] [-u user] [-C mount-count] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-dir] [-O [^]feature[,...]] [-T last-check-time] [-U UUID] device LABEL=UUID=Usage: findfs LABEL=