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BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use, and BusyBox will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: %s%s , z[-o] [-v] [-p] [-t] [-x] ARCHIVE FILES Extract or list FILES from an ar archive. Options: -o preserve original dates -p extract to stdout -t list -x extract -v verbosely list files processedFILE [SUFFIX] Strips directory path and suffixes from FILE. If specified, also removes any trailing SUFFIX.[OPTION]... [FILE] Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-' or omitted). Options: -c Write output to standard output -f ForceFILE Uncompress to stdout.[-u] [FILE]... Concatenates FILE(s) and prints them to stdout. Options: -u ignored since unbuffered i/o is always used[OPTION]... GROUP FILE... Change the group membership of each FILE to GROUP. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively.[-R] MODE[,MODE]... FILE... Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and one or more of the letters rwxst. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively.[ -Rh ]... OWNER[<.|:>[GROUP]] FILE... Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP. Options: -R Changes files and directories recursively. -h Do not dereference symbolic links.NEWROOT [COMMAND...] Run COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT.N Changes the foreground virtual terminal to /dev/ttyN Clear screen.[-l] [-s] FILE1 [FILE2] Compare files. Compares FILE1 vs stdin if FILE2 is not specified. Options: -l Write the byte numbers (decimal) and values (octal) for all differing bytes. -s quiet mode - do not print[OPTION]... SOURCE DEST Copies SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. -a Same as -dpR -d,-P Preserves links -H,-L Dereference all symlinks (implied by default) -p Preserves file attributes if possible -f force (implied; ignored) - always set -i interactive, prompt before overwrite -R,-r Copies directories recursively-[dimtuv][F cpiofile] Extract or list files from a cpio archive Main operation mode: d make leading directories i extract m preserve mtime t list v verbose u unconditional overwrite F input from file[OPTION]... [FILE]... Prints selected fields from each input FILE to standard output. Options: -b LIST Output only bytes from LIST -c LIST Output only characters from LIST -d CHAR Use CHAR instead of tab as the field delimiter -s Output only the lines containing delimiter -f N Print only these fields -n Ignored[OPTION]... [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] [+FORMAT] Displays the current time in the given FORMAT, or sets the system date. Options: -R Outputs RFC-822 compliant date string -d STRING Displays time described by STRING, not `now' -I[TIMESPEC] Outputs an ISO-8601 compliant date/time string. TIMESPEC=`date' (or missing) for date only, `hours', `minutes', or `seconds' for date and, time to the indicated precision. -s Sets time described by STRING -r FILE Displays the last modification time of FILE -u Prints or sets Coordinated Universal Timeexpression ... This is a Tiny RPN calculator that understands the following operations: +, add, -, sub, *, mul, /, div, %, mod, **, exp, and, or, not, eor. For example: 'dc 2 2 add' -> 4, and 'dc 8 8 \* 2 2 + /' -> 16. Options: p - Prints the value on the top of the stack, without altering the stack. f - Prints the entire contents of the stack without altering anything. o - Pops the value off the top of the stack and uses it to set the output radix. Only 10 and 16 are supported.[if=FILE] [of=FILE] [bs=N] [count=N] [skip=N] [seek=N] [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync] Copy a file, converting and formatting according to options if=FILE read from FILE instead of stdin of=FILE write to FILE instead of stdout bs=N read and write N bytes at a time count=N copy only N input blocks skip=N skip N input blocks seek=N skip N output blocks conv=notrunc don't truncate output file conv=noerror continue after read errors conv=sync pad blocks with zeros Numbers may be suffixed by c (x1), w (x2), b (x512), kD (x1000), k (x1024), MD (x1000000), M (x1048576), GD (x1000000000) or G (x1073741824).[N] Deallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN[-hmk] [FILESYSTEM ...] Print the filesystem space used and space available. Options: -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m print sizes in megabytes -k print sizes in kilobytes(default)FILENAME Strips non-directory suffix from FILENAME[-c] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] Prints or controls the kernel ring buffer Options: -c Clears the ring buffer's contents after printing -n LEVEL Sets console logging level -s SIZE Use a buffer of size SIZE[option] [FILE] Converts FILE from dos format to unix format. When no option is given, the input is converted to the opposite output format. When no file is given, uses stdin for input and stdout for output. Options: -u output will be in UNIX format -d output will be in DOS format[-aHLdclsxhmk] [FILE]... Summarizes disk space used for each FILE and/or directory. Disk space is printed in units of 1024 bytes. Options: -a show sizes of files in addition to directories -H follow symbolic links that are FILE command line args -L follow all symbolic links encountered -d N limit output to directories (and files with -a) of depth < N -c output a grand total -l count sizes many times if hard linked -s display only a total for each argument -x skip directories on different filesystems -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m print sizes in megabytes -k print sizes in kilobytes(default)[-neE] [ARG ...] Prints the specified ARGs to stdout Options: -n suppress trailing newline -e interpret backslash-escaped characters (i.e., \t=tab) -E disable interpretation of backslash-escaped characters[-iu] [-] [name=value]... [command] Prints the current environment or runs a program after setting up the specified environment. Options: -, -i start with an empty environment -u remove variable from the environmentEXPRESSION Prints the value of EXPRESSION to standard output. EXPRESSION may be: ARG1 | ARG2 ARG1 if it is neither null nor 0, otherwise ARG2 ARG1 & ARG2 ARG1 if neither argument is null or 0, otherwise 0 ARG1 < ARG2 ARG1 is less than ARG2 ARG1 <= ARG2 ARG1 is less than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 = ARG2 ARG1 is equal to ARG2 ARG1 != ARG2 ARG1 is unequal to ARG2 ARG1 >= ARG2 ARG1 is greater than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 > ARG2 ARG1 is greater than ARG2 ARG1 + ARG2 arithmetic sum of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 - ARG2 arithmetic difference of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 * ARG2 arithmetic product of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 / ARG2 arithmetic quotient of ARG1 divided by ARG2 ARG1 % ARG2 arithmetic remainder of ARG1 divided by ARG2 STRING : REGEXP anchored pattern match of REGEXP in STRING match STRING REGEXP same as STRING : REGEXP substr STRING POS LENGTH substring of STRING, POS counted from 1 index STRING CHARS index in STRING where any CHARS is found, or 0 length STRING length of STRING quote TOKEN interpret TOKEN as a string, even if it is a keyword like `match' or an operator like `/' ( EXPRESSION ) value of EXPRESSION Beware that many operators need to be escaped or quoted for shells. Comparisons are arithmetic if both ARGs are numbers, else lexicographical. Pattern matches return the string matched between \( and \) or null; if \( and \) are not used, they return the number of characters matched or 0. Return an exit code of FALSE (1).[PATH...] [EXPRESSION] Search for files in a directory hierarchy. The default PATH is the current directory; default EXPRESSION is '-print' EXPRESSION may consist of: -follow Dereference symbolic links. -name PATTERN File name (leading directories removed) matches PATTERN. -print Print (default and assumed). -type X Filetype matches X (where X is one of: f,d,l,b,c,...) -perm PERMS Permissions match any of (+NNN); all of (-NNN); or exactly (NNN) -mtime TIME Modified time is greater than (+N); less than (-N); or exactly (N) days Displays the amount of free and used system memory[-ihHnqvs] PATTERN [FILEs...] Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. Options: -H prefix output lines with filename where match was found -h suppress the prefixing filename on output -i ignore case distinctions -l list names of files that match -n print line number with output lines -q be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise -v select non-matching lines -s suppress file open/read error messages[OPTION]... FILE Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-'). Options: -c Write output to standard output -f Force read when source is a terminal -t Test compressed file integrity[OPTION]... [FILE]... Compress FILE(s) with maximum compression. When FILE is '-' or unspecified, reads standard input. Implies -c. Options: -c Write output to standard output instead of FILE.gz -d Decompress -f Force write when destination is a terminal[-d] Halt the system. Options: -d delay interval for halting.[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Options: -n NUM Print first NUM lines instead of first 10[-[bcdefnosvx]] [OPTION] FILE The hexdump utility is a filter which displays the specified files, or the standard input, if no files are specified, in a user specified format -b One-byte octal display -c One-byte character display -d Two-byte decimal display -e FORMAT STRING -f FORMAT FILE -n LENGTH Interpret only length bytes of input -o Two-byte octal display -s OFFSET Skip offset byte -v display all input data -x Two-byte hexadecimal display[OPTION] {hostname | -F FILE} Get or set the hostname or DNS domain name. If a hostname is given (or FILE with the -F parameter), the host name will be set. Options: -s Short -i Addresses for the hostname -d DNS domain name -f Fully qualified domain name -F FILE Use the contents of FILE to specify the hostname[OPTIONS]... [USERNAME] Print information for USERNAME or the current user Options: -g prints only the group ID -u prints only the user ID -n print a name instead of a number -r prints the real user ID instead of the effective ID[-a] [
] configure a network interface Options: [[-]broadcast [
]] [[-]pointopoint [
]] [netmask
] [dstaddr
] [hw ether
] [metric ] [mtu ] [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti] [multicast] [[-]promisc] [txqueuelen ] [[-]dynamic] [mem_start ] [io_addr ] [irq ] [up|down] ... Init is the parent of all processes.[-cgmops] [sources] Copies files and set attributes Options: -c copy the file, default -d create directories -g set group ownership -m set permission modes -o set ownership -p preserve date -s strip symbol tables[OPTION]...
[[/]] [NETMASK] Calculate IP network settings from a IP address Options: -b --broadcast Display calculated broadcast address. -n --network Display calculated network address. -m --netmask Display default netmask for IP. -p --prefix Display the prefix for IP/NETMASK. -h --hostname Display first resolved host name. -s --silent Don't ever display error messages.[-signal] process-id [process-id ...] Send a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es). Options: -l List all signal names and numbers.[-q] [-signal] process-name [process-name ...] Send a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es). Options: -l List all signal names and numbers. -q Do not complain if no processes were killed.[-c n] [-n] Kernel logger. Options: -c n Sets the default log level of console messages to n. -n Run as a foreground process.[OPTION] TARGET... LINK_NAME|DIRECTORY Create a link named LINK_NAME or DIRECTORY to the specified TARGET You may use '--' to indicate that all following arguments are non-options. Options: -s make symbolic links instead of hard links -f remove existing destination files -n no dereference symlinks - treat like normal file[OPTION]... [MESSAGE] Write MESSAGE to the system log. If MESSAGE is omitted, log stdin. Options: -s Log to stderr as well as the system log. -t TAG Log using the specified tag (defaults to user name). -p PRIORITY Enter the message with the specified priority. This may be numerical or a ``facility.level'' pair.[OPTION]... [username] [ENV=VAR ...] Begin a new session on the system Options: -f Do not authenticate (user already authenticated) -h Name of the remote host for this login. -p Preserve environment.[OPTION]... Shows the messages from syslogd (using circular buffer). Options: -f output data as the log grows[-1AacCdeFilnpLRrSsTtuvwxXhk] [filenames...] List directory contents Options: -1 list files in a single column -A do not list implied . and .. -a do not hide entries starting with . -C list entries by columns -c with -l: show ctime -d list directory entries instead of contents -e list both full date and full time -F append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries -i list the i-node for each file -l use a long listing format -n list numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of names -p append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries -L list entries pointed to by symbolic links -R list subdirectories recursively -r sort the listing in reverse order -S sort the listing by file size -s list the size of each file, in blocks -T NUM assume Tabstop every NUM columns -t with -l: show modification time -u with -l: show access time -v sort the listing by version -w NUM assume the terminal is NUM columns wide -x list entries by lines instead of by columns -X sort the listing by extension -h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) [OPTION] [FILEs...] or: md5sum [OPTION] -c [FILE] Print or check MD5 checksums. Options: With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. -c check MD5 sums against given list The following two options are useful only when verifying checksums: -s don't output anything, status code shows success -w warn about improperly formated MD5 checksum lines[OPTION] DIRECTORY... Create the DIRECTORY(ies) if they do not already exist Options: -m set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask -p no error if existing, make parent directories as needed[OPTIONS] NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR Create a special file (block, character, or pipe). Options: -m create the special file using the specified mode (default a=rw) TYPEs include: b: Make a block (buffered) device. c or u: Make a character (un-buffered) device. p: Make a named pipe. MAJOR and MINOR are ignored for named pipes.[-dq] TEMPLATE Creates a temporary file with its name based on TEMPLATE. TEMPLATE is any name with six `Xs' (i.e., /tmp/temp.XXXXXX). Options: -d Make a directory instead of a file -q Fail silently if an error occurs[FILE ...] More is a filter for viewing FILE one screenful at a time.[flags] DEVICE NODE [-o options,more-options] Mount a filesystem. Autodetection of filesystem type requires the /proc filesystem be already mounted. Flags: -a: Mount all filesystems in fstab. -o option: One of many filesystem options, listed below. -r: Mount the filesystem read-only. -t fs-type: Specify the filesystem type. -w: Mount for reading and writing (default). Options for use with the "-o" flag: async/sync: Writes are asynchronous / synchronous. atime/noatime: Enable / disable updates to inode access times. dev/nodev: Allow use of special device files / disallow them. exec/noexec: Allow use of executable files / disallow them. loop: Mounts a file via loop device. suid/nosuid: Allow set-user-id-root programs / disallow them. remount: Re-mount a mounted filesystem, changing its flags. ro/rw: Mount for read-only / read-write. bind: Use the linux 2.4.x "bind" feature. There are EVEN MORE flags that are specific to each filesystem. You'll have to see the written documentation for those filesystems.[OPTION]... SOURCE DEST or: mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. Options: -f don't prompt before overwriting -i interactive, prompt before overwrite[OPTIONS] [IP] [port] Netcat opens a pipe to IP:port Options: -l listen mode, for inbound connects -p PORT local port number -i SECS delay interval for lines sent -e PROG program to exec after connect (dangerous!)[-laenrtuwx] Netstat displays Linux networking information. Options: -l display listening server sockets -a display all sockets (default: connected) -e display other/more information -n don't resolve names -r display routing table -t tcp sockets -u udp sockets -w raw sockets -x unix sockets[-n ADJUST] [COMMAND [ARG] ...] Nice runs a program with modified scheduling priority. Options: -n ADJUST Adjust the scheduling priority by ADJUST. [HOST] [SERVER] Queries the nameserver for the IP address of the given HOST optionally using a specified DNS server [ARGS...] Start a command on a new virtual terminalprocess-name [OPTION] [process-name ...] Lists the PIDs of all processes with names that match the names on the command line. Options: -s display only a single PID.[OPTION]... host Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. Options: -c COUNT Send only COUNT pings. -s SIZE Send SIZE data bytes in packets (default=56). -q Quiet mode, only displays output at start and when finished.NEW_ROOT PUT_OLD Move the current root file system to PUT_OLD and make NEW_ROOT the new root file system.[-d] Halt the system and request that the kernel shut off the power. Options: -d delay interval for shutting off.[VARIABLES...] . .. atibmconsole core fb0-fb0autodetect- fb0current- fb1-fb1autodetect- fb1current- fb2-fb2autodetect- fb2current- fb3-fb3autodetect- fb3current- fb4-fb4autodetect- fb4current- fb5- fb5autodetect-! fb5current-" fb6-#fb6autodetect-$ fb6current-% fb7-&fb7autodetect-' fb7current-( fd) fd0* fd0CompaQ+fd0d360,fd0h1200-fd0h1440.fd0h1476/fd0h14940fd0h16001fd0h3602fd0h4103fd0h4204fd0h7205fd0h8806fd0u10407fd0u11208fd0u14409fd0u1600:fd0u1680;fd0u1722<fd0u1743=fd0u1760>fd0u1840?fd0u1920@fd0u2880Afd0u3200Bfd0u3520Cfd0u360Dfd0u3840Efd0u720Ffd0u800Gfd0u820Hfd0u830I fd1J fd1CompaQKfd1d360Lfd1h1200Mfd1h1440Nfd1h1476Ofd1h1494Pfd1h1600Qfd1h360Rfd1h410Sfd1h420Tfd1h720Ufd1h880Vfd1u1040Wfd1u1120Xfd1u1440Yfd1u1600Zfd1u1680[fd1u1722\fd1u1743]fd1u1760^fd1u1840_fd1u1920`fd1u2880afd1u3200bfd1u3520cfd1u360dfd1u3840efd1u720ffd1u800gfd1u820hfd1u830i fullj hdak hda1l hda2m hda3n hda4o hda5p hda6q hda7r hda8s hda9t hdbu hdb1v hdb2w hdb3x hdb4y hdb5z hdb6{ hdb7| hdb8} hdb9~inportbm jbm kmemlogibmloop0loop1loop2loop3loop4loop5loop6loop7 lp0 lp1 lp2 md0 md1 md2 md3 md4 md5 md6 md7 md8 md9 memnst0-nst0a-nst0l-nst0m-nst1-nst1a-nst1l-nst1m- null par0 par1 par2 portpsaux ptmx ram ram0 ram1 ram2 ram3 ram4 ram5 ram6 ram7 ram8 ram9random scd0 scd1 sda sda1sda10sda11sda12sda13sda14sda15 sda2 sda3 sda4 sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 sda9 sdb sdb1sdb10sdb11sdb12sdb13sdb14sdb15 sdb2 sdb3 sdb4 sdb5 sdb6 sdb7 sdb8 sdb9 sdc sdc1sdc10sdc11sdc12sdc13sdc14sdc15 sdc2 sdc3 sdc4 sdc5 sdc6 sdc7 sdc8 sdc9 sdd sdd1sdd10sdd11sdd12sdd13sdd14sdd15 sdd2 sdd3 sdd4 sdd5 sdd6 sdd7 sdd8 sdd9 sg0 sg1 sg10 sg11 sg12 sg13 sg14 sg15 sg16 sg2 sg3 sg4 sg5 sg6 sg7 sg8 sg9smpte0smpte1smpte2 smpte3 sndstat  sr0  sr1  sr10 sr11 sr12 sr13 sr14 sr15 sr16 sr2 sr3 sr4 sr5 sr6 sr7 sr8 sr9 st0-st0a-st0l-st0m-  st1-!st1a-"st1l-#st1m-$stderr%stdin&stdout' tty( tty0) tty1* tty2+ tty3, tty4- tty5. tty6/ tty70 tty81 tty92ttyS03ttyS14ttyS25ttyS36urandom7 vcs8 vcs09 vcs1: vcs2; vcs3< vcs4= vcs5> vcs6? vcs7@ vcs8A vcs9B vcsaCvcsa0Dvcsa1Evcsa2Fvcsa3Gvcsa4Hvcsa5Ivcsa6Jvcsa7Kvcsa8Lvcsa9M zero/ pts0shmN .m ..O [P [[Q arRbasenameSbunzip2TbzcatU chvtVclearW cmpX cutY dcZ deallocvt[dirname\dos2unix] du^ env_ expr` finda freeb headchexdumpd ideinstallfkillallgloggerhmd5sumi nanoj ncknslookuplopenvtmreadlinknresetorpm2cpiopsha1sumq sortrstringss tailt teeutelnetv testw timex try traceroutez tty{ uniq|unix2dos}unzip~uptime wc wgetwhichwhoamixargs$yes.whereis.NCOoM3ddategetent lddrsyncsdparmsetterm toelwhereis .m ..chroottelnetd mklost+foundDzSdvhtool.mklost+found.5CAkHS .m ..tabsetterminfoudhcpc . ..stdcrtCPYav$std .vt300.v1KcBVfvt100vt300 . .. a d e l p r s vx . .. .ansi.cDRlFEansi . .. .dumb.5U9E7Fdumb print all or part of environment If no environment VARIABLE specified, print them all. Report process status This version of ps accepts no options. Print the full filename of the current working directory.FILE Displays the value of a symbolic link.[-d] Reboot the system. Options: -d delay interval for rebooting. Resets the screen.[OPTION]... FILE... Remove (unlink) the FILE(s). You may use '--' to indicate that all following arguments are non-options. Options: -i always prompt before removing each destination -f remove existing destinations, never prompt -r or -R remove the contents of directories recursively[OPTION]... DIRECTORY... Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.[{add|del|delete}] Edit the kernel's routing tables. Options: -n Dont resolve names. -e Display other/more information. -A inet Select address family.package.rpm Outputs a cpio archive of the rpm file.[-efinr] pattern [files...] Options: -e script add the script to the commands to be executed -f scriptfile add script-file contents to the commands to be executed -i edit files in-place -n suppress automatic printing of pattern space -r use extended regular expression syntax If no -e or -f is given, the first non-option argument is taken as the sed script to interpret. All remaining arguments are names of input files; if no input files are specified, then the standard input is read. Source files will not be modified unless -i option is given.[OPTION] [FILEs...] or: sha1sum [OPTION] -c [FILE] Print or check SHA1 checksums. Options: With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. -c check SHA1 sums against given list The following two options are useful only when verifying checksums: -s don't output anything, status code shows success -w warn about improperly formated SHA1 checksum linesN Pause for N seconds.[-n] [FILE]... Sorts lines of text in the specified files Options: -n sort numerics[-afo] [-n length] [file ... ] Display printable strings in a binary file. Options: -a Scan the whole files (this is the default). -f Precede each string with the name of the file where it was found. -n N Specifies that at least N characters forms a sequence (default 4) -o Each string is preceded by its decimal offset in the file.[OPTION] [DEVICE] Stop swapping virtual memory pages on DEVICE. Options: -a Stop swapping on all swap devices[OPTION] [DEVICE] Start swapping virtual memory pages on DEVICE. Options: -a Start swapping on all swap devices Write all buffered filesystem blocks to disk.[OPTION]... Linux system and kernel logging utility. Note that this version of syslogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf. Options: -m MIN Minutes between MARK lines (default=20, 0=off) -n Run as a foreground process -O FILE Use an alternate log file (default=/var/log/messages) -S Make logging output smaller. -s SIZE Max size (KB) before rotate (default=200KB, 0=off) -b NUM Number of rotated logs to keep (default=1, max=99, 0=purge) -C [size(KiB)] Log to a circular buffer (read the buffer using logread)[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Options: -c N[kbm] output the last N bytes -n N[kbm] print last N lines instead of last 10 -f output data as the file grows -q never output headers giving file names -s SEC wait SEC seconds between reads with -f -v always output headers giving file names If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a '+', output begins with the Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items in the file. N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).-[czjZxtvO] [-f TARFILE] [-C DIR] [FILE(s)] ... Create, extract, or list files from a tar file. Options: c create x extract t list Archive format selection: z Filter the archive through gzip j Filter the archive through bzip2 Z Filter the archive through compress File selection: f name of TARFILE or "-" for stdin O extract to stdout C change to directory DIR before operation v verbosely list files processed[OPTION]... [FILE]... Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output. Options: -a append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite -i ignore interrupt signals (SIGINT)[-a] [-l USER] HOST [PORT] Telnet is used to establish interactive communication with another computer over a network using the TELNET protocol. Options: -a Attempt an automatic login with the USER variable. -l USER Attempt an automatic login with the USER argument. HOST The official name, alias or the IP address of the remote host. PORT The remote port number to connect to. If it is not specified, the default telnet (23) port is used.[OPTION] Telnetd listens for incoming TELNET connections on PORT. Options: -p PORT listen for connections on PORT (default 23) -l LOGIN exec LOGIN on connect (default /bin/sh) -f issue_file Display issue_file instead of /etc/issue.EXPRESSION or [ EXPRESSION ] Checks file types and compares values returning an exit code determined by the value of EXPRESSION.[OPTION]... COMMAND [ARGS...] Runs the program COMMAND with arguments ARGS. When COMMAND finishes, COMMAND's resource usage information is displayed Options: -v Displays verbose resource usage information.[-c] FILE [FILE ...] Update the last-modified date on the given FILE[s]. Options: -c Do not create any files[-cds] STRING1 [STRING2] Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, writing to standard output. Options: -c take complement of STRING1 -d delete input characters coded STRING1 -s squeeze multiple output characters of STRING2 into one character[-dnrv] [-m max_ttl] [-p port#] [-q nqueries] [-s src_addr] [-t tos] [-w wait] host [data size] trace the route ip packets follow going to "host" Options: -d set SO_DEBUG options to socket -n Print hop addresses numerically rather than symbolically -r Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host -v Verbose output -m max_ttl Set the max time-to-live (max number of hops) -p port# Set the base UDP port number used in probes (default is 33434) -q nqueries Set the number of probes per ``ttl'' to nqueries (default is 3) -s src_addr Use the following IP address as the source address -t tos Set the type-of-service in probe packets to the following value (default 0) -w wait Set the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a probe (default 3 sec.). Return an exit code of TRUE (0). Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. Options: -s print nothing, only return an exit status[-fbnqv] [-c CLIENTID] [-H HOSTNAME] [-i INTERFACE] [-p pidfile] [-r IP] [-s script] -c, --clientid=CLIENTID Client identifier -H, --hostname=HOSTNAME Client hostname -h, Alias for -H -f, --foreground Do not fork after getting lease -b, --background Fork to background if lease cannot be immediately negotiated. -i, --interface=INTERFACE Interface to use (default: eth0) -n, --now Exit with failure if lease cannot be immediately negotiated. -p, --pidfile=file Store process ID of daemon in file -q, --quit Quit after obtaining lease -r, --request=IP IP address to request (default: none) -s, --script=file Run file at dhcp events (default: /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script) -v, --version Display version[flags] FILESYSTEM|DIRECTORY Unmount file systems Flags: -a Unmount all file systems -r Try to remount devices as read-only if mount is busy -l Do not free loop device (if a loop device has been used)[OPTION]... Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s. Options: -a print all information -m the machine (hardware) type -n print the machine's network node hostname -r print the operating system release -s print the operating system name -p print the host processor type -v print the operating system version[OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]] Discard all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT (or standard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output). Options: -c prefix lines by the number of occurrences -d only print duplicate lines -u only print unique lines -f N skip the first N fields -s N skip the first N chars (after any skipped fields)[option] [FILE] Converts FILE from unix format to dos format. When no option is given, the input is converted to the opposite output format. When no file is given, uses stdin for input and stdout for output. Options: -u output will be in UNIX format -d output will be in DOS format[-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir] Extracts files from ZIP archives. Options: -l list archive contents (short form) -n never overwrite existing files (default) -o overwrite files without prompting -p send output to stdout -q be quiet -x exclude these files -d extract files into this directory Display the time since the last boot.N Pause for N microseconds.[OPTION] [FILE]... edit FILE. Options: -R Read-only- do not write to the file.[OPTION]... [FILE]... Print line, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if more than one FILE is specified. With no FILE, read standard input. Options: -c print the byte counts -l print the newline counts -L print the length of the longest line -w print the word counts[-c|--continue] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document file] [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off] [-P DIR] url wget retrieves files via HTTP or FTP Options: -c continue retrieval of aborted transfers -q quiet mode - do not print -P Set directory prefix to DIR -O save to filename ('-' for stdout) -Y use proxy ('on' or 'off')[COMMAND ...] Locates a COMMAND. Prints the user name associated with the current effective user id.[COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [ARGS...] Executes COMMAND on every item given by standard input. Options: -r Do not run command for empty readed lines -x Exit if the size is exceeded -0 Input filenames are terminated by a null character -t Print the command line on stderr before executing it.[OPTION]... [STRING]... Repeatedly outputs a line with all specified STRING(s), or 'y'.FILE Uncompress to stdout.[[[ashbasenamebbbunzip2busyboxbzcatcatchgrpchmodchownchrootchvtclearcmpcpcutdatedcdddeallocvtdfdirnamedmesgdos2unixduechoegrepenvexprfalsefgrepfindfreegrepgunzipgziphaltheadhexdumphostnameifconfiginitinstallipcalckillkillallklogdlinuxrclnloggerloginlogreadlsmd5summkdirmknodmktempmoremountmvncnetstatnicenslookupopenvtpidofpingpivot_rootpoweroffprintenvpspwdreadlinkrebootresetrmrmdirrouterpm2cpiosedshsha1sumsleepsortstringsswapoffswaponsyncsyslogdtailtarteetelnettelnetdtesttouchtraceroutetruettyudhcpcumountunameuniqunix2dosunzipuptimeusleepviwcwgetwhichwhoamixargsyeszcat%s Usage: %s %s %s No help available. --helpThis applet requires root priviledges!%s %d/%d%7d %s %s p~tx:t~px:x~ptptxovc!Archive creation not supported. Install binutils 'ar'.Invalid ar magiccfCouldn't remove %scompressed data not read from terminal. Use -f to force it..bz2Invalid extensionituvF:dmcftdCouldn't stat file %s/dev/null.Z.gz.tgzError inflatingInvalid magic      cf123456789dqcompressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.Unsupported RPM header versionInvalid RPM header magicInvalid gzip magicInvalid RPM magictxC:f:OpvkchjT:X:zZ%0*lo%s: socket ignored%s: file is the archive; skippingRemoving leading '/' from member namesustar root%s: Unknown file type%s: Cannot openCouldnt stat tar fileFailed to create gzip pipe/bin/gzip-fCould not exec gzip processFailed to vfork gzip processError exit delayed from previous errorsCouldnt wait ?-%sc~tx:t~cx:x~ct:X*:T*Cowardly refusing to create an empty archiveCouldnt chdir to %sCreating bzip2 compressed archives is not currently supported.%s: Not found in archive inflating: %s %9u %02u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u %s lnopqd:Archive: %s Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ----Couldnt chdirInvlaide zip magicUnsupported compression method %d Invalid compressed data--crc errorInvalid compressed data--length error -------- -------%9d %d files @@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@@4@@@@Unrecognised file typeCouldnt remove old file%s not created: newer or same age file existsCouldnt stat old fileCouldnt remove old file %sCouldnt create hard linkextract_archive: %sCannot create symlink from %s to '%s'Cannot create node %s%s %d/%d%10u %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %s -> %sShort readSeek failureCan't create pipeFork failedInvalid ar headerCant resolve long filenameDecompression failedData integrity error when decompressing.Compressed file ends unexpectedlyneed to fix this 07070Unsupported cpio format, use newc or crc%6c%8x%8x%8x%8x%8x%8lx%8lx%16c%8x%8x%8x%8cTRAILER!!!%d blocks %s not created: cannot resolve hardlinkerror resolving hardlink: did you create the archive with GNU cpio 2.0-2.2?Unknown compression method %d??       !1Aa  0@`cc #+3;CScsinflate_codes error 1inflate_codes error 2Incomplete literal treeincomplete distance treebad block type %d inflate error %dwritecrc errorIncorrect lengthcompressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bitsinsize:%d posbits:%d inbuf:%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X (%d)uncompress: corrupt inputustarInvalid tar magicInvalid tar header checksumUnknown typeflag: 0x%xIgnoring GNU extension type %cpax is not tarShort read, read %d of %dinvalid mode: %sRhcannot change root directory to %scannot execute %sSHELL-icmp: EOF on %s %.0s%.0s%d %3o %3o %s %s differ: char %d, line %d slpdRfiarPHLb:c:f:d:snb~bcf:c~bcf:f~bcf,you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fieldsonly one type of list may be specifiedHelp ntok is null for starting position! What do I do? invalid byte or field listmissing list of positionsthe delimiter must be a single charactersuppressing non-delimited lines makes sense only when operating on fieldsa delimiter may be specified only when operating on fieldsd~ds:s~dsRs:ud:r:I::%d:%d:%d%d.%d-%d:%d:%d%d.%d-%d:%d%d.%d.%d-%d:%d:%d%d.%d.%d-%d:%dTZ=UTC0%f%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%ShoursminutessecondsFile '%s' not found. %2d%2d%2d%2d%d%2dcannot set date%Y-%m-%d%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z%Y-%m-%dT%HZ%Y-%m-%dT%H%zbkDMDGDbs=count=seek=skip=if=of=conv=notruncnoerrorinvalid conversion `%s'%ld+%ld records in %ld+%ld records out 1k-blocksrootfs1M-blocks%s: can't find mount point./dev/root%-21s%9s %9s %9s %3ld%% %s h-km:k-hm:m-hkhmk SizeFilesystem%11s%-15sUsed Available Use%% Mounted on abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789rww+unique name not foundunable to rename '%s' as '%s'%s %s POSIXLY_CORRECTh-km:k-hm:m-hk:H-L:L-H:s-d:d-saHkLsxd:lchmtotalneEignore-environmentunsetu*+iu:putenvnon-numeric argumentdivision by zerowarning: unportable BRE: `%s': using `^' as the first character of a basic regular expression is not portable; it is being ignored&syntax errortoo few argumentsquotematchindexsubstr(*+<===!=>=> ==> %s <== n:%cid=%u%cid=%u(%s)u~g:g~urnug%u directorypreserve-timestampsstripgroupmodeowner-1s~d:d~s0755cdpsg:m:o:coulnt create %scannot change ownership of %scannot change permissions of %sstrip failedsfn @` 0@!`P` Cadil1gnsxAkcetuSXrvFpLRhT:w:###"##$# |/@=%7ld %-8d %-8d%1c%4ld %-10s %-8.8s %-8.8s%4d, %3d %9ld %24.24s %6.6s %5.5s %4.4s [%d;%dm -> %s: %02xscwthe -w option is meaningful only when verifying checksums%s: OK the -s option is meaningful only when verifying checksumsonly one argument may be specified when using -cInvalid format%s: FAILED WARNING: %d of %d computed checksums did NOT matchCouldnt close file %s%s %s parentsm:pinvalid mode `%s' `pcubcannot overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectorynon-cannot remove `%s'interactiveforcefif-i:i-fmv: overwrite `%s'? unable to rename `%s'cannot %cet priorityfiRrcannot remove `.' or `..'nru ==> %s <== fn:c:qs:vreadno filesiawa-r-w-x-e-d-c-b-p-u-g-k-t-z-n-h-O-G-L-S-eq-ne-ge-gt-le-lt-nt-ot-ef-a-o%s: bad number%s: out of rangeargument expectedclosing paren expectedmissing ]missing ]]unknown operandAAA AAAAAA A(ADA`AAAA~hCRcdy><^%$0bBeEftH-k{L+j} invalid argument `%s' to `%s'option `%s' requires an argumentA|AєAќAAѬAAAAAAѴAAAAѤAAAѼ-follow-print-name-type-perm-mtime-xdevcould not stat '.'could not stat '%s'%s%c%i%cH-h:e*:f*:C-ABlnqvscFiHhe:f:LA:B:CEinvalid context length argument%s:%s: exited with status 255; aborting%s: stopped by signal %d%s: terminated by signal %dvforkargument line too longsingledoubleunmatched %s quote_+trn:s:e::x0can not fit single argument within argument list size limitargument list too longd:/sbin/reboot/bin/umount -a -r/sbin/swapoff -a/sbin/init/dev/tty2/dev/tty3/dev/tty4/etc/init.d/rcS/dev/HOME=/PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbinSHELL=/bin/shUSER=rootsysinitrespawnaskfirstwaitoncectrlaltdelshutdownrestart/dev/consoleError checking free memorydevice '%s' does not exist.Bummer, can't open %sCan't fork!~`!$^&*()=|\{}[];"'<>?exec Starting pid %d, console %s: '%s'Bummer, could not run '%s': %m The system is going down NOW !!Sending SIGTERM to all processes.Sending SIGKILL to all processes.Please stand by while rebooting the system.The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off powerexec of '%s' failed: %mMemory allocation failure/etc/inittabBad inittab entry: %sReloading /etc/inittab-qCONSOLE/dev/tty0init started: %s/etc/fstab/bin/mount -t proc proc /proc/sbin/swapon -aSorry, your computer does not have enough memory.Process '%s' (pid %d) exited. Scheduling it for restart./dev/ttyS%dlinuxTERM=vt102TERM=linux Please press Enter to activate this console. addsubmuldivexppowmodnoteorxorstack overflowstack underflowError: base = %d is not supported. %g %x %s: syntax error.AA%s: afon:{%s}: %7lo real %E user %u sys %Treal %e user %U sys %S Command being timed: "%C" User time (seconds): %U System time (seconds): %S Percent of CPU this job got: %P Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): %E Average shared text size (kbytes): %X Average unshared data size (kbytes): %D Average stack size (kbytes): %p Average total size (kbytes): %K Maximum resident set size (kbytes): %M Average resident set size (kbytes): %t Major (requiring I/O) page faults: %F Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: %R Voluntary context switches: %w Involuntary context switches: %c Swaps: %W File system inputs: %I File system outputs: %O Socket messages sent: %s Socket messages received: %r Signals delivered: %k Page size (bytes): %Z Exit status: %xerror waiting for child processCommand terminated by signal %d Command exited with non-zero status %d cannot forkcannot run %sCommand stopped by signal %d %ldwrite error%ldm %ld.%02lds%lu%lu%%?%%%ldh %ldm %02lds%ld.%02ldyou must be root to change the hostnamesethostnamedfisF:SIOCSIFMETRICSIOCSIFMTUSIOCSIFTXQLENSIOCSIFDSTADDRSIOCSIFNETMASKSIOCSIFBRDADDRSIOCSIFHWADDRSIOCSIFMAPSIOCSIFADDRmetricmtutxqueuelendstaddrnetmaskbroadcasthwpointopointmem_startio_addrirqarptrailerspromiscmulticastallmultidynamicupetherinvalid hw-addr %ssocketSIOCSIFFLAGSSIOCGIFFLAGSnetworkprefixsilentmbnphsbad IP prefix: %s bad IP address: %sPREFIX=%i Both prefix and netmask were specified, use one or the other. bad netmask: %sNETMASK=%s BROADCAST=%s NETWORK=%s HOSTNAME=%s cannot find hostname for %slp:i:e:tcpreuseaddr failedbindlistenacceptconnectselectESTABLISHEDSYN_SENTSYN_RECVFIN_WAIT1FIN_WAIT2TIME_WAITCLOSECLOSE_WAITLAST_ACKLISTENCLOSING%d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %ld %512s tcp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s %Xwarning, got bogus tcp line.UNKNOWNudpudp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s warning, got bogus udp line.warning, got bogus raw line.rawraw %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s Inode%p: %lX %lX %lX %X %X %d %s??DGRAM[ FREEW %-5s %-6ld %-11s %-10s %-13s %-6d warning, got bogus unix line.STREAMRAWRDMSEQPACKETLISTENINGCONNECTINGCONNECTEDDISCONNECTINGN - ACC no support for `%s' on this system.laenrtuwxActive Internet connections /proc/net/udp/proc/net/rawActive UNIX domain sockets (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State (servers and established)(w/o servers)/proc/net/tcpAF INET (tcp)AF INET (udp)AF INET (raw) Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path/proc/net/unixAF UNIXBGBIHBITBI`BIlBHBIxBIBIBIBLdBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL%s %s Address: Addresses: %d.%d.%d.%d *** Unknown hostServer:Name: --- %s ping statistics --- %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, %ld duplicates, %ld%% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = %lu.%lu/%lu.%lu/%lu.%lu ms sendtoping wrote %d chars; %d expectedPING %s (%s): %d data bytes unknown address type; only AF_INET is currently supported.recvfrom%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u ttl=%d time=%lu.%lu ms (DUP!)unknown ICMP typeEcho ReplyWarning: Got ICMP %d (%s)Destination UnreachableSource QuenchRedirect (change route)Echo RequestTime ExceededParameter ProblemTimestamp RequestTimestamp ReplyInformation RequestInformation ReplyAddress Mask RequestAddress Mask ReplyB]B^DB^DB]B]B]B^DB^DB]B^DB^DB]B]B]B^B^B^ B^,B^8adddeldelete  metric netmaskgw gatewaymss windowirttdev device reject!mod"dyn #reinstate#net#host GHRDM/proc/net/routeMetric Ref Use MSS Window irttKernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags %s Iface %*[^ ] %63s%lx%lx%X%d%d%d%lx%d%d%d %-16s%-16s%-16s%-6s%5d %-5d %6d %s fscanf%-6d %-2d %7d %s -net-hostA:neinetloSIOC[ADD|DEL]RTresolving %sgateway %s is a NETWORKnetmask %.8x and host route conflictbogus netmask %snetmask and route address conflict Escape character is BrdBrBrBv0Bv0 Entering character mode%s'^]'. Entering line mode%s'^C'. Console escape. Commands are: l go to line mode c go to character mode z suspend telnet e exit telnet continuing... al:USERConnection closed by foreign host. /bin/login/etc/issue.net'%s' unavailable.daemon/dev/ptmxAll network ports in use!Can`t forkingCould not open ttyexecv errorf:l:p:ICMP 1ICMP 2Dest UnreachableRedirectICMP 6ICMP 7EchoICMP 9ICMP 10Param ProblemTimestampInfo RequestInfo Replydm:np:q:rs:t:w:vmax ttl must be >1.port must be >0.nprobes must be >0.tos must be 0 to 255.wait must be >1 sec.unknown host %spacket size must be 0 <= s < %d.SO_SNDBUFIP_HDRINCLtraceroute to %s (%s) from %s, %d hops max, %d byte packets %2d traceroute: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d packet too short (%d bytes) from %s %d bytes to %s %g ms !N *OUT-OF-RANGE %d bytes from %s to %s: icmp type %d (%s) code %d %2d: x%8.8lx %s (%s) ! !H !P !F !S@@BBBBBBBBBBPBBBBBBB BB PS4=+ OPTIND=1eerrexitfnoglobIignoreeofiinteractivemmonitornnoexecsstdinxxtracevverboseCnoclobberaallexportbnotifyunounsetqquietprofileend of file);;`dodoneelifelseesacfithen}3.3:6alias2bg3break2cd0chdir3continue3eval3exec3exit7export2false2fg2getopts0hash0help2jobs2kill0let4local0pwd2read7readonly3return3set3shift3times3trap2true0type0ulimit2umask2unalias3unset2waittime(seconds)file(blocks)data(kbytes)stack(kbytes)coredump(blocks)memory(kbytes)locked memory(kbytes)nofilesvmemory(kbytes)builtinsh: turning off NDELAY mode You have stopped jobs. %s: %d: %d: %m/proc/self/exe/bin/busyboxCan't open %sOut of file descriptorsCannot set tty process group (%m)}%%##"$(...)"$(...)$((${#${"})) | ; && || if ; then ; fi; else while ; do ; doneuntil for in () { ... }<<...case ) ;; esac>|>>>&<&<>Illegal option -%cNo arg for -%c option%s: %s not found unaliasLPNo such job: %sNo current jobjob %s not created under job controlNo previous job%s: ambiguouscan't shift that many%.*s: %s%s or nullparameter not set | %sIllegal option -o %sCurrent option settings %-16s%s %s=%s aliasUsage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus]ls:invalid signal number or name: %sinvalid signal number or exit status: %s%m (core dumped)Done(%d)Done[%d] [%d] %s%*c%s | %*c%d RunningSyntax error: %s%s unexpected (expecting %s)Bad fd numberIllegal eof marker for << redirectionMissing '))'Unterminated quoted stringMissing '}'Bad substitutionEOF in backquote substitutionBad for loop variableBad function name/dev/ttycan't access tty; job control turned off BusyBox v1.00 (2005.05.30-06:21+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. trap -- %s %s ???%s: bad trapCannot fork Built-in commands: ------------------- %c%s%.*s: is read only%.*s: bad variable nameOLDPWDPWDOPTINDUsage: getopts optstring var [arg]OPTARGIllegal option -%c No arg for -%c option CDPATHcan't cd to %s%s%s%.*s%s vf%ldm%ld.%.3lds%cp:rt:IFSarg count%.4o Illegal mode: %sunlimited %lld HSatfdscmlpnvwtoo many argumentserror setting limit (%m)%-20s %lldexpression recursion loop detectedexponent less than 0divide by zeroexpression expectedPipe call failedDirectory nonexistentcannot create %s: %sNo such filecannot open %s: %sHISTFILE Use "exit" to leave shell. PS1=\w \$ PPID-c requires an argument.ash_history/etc/profile.profileENV%builtinfunc%s not defined in %s is an alias for %s is a shell keyword: not found a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell function is a %sshell builtinspecial %s%s HISTFILEPATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/binIFS= Illegal number: %snewlineredirectionword;&&&|||(!caseforifinuntilwhile{       ()&|;@=%s: not found   %s <<=>>=<< >>,||&&!=*<=k>=K== |=B&="*=/=#%=C+=-=--3^=b++**/!0< >+=|& */.%N+ --^~,?:$)4(HOME !"$&'()*-/:;<=>?[\]`|}~   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C ChChChChChC`C`ChChCChCCCCCCCChCCCCChCCCxCxCxCxCxCHCHCxCxCCB`CBCC@CC@CDCCCCCBCCHCD(CDCDCECBCDCECECF(CFLCFdCF4CF@CFXCE CE CC(}-+?=CCC`CCCCCCC8CPCC,CCCdCdCDCDCDCDCDCCDCDCDCDCCDCDCDCDCDCDCCCDCDClClCugorwx@ =:CCCCCCHCCT*?[ClC|CCCCCCCCCCdCCCTCTCTCCCCCC4C[%dA[%dC[%dD `"#$%^&*()=+{}[]:;'|\<>./../%*sKernel log daemon exiting.c:nkernelklogd started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.05.30-06:21+0000)klogd: Error return from sys_sycall: %d - %m. p:st:unknown facility name: %sunknown priority name: %sCan't find circular bufferCan't get access to circular buffer from syslogdCan't get access to semaphone(s) for circular buffer from syslogdsemop[SMrdn]semop[SMrup]malloc failedauthauthprivcronkernlprmailmarknewssecuritysysloguseruucplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7alertcritdebugemergerrinfononenoticepanicwarnwarning/var/log/messagesExiting Syslogd!Buffer already allocated just grab the semaphore?shmgetshmatsemgetsemop[SMwdn]Weird! Can't find the terminator token??? semop[SMwup]Weird! Can't find the terminator token from the beginning??? %s.%dBummer, can't print: %s.%s<%d>%s %s %s %s System log daemon exiting.-- MARK --m:nO:s:Sb:R:LC::syslogd started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.05.30-06:21+0000)Couldn't get file descriptor for socket /dev/logCould not connect to socket /dev/logCould not set permission on /dev/logselect errorUNIX socket errorcn:s:"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o " "\n""%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%3_c " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %06o " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %04x " "\n""%07.7_ax " 8/2 "%04x " "\n""%07.7_Ax "bcdoxe:f:n:s:v--More-- (%d%% of %ld bytes)autoo:rt:wafnv/etc/filesystemsMounting %s on %s failed%s on %s type %s (%s) Cannot read /etc/fstabswap/proc/filesystemsCan't find %s in /etc/fstab asyncatimedefaultsnoautodevdiratimeexecnoatimenodevnodiratimenoexecnosuidremountsuidmoveWARNING: loop device is read-onlyCould not find a spare loop deviceCould not setup loop device%s is write-protected, mounting read-onlyloopcannot stat %sswap file has holes/etc/fstab file missing/dev/loop%s busy - remounted read-onlyCannot remount %s read-onlyCannot open %sCouldn't umount %s on %s: %s unable to stat `%s'm:bb_xasprintfcannot set groupscannot set group idcannot set user id%s%s%sinternal error: unrecognized file typeunable to remove `%s'`%s' and `%s' are the same file`%s' is not a directory%s: omitting directorycannot create directory `%s'unable to open directory `%s'unable to change permissions of `%s'unable to close `%s'unable to link `%s'unable to open `%s'unable to create `%s'cannot create fifo `%s'cannot create symlink `%s'unable to preserve ownership of `%s'unable to preserve permissions of `%s'unable to preserve times of `%s'Read errorUnable to read all dataPassword: icmp\0\a\b \b \n \r \t \vdiouxX.#-+ 0123456789cdiouxXeEfgGnulsohstxetxeotenqackbelbs_ht_lf_vt_ff_cr_so_si_dledcldc2dc3dc4naksynetbcanem_subescfs_gs_rs_us%03odelstdinbad byte count for conversion character %s.byte count with multiple conversion characters. eEfgG%%s requires a precision or a byte count.bad conversion character %%%s. -0+#bad format {%s}/devcould not stat '/'could not open '/dev'jxǷV$ p|G*0FFi؋D[\׾k"qyCI!%b@@&^ZQǪ/]DSء!7 EZgoٍ*L9Bqma"8 DKϩK`p(~'09ۙ|ĬVe)"DC*#9e[YÏ ̒}]o~O,CNS~:5*һӑ                  0kMGT%Lu%Lu.%d%cdefaultunspecUNSPECDARPA Internet%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%uUP BROADCAST DEBUG LOOPBACK POINTOPOINT NOTRAILERS RUNNING NOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI SLAVE MASTER MULTICAST 10base210baseTAUI100baseT100baseTX100baseFXpppPoint-Point ProtocolEthernetLocal Loopback[NONE SET]%02X-No usable address families found./proc/netwarning: no inet socket availableSIOCGIFCONF/proc/net/devcompressedWarning: cannot open %s. Limited output.bytesDevice not found%s: error fetching interface information: %s %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02XX bytes:%Lu (%Lu.%u %sB)%s%-9.9s Link encap:%s HWaddr %s MTU:%d Metric:%dBase address:0x%lx Memory:%lx-%lx DMA chan:%x Media:%s(auto) %s addr:%s Mask:%s P-t-P:%s Bcast:%s [NO FLAGS] RX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu TX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu collisions:%lu txqueuelen:%d R T compressed:%lu compressed:%lu Interrupt:%d  @KiMiGiTicannot get system information%H:%M:%S%A, %d %B %Y login: ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FDioctl: LOOP_SET_FDioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS/dev/loop%dset permissions ofCannot %s directory `%s'createrwxSTst?pc?d?b?-?l?s???/proc/mountsunknown group name: %sunknown user name: %sunknown %cid %ld 8$II augorwxXstinvalid number `%s'Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the consoleabfnrtv\ \\/proc/%d/proc/%d/stat%*s (%15c%c %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld/proc/%d/cmdlineCan't open /proc%s: descend into directory `%s'? %s: is a directory%s: remove directory `%s'? %s: remove `%s'? warning: cannot change to home directory LOGNAME/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbinunable to cd to %s' for user %s' cannot cd to home directory or //bin:/usr/binEXITHUPINTILLABRTFPEKILLSEGVPIPEALRMUSR1USR2CHLDCONTSTOPTSTPTTINTTOUTRAPIOTEMTBUSSYSURGIOPOLLCLDXCPUXFSZVTALRMPROFPWRWINCHSIGUnable to connect to remote host (%s)getcwd()Pxregcomp: %signoring all argumentsBusyBox v1.00 (2005.05.30-06:21+0000) multi-call binarymemory exhaustedinvalid date `%s'%s: input/output error -- %mWrite ErrorNames longer than %d chars not supported.(unknown)can`t create raw socketpermission denied. 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[DOS Format] [Backup]Prepend Selection to FileAppend Selection to FileWrite Selection to File [Mac Format]File Name to Prepend toFile exists, OVERWRITE ? Command to execute [from %s] Command to execute in new buffer [from %s] File to insert [from %s] File to insert into new buffer [from %s] Key illegal in non-multibuffer mode/.nano_history Press Return to continue starting nano Help modeConstant cursor positionAuto indentAuto line wrapCut to endMouse supportSmooth scrollingMultiple file buffersBackup filesSmart home keyColor syntax highlightingWhitespace displayUse of more space for editingSuspendNo conversion from DOS/Mac formatGet HelpInvoke the help menuInvoke the spell checker, if availableReplace text within the editorMark text at the cursor positionExitCloseClose currently loaded file/Exit from nanoWriteOutWrite the current file to diskJustifyJustify the current paragraphInsert another file into the current oneRead FileWhere IsSearch for text within the editorPrev PageMove to the previous screenNext PageMove to the next screenCut TextCut the current line and store it in the cutbufferUnJustifyCur PosShow the position of the cursorTo SpellGo To LineGo to a specific line numberReplaceMark TextRepeat last searchWhere Is NextMove to the previous linePrev LineMove to the next lineNext LineForwardMove forward one characterMove back one characterBackHomeMove to the beginning of the current lineMove to the end of the current lineEndRefresh (redraw) the current screenRefreshDeleteDelete the character under the cursorDelete the character to the left of the cursorBackspaceTabInsert a tab character at the cursor positionInsert a carriage return at the cursor positionEnterNext WordMove forward one wordPrev WordMove backward one wordSwitch to the previous file bufferPrevious FileSwitch to the next file bufferNext FileInsert character(s) verbatimVerbatim InputCutTillEndCut from the cursor position to the end of the fileFind Other BracketFind other bracketCancelCancel the current functionFirst LineGo to the first line of the fileLast LineGo to the last line of the fileCase SensMake the current search/replace case (in)sensitiveDirectionMake the current search/replace go backwardsRegexpUse regular expressionsHistoryEdit the previous search/replace stringsNo ReplaceGo To TextDOS FormatMac FormatAppendPrependBackup FileExecute CommandUnCut TxtUncut from the cutbuffer into the current lineInsert FileInsert into new bufferExit from the file browserGo to directoryGo To DirTo FilesGo to file browserWrite file out in DOS formatWrite file out in Mac formatAppend to the current filePrepend to the current fileBack up original file when savingExecute external commandKey illegal in VIEW modenano Buffer not written to %s (too many backup files?) Buffer written to %s Window size is too small for nano... Search Command Help Text Enter the words or characters you would like to search for, and then press Enter. If there is a match for the text you entered, the screen will be updated to the location of the nearest match for the search string. The previous search string will be shown in brackets after the search prompt. Hitting Enter without entering any text will perform the previous search. Go To Line Help Text Enter the line number that you wish to go to and hit Enter. If there are fewer lines of text than the number you entered, you will be brought to the last line of the file. The following function keys are available in Go To Line mode: Write File Help Text Type the name that you wish to save the current file as and press Enter to save the file. If you have selected text with the mark, you will be prompted to save only the selected portion to a separate file. To reduce the chance of overwriting the current file with just a portion of it, the current filename is not the default in this mode. The following function keys are available in Write File mode: File Browser Help Text The file browser is used to visually browse the directory structure to select a file for reading or writing. You may use the arrow keys or Page Up/Down to browse through the files, and S or Enter to choose the selected file or enter the selected directory. To move up one level, select the directory called ".." at the top of the file list. The following function keys are available in the file browser: Browser Go To Directory Help Text Enter the name of the directory you would like to browse to. If tab completion has not been disabled, you can use the Tab key to (attempt to) automatically complete the directory name. The following function keys are available in Browser Go To Directory mode: Spell Check Help Text The spell checker checks the spelling of all text in the current file. When an unknown word is encountered, it is highlighted and a replacement can be edited. It will then prompt to replace every instance of the given misspelled word in the current file, or, if you have selected text with the mark, in the selected text. The following other functions are available in Spell Check mode: nano help text The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of the UW Pico text editor. There are four main sections of the editor. The top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and whether or not the file has been modified. Next is the main editor window showing the file being edited. The status line is the third line from the bottom and shows important messages. The bottom two lines show the most commonly used shortcuts in the editor. The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated with a caret (^) symbol and can be entered either by using the Control (Ctrl) key or pressing the Escape (Esc) key twice. Escape-key sequences are notated with the Meta (M) symbol and can be entered using either the Esc, Alt, or Meta key depending on your keyboard setup. Also, pressing Esc twice and then typing a three-digit decimal number from 000 to 255 will enter the character with the corresponding value. The following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. Alternative keys are shown in parentheses: ^%c(F%d)(M-%c)If you have selected text with the mark and then search to replace, only matches in the selected text will be replaced. The following function keys are available in Search mode: Insert File Help Text Type in the name of a file to be inserted into the current file buffer at the current cursor location. If you have compiled nano with multiple file buffer support, and enable multiple file buffers with the -F or --multibuffer command line flags, the Meta-F toggle, or a nanorc file, inserting a file will cause it to be loaded into a separate buffer (use Meta-< and > to switch between file buffers). If you need another blank buffer, do not enter any filename, or type in a nonexistent filename at the prompt and press Enter. The following function keys are available in Insert File mode: Execute Command Help Text This menu allows you to insert the output of a command run by the shell into the current buffer (or a new buffer in multiple file buffer mode). If you need another blank buffer, do not enter any command. The following keys are available in Execute Command mode: UpM-%cSpace^%s^?M-%senable/disableM-%c %s %s %s %s Usage: nano [+LINE] [GNU long option] [option] [file] Option Long option Meaning-h, -?--helpShow this message+LINEStart at line number LINE-A--smarthomeEnable smart home key-B--backupBackup existing files on save-E [dir]--backupdir=[dir]Directory for writing backup files-F--multibufferEnable multiple file buffers-H--historylogLog & read search/replace string history-I--ignorercfilesDon't look at nanorc files-N--noconvertDon't convert files from DOS/Mac format-O--morespaceUse more space for editing-R--regexpDo regular expression searches-S--smooth-T [#cols]--tabsize=[#cols]Set width of a tab in cols to #cols-V--versionPrint version information and exit-Y [str]--syntax=[str]Syntax definition to use-Z--restrictedRestricted mode-c--constConstantly show cursor position-d--rebinddeleteFix Backspace/Delete confusion problem-i--autoindentAutomatically indent new lines-k--cutCut from cursor to end of line-l--nofollowDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite-m--mouseEnable mouse-o [dir]--operatingdir=[dir]Set operating directory-p--preservePreserve XON (^Q) and XOFF (^S) keys-r [#cols]--fill=[#cols]Set fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols-s [prog]--speller=[prog]Enable alternate speller-t--tempfileAuto save on exit, don't prompt-v--viewView (read only) mode-w--nowrapDon't wrap long lines-x--nohelpDon't show help window-z--suspendEnable suspend-a, -b, -e,-f, -g, -j(ignored, for Pico compatibility)1.3.705:22:21May 30 2005 GNU nano version %s (compiled %s, %s) Email: nano@nano-editor.org Web: http://www.nano-editor.org/ Compiled options: --disable-nls --disable-justify --enable-color --enable-multibuffer --enable-nanorcSorry, support for this function has been disabledkillMark UNsetMark SetEdit a replacementCreating misspelled word list, please wait...Could not create pipespellsort-funiqCould not get size of pipe bufferCould not forkError invoking "spell"Error invoking "sort -f"Error invoking "uniq"Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? Received SIGHUP or SIGTERM %s Use "fg" to return to nano%s %sdisabledenabledstdinCould not pipe/bin/shshsigactionfdopenwaitCould not invoke "%s"Could not create temp file: %sSpell checking failed: %s: %sError writing temp file: %sFinished checking spellingXON ignored, mumble mumble.XOFF ignored, mumble mumble. Verbatim inputmultibufferhistorylogignorercfilesmorespaceregexptabsizeversionsyntaxconstrebinddeletenofollowmouseoperatingdirpreservefillspellertempfileviewnowrapnohelpsuspendsmarthomebackupbackupdirnoconvertsmoothrestrictedautoindentcuth?ABE:FHINOQ:RST:VY:Zabcdefgijklmo:pr:s:tvwxzRequested tab size %s invalidRequested fill size %s invalidSPELL@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@(@D@T@@@d@l@@|@Ɍ@@@@@ɜ@ɬ@@@ɼ@@@@$@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@X@h@@@@@x@@ʈ@ʘ@ʨ@@ʸ@@@@H@l@@|@ˌ@˜@@ˬwhitespaceError in %s on line %d: Argument %s has unterminated "brightgreenredMissing color namebluewhiteyellowcyanmagentablackColor %s not understood. Valid colors are "green", "red", "blue", "white", "yellow", "cyan", "magenta" and "black", with the optional prefix "bright" for foreground colors.Regex strings must begin and end with a " characterBad regex "%s": %sMissing syntax name,Background color %s cannot be brightCannot add a color directive without a syntax linestart=end="start=" requires a corresponding "end="setMissing flagunsetcolorCommand %s not understoodUnknown flag %sOption %s requires an argumentCannot unset flag %sTwo single-column characters required/etc/nanorc%s/.nanorcI can't find my home directory! 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TYPE="netboot" if [ "${TYPE}" = "cd" ]; then RC="4" TAG="LiveCD RC${RC}" else TAG="Netboot" fi #// Determine kernel minor version KV_MINOR="$(uname -r | cut -d- -f1 | cut -d. -f2)" [ "${KV_MINOR}" = "6" ] && MYKV="2.6" || MYKV="2.4" #// Filesystem tasks if [ ! -f "/tmp/.startup" ]; then #// Mounting mount none /proc -t proc # /proc mount none /tmp -t tmpfs -o rw # /tmp mount none /etc -t tmpfs -o rw # /etc mount tmpfs /dev/shm -t tmpfs # /dev/shm mount devpts /dev/pts -t devpts # /dev/pts [ "${MYKV}" = "2.6" ] && mount none /sys -t sysfs # /sys #// Copy /etc data over cp /root/etc/fstab /etc # Filesystem Data cp /root/etc/inittab /etc # inittab cp /root/etc/mdadm.conf /etc # mdadm config (RAID) cp -d /root/etc/mtab /etc # mtab (symlink -> /proc/mounts) cp /root/etc/resolv.conf /etc # DNS info cp -d /root/etc/terminfo /etc # terminfo (symlink -> /usr/share/terminfo) fi #// Hostname hostname gentoo-mips-${MYDATE} #// Modified Functions copied from Gentoo's /sbin/functions.sh #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// show an informative message (with a newline) einfo() { echo -e " * ${*}" return 0 } #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Determine Machine Type #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINFO="$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "system type" | tr -d "\t" | sed -e "s/: /:/g" | cut -d":" -f2)" CPUINFO="$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu model" | tr -d "\t" | sed -e "s/: /:/g" | cut -d":" -f2)" case "${MACHINFO}" in "SGI Indy") MACHTYPE="SGI Indy" ;; # Indy R4x00/R5000 "SGI Indigo2") case "${CPUINFO}" in R4*) MACHTYPE="SGI Indigo2" ;; # I2 R4x00 R8*) MACHTYPE="SGI Indigo2 Power" ;; # I2 R8000 R10*) MACHTYPE="SGI Indigo2 Impact" ;; # I2 R10000 esac ;; "SGI IP32"|"SGI O2") MACHTYPE="SGI O2" ;; # O2 R5K/RM5K2/RM7K/R10K/R12K "SGI Octane"|"SGI IP30") MACHTYPE="SGI Octane" ;; # Octane R10K/R12K/R14K "SGI Origin"|"SGI IP27") MACHTYPE="SGI Origin" ;; # Origin R10K/R12K "MIPS Cobalt"|*RaQ*|*Qube*) MACHTYPE="Cobalt Microserver" ;; # Cobalt Qube/RaQ (1/2) *) MACHTYPE="Unknown MIPS" ;; # ??? esac #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Discover if the network is already running for us or not, and run telnetd #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// This part only gets invoked on initial startup if [ ! -f "/tmp/.startup" ]; then #// If this image is loaded via NFS Root, chances are the network is autoconfigured for us if [ ! -z "$(ifconfig | grep "eth0")" ]; then MYIP="$(ifconfig | grep "inet addr" | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 | head -n 1)" #// Should we launch telnetd on the specified address? for CMDLINE in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do case "${CMDLINE}" in loadtelnet=*) CMDVALUE="$(echo "${CMDLINE}" | cut -d\= -f2)" ;; telnet=*) CMDVALUE="$(echo "${CMDLINE}" | cut -d\= -f2)" ;; esac done if [ "${CMDVALUE}" != "no" -o "${CMDVALUE}" != "false" ]; then telnetd -l /linuxrc #// Was it launched? [ ! -z "$(ps | grep "telnetd")" ] && TELNETDUP="true" || TELNETDUP="false" else TELNETDUP="false" fi fi fi #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// For those in the Church of the SubGenius... BUILDDATE="Build Date: $(date -d ${BBDATE} +"%B %d, %Y")" for CMDLINE in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do if [ "${CMDLINE}" = "discord" ]; then BUILDDATE="$(ddate +'Built on %{%A, the %e day of %B%} in the YOLD %Y. %NCelebrate %H!' ${DISDATE})" fi done #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// Basic Startup Stuff #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo -e "Gentoo Linux; http://www.gentoo.org/" echo -e " Copyright 2001-${CPYYEAR} Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL" echo -e "" echo -e " Gentoo/MIPS ${TAG} for ${MACHTYPE} Systems" echo -e " ${BUILDDATE}" echo -e "" #// If this is the initial startup, then display some messages, otherwise just execute a shell for the user if [ ! -f "/tmp/.startup" ]; then if [ -z "${MYIP}" ]; then einfo "To configure networking, do the following:" echo -e "" einfo "For Static IP:" einfo "/bin/net-setup [telnet]" echo -e "" einfo "For Dynamic IP:" einfo "/bin/net-setup dhcp [telnet]" echo -e "" einfo "If you would like a telnetd daemon loaded as well, pass \"telnet\"" einfo "As the final argument to /bin/net-setup." echo -e "" else einfo "IP Address: ${MYIP}" echo -e "" if [ "${TELNETDUP}" = "true" ]; then einfo "Telnetd has been launched on IP ${MYIP} on Port 23" echo -e "" fi fi #// All Done touch /tmp/.startup else /bin/ash fi echo -e "" #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(1P@x,`8!@0!  !(`8!@0!|  !(g(+F#g#E# !`8! @0!( !p(!$ 8!($B8G$u$Pb`7x|,<$<4B !`8!@0! $(`H!@s@@!D!0#$ +0#+@a#8#n'+x|< $<4B($8!@0!B'@(!0#+0#8#<<4!D0%<!8% ! $菼(\ `' ! $(@D(!@  @(C*@x'` $' (!("H%@􏙁,`8!@0!  !(`8!@0!+@,xq+P@x,g(+F#g#E# !`8! @0!d`( (! !hP+ ! & &(,8$ x|,<$<4B !`8!@0! $@ !+@H(Dq+x<|0$<4B8$<4!D0%<!8%  !菼(X\``dTP' (@ d`(!P+ !  !h @(P@x,`8!@0!  !(`8!@0!g(+F#g#E# !`8! @0!(&p !(!$ 8!($B8D$u$Pb]7x|,<$<4B !`8!@0! $(`H!@p@@!D!0#$ +0#+@^#8#k'+x<| $<4B($!@!B'@(!#"+#%#<4D0%<<$8%  !菼(q%p `' ! $(@rD(!@  @(hC*@x'` $' (!(@% M􏙁,`8!@0!  !(`!@!+@,xq+@x, `'   !$ (@%D(!@  @(C*@,'` $' (!(bX%ԏЬȌȏď'<'!'p|xtplh(!T!!K((! !1\X&(!!y! <4P<$P$H ! 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Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu ((a)extents = %d). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (btree). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, extent total = %d, nblocks = %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, forkoff = 0x%x. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode (local format for regular file) %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (bad size %Ld for local inode). Unmount and run xfs_repair.@@@(@`@@ ABTBABTCBMAPIABT  xfs_da_do_buf: bno %lld dir: inode %lld [%02d] br_startoff %lld br_startblock %lld br_blockcount %lld br_state %d ..Invalid inode number 0x%Lxxfs_dir2_leafn_rebalance: picked the wrong leaf? reverting orignal leaf: blk1->index %d xfs_dir2_node_addname_int: dir ino %llu needed freesp block %lld for data block %lld, got %lld ifbno %llu lastfbno %d fblk 0x%p blkno %llu index %d magic 0x%x ... fblk is NULL BݐBBBBBBBBBBBB inode: %lld start_block : %llx start_off : %llx blkcnt : %llx extent-state : %x corrupt dinode %Lu, (btree extents). Unmount and run xfs_repair.%s: %s contains a mounted filesystem /proc/mounts/etc/mtabro%s: %s contains a possibly writable, mounted filesystem %s: %s contains a mounted and writable filesystem %s: warning - cannot set blocksize on block device %s: %s %s: cannot stat the device file "%s": %s %s: warning - cannot get sector size from block device %s: %s %s: can't determine device size  /var/tmp/xfs_copy.log.XXXXXXDgDgDgDhDhDh Dh,Dh8DhDDhPDh\Dh 08@HPTX\`dfhjlxyz{|}~@DACD^AiA@AXD^AsAB D^A:BmtD^B?pA CxBXC(B;h@U D^@@A CADD)  D^C/D^D^@BwAB@C0@B@$A B DGBAA{PCA @$@A C @lC/D^pA@BRBD^`A<ALB$B~hD^P@AbxBpABB1T @xB_@4AAl(D^@C |CHB(BbD^0C@jB@d A1XBBDsA|@0ApB|Bu@ǘBUCBAuB1@AfB4BW@PD^ ATXA0CC$@D^CA @ňB|L@dCD^@@ BD]Ak<B DzB)D]AAS(@@4D_@D] B9A`C CTB D]B@ABOhBAdh At@^ CAʄ@D+4A?(B@@[C@lBd@D]CAAD7TBCp@BZ 0D'0AvBl BApxCAƼAlA}xATD]D]@լD]BgPD?D$@tAPA\D]p@ BED&CBA4AD]`D]PBAD]@A@[ @LBBD]0D-B At@|@@D] BNXB(B@_BJCD]B$APA\t@AP@C$D]C8@WD\D\@kArD\@@ʤ@0A)4@A<AX@BAx@x@D\D\CJBxBB` D2|B3Bh@@0BFAtAAtdB@B\BpBD\D\AϴCCpAİA@B]CA_@ D\B+CA0AoD\p@L BD\`AD\PABD#@D8BHBB2B.BABPAAd@QD\@P@(BqD\0ADNBwlA@tC 0B|DTPBAȤCBCZ@A4B@@ǬD\ A^ BQAPCPCAYBB=CXB,B@AA@ʸAwB@C@AnABA  A(B`BAC*D\A@SD\AAqlBD[D[BeA BA,D&@BD[@`D[@hhA @dBCD[ @BWC LCTP@^B)@CmD[D[D[A\BC@D[pBn@CKAABBrBBYD[`ACƤ@a`AA8@ɸBhBCPCDTA,CA'D[PAAyLD[@D< D[0D[ CBUtBD[@C `CBl@@D[D*pBAB|AAH@BzB Bj@<C`DZD)`@Z@g<BC CPDZAhDA CBڀ@HA A.LALA' DZ@ѴB@CBkDZ@D, C!DZB$@|@@Q D_ @S0@U?@@WԀ8@Z(@[(@[H@^ @^Ѐ0@_0@`Ԁ(@a`8@d@@g<(@hh8@j @kP@m@0(@܀@l 0@|?x@@؀8@ԀH@(@Ѐ(@0 @@8@@@(@|@(@0P@H @@@?@@78@@0@ @ @4(@P@?H@(@0@Ѐ(@x(@ @P(@8@L @܀ @t0@0@@@4 @ň@@Ɣ(@((@ǘ@Ǭ@(@H0@Ԁ(@ɸ(@<(@ʤ@ʸH@ X@@x@@(@Ѐ(@Ѵ?8@ (@8@լh@p@h@d8@ @Ԁ@ @L@䔀8@`@@H0@蘀(@(@@@@@H@tH@lP@@$8@?8@$?@@d?P@|h@4A pA܀(A ?XA 0A?AP@ALxA@@A8AA&A' A'PA)4pA.LHA1XA:8A<PA?(?8AA8@(AS((ATX@AX0AY0A\A\t(A^ 0A_`AbxhAdhPAf@Ah AiAk<Al((AmAn(AodAoAp0Apx0Aql0Ar8As؀(Atd0AtAu@Av@Aw0Ax0AyL`A{P?PA}x?PAAAA(0A8AhAhA4A|`A@XAH`A`pA0AAPA,APAtA8AAADAl0A08A`A,?PAP`ATAhAApAİ?PAƼAPXAȤAAAL0AA\AʄPA4AϴAAA<8A XAdXAtxAA(AAXAAA0(AA8AAApApAAЀ?`B|B$0BBdBBB,BBB(BXBBB$BBBB@Bp8BB40B؀ B8B B(0B)@0B)PB+HB.XB1T(B1(B28B3pB9Ā@B;hHB=Ѐ0B?p0B@8BAԀ8BB@BE@BF̀?HBHXBJPBNX8BOhhBQĀHBRЀ8BU BUt BVPBW@BWԀHBX@BYHBZ@B\?B]8B^B_0B`Bb8BdHBe(BgP(Bh@?8BjHBk0Bmt?8BnBqHBrĀBu?XBwlBw@Bz@B|LHB~h0BB`B@?HB8BdXB\@B@B@BB BB؀0B|0BH?BBBL?B?hBBBBBHBB(0BxBBXB`B8BhBP0B@?PB`B`BBpB$XBp(B@hBh(BLBlhBxBڀBڤBHB`?PBBxBPBlBhBPBXB@BB|0CԀ8C@CX8CPCPCC`C0C0C 0C L@C |C HC@C(CPCTCp?8C̀HCHCx8C `(C!@C$HC(@C*XC/C/CC$CCp(CDTCJ0CKCTPCZCmC CC`CXC0CCXCC@@CC0C@CHXC̀PC@CƤ?C0CP(CԀ8C8CP@0D#D$?D&@(D&D'0D)`D)D*pD+4D, PD-PD2|PD7TPD8PD< hD?PDA DG DNDTP @QD_.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@(( @+ @hh p3@..# ;@QQA@RpRp@GDZZ`SD__XYD_p_p@aD{{kry~  p \ 7 ELF@L4 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@OOP @@@@@JJe(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.00  @L D2 @ @+@ p0@ppp@p pp p&R9]GWPDr Kods,?0w\F1[gX+!6NJQ $Z^U8i_xK1/:TMc";%HW`!q>-jD3HeCO _ m|F5( )#y *vpY<Jq.d}=n /A'2}aI2~,8B"Ifghc`yLs{@x4$~tRb7S G6Yu;bNE\l&wkV| 0Qz[X:*SVir#< %ul 7^hM-.{5T)4]9'EB=+z(Of>L?3@ApCZjvmPkUnaeto   0 i @@ 0 @L z0 @O  @   ~A> @`AxD2 AG uA4vB ~ABAD1B z@CBB-"BdBD1<@ @ bAx@N\?BA|dCZD1TCD1 @0&BKA0B`CP@Bw '@D AA DBy$AzD1 AOpCy [A( @D @0 g@@(B 2@ŌC GD1yAk`B&BD1A\ !AlBDYBRx@<A6BAyBxtBt@LB3 M@T2AYA@HD1IBޜ ChAB7 D1pBA@!AxNB<DG` Ag\@PCAD(BlBI@B)07B0BrAIB@j8A:ATB+$ @puD1` A(xA}PZCD@D1PBAz-@BPl/wC^(UD1@ t@8@,BGA?\B  DN bAD10=A}A'H @@TD2  @8D1 WB AsBBtButB(D1^AB#AA8 AHnCA@ 2CT lAHB@B(@` @gABZN@8D1CiA @ CD t?AB@B.CPAJB,BFADCw AA| AQAtD0_D0f@D0@B;p/DC @Ĕ @pA|9D0?@{;B {CB+A0AT @D0 AAYA4D0NA @lCD0A0Bc  DHB 9Az @͜Q@`D0B"xOByHB?BBbD0pAD =ApbA0@@ eAzpEB /D0`CX #AF<@0t@@dP @T@d AA,@A MAL@P@sCBziB`}B "DBaB<`e@PBHAAAHA`jB]|AB¬D0P~AC A5A @+B1B A3 @@6D0@ACaAPYAC#D00@l\BD0 ALD0AT BCO@D iPBBBB+BBpA%A@LJD0o@HBE)D/AFD" BKAS@-BPmBӜXD(pBT$ )ACdBfC/@A\TXBV` @A2@0B%oApBp.BA.B0BBx'ALBk@lA,A @mAKB`CC@ABA|A N@0!ATHmD/<BTf~A8A{BD/ @/D/A >AEBD/D/+B9 @@WBzAzLRC`A< D/ 2D/4 A@ y@˄RACi@VB+{BlC(pA`CB D/pD/` A0$BuXCz`nBC@8CAAeB{BFAB-7D/PAUCAX Q@uD/@BsBe aCphCt ALCi a@VAU AMl XD, 9D/0KD/ C|PB)BY8D/ @oB+CgB @ @ CAAw8AԜASgAoh@$BN4BwB> @\Bۀ7D/C>`BȤcCY,CpD. 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All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, # Mountain View, CA 94043, or: # # http://www.sgi.com # # For further information regarding this notice, see: # # http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/SGIGPLNoticeExplan/ # OPTS="" USAGE="Usage: xfs_info [-V] [-t mtab] mountpoint" while getopts "t:V" c do case $c in t) OPTS="-t $OPTARG" ;; V) OPTS="-V $OPTARG" ;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac done set -- extra $@ shift $OPTIND case $# in 1) xfs_growfs -p xfs_info -n $OPTS $1 status=$? ;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac exit $status # /etc/inittab init(8) configuration for BusyBox # # Copyright (C) 1999-2003 by Erik Andersen ::sysinit:/linuxrc ::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty2::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty3::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty4::askfirst:-/bin/ash ::restart:/sbin/init ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot ::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r ::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a ELF 4T 4 (pPPPPPPPPPP0 8 8e(`-H < Pp $pppp p:pp o%:"  *5,-7$+()1 9# ! 0% 3&6.'4/28 @LLPP Q( Q@ PP 2` ` @dQ@ Q(N Q( Pp(Q"Q(QT G ,G <  2Qd hQL QP P` ^ 14# Q` QH ;Kd7 $QX 1 @lpQD Q\ R Q0 WQ, v LPP zQ( i .,_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE__dl_linux_resolve_gp_disp_dl_linux_resolver_dl_boot_dl_elf_main_dl_handles_dl_symbol_tables_dl_loaded_modules_dl_malloc_function_dl_debug_addr_dl_pagesize_dl_errno_dl_secure_dl_ldsopath_dl_preload_dl_library_path_dl_progname_dl_parse_lazy_relocation_information_dl_debug_state_dl_getenv_dl_parse_dynamic_info_dl_unsetenv_dl_unmap_cache_dl_elf_hash_dl_find_hash_dl_perform_mips_global_got_relocations_dl_check_hashed_files_dl_dprintf_dl_check_if_named_library_is_loaded_dl_protect_relro_dl_map_cache_dl_malloc_dl_strdup_dl_add_elf_hash_table_dl_load_elf_shared_library_dl_internal_error_number_dl_load_shared_library_dl_error_number_dl_parse_relocation_information_dl_fixup_dl_get_ready_to_run_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss_endld-uClibc.so.0P`!'9<'!'د $ !`(! $'(@! <'Ũ! !% @#'9ED(! 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'9; ' Inode I/O Manager%u:%d%d Test I/O ManagerContents of block %lu, checksum %08lu: %04x: %02x%cTEST_IO_LOGFILEwTEST_IO_FLAGSTEST_IO_BLOCKTEST_IO_READ_ABORTTEST_IO_WRITE_ABORTTest_io: flush() returned %s OKAborting due to I/O to block %lu Test_io: set_blksize(%d) returned %s Test_io: read_blk(%lu, %d) returned %s Test_io: write_blk(%lu, %d) returned %s Test_io: write_byte(%lu, %d) returned %s Test_io: set_option(%s, %s) not implemented EXT2FS Library version 1.36Wrong magic number for ext2_filsys structureWrong magic number for badblocks_list structureWrong magic number for badblocks_iterate structureWrong magic number for inode_scan structureWrong magic number for io_channel structureWrong magic number for unix io_channel structureWrong magic number for io_manager structureWrong magic number for block_bitmap structureWrong magic number for inode_bitmap structureWrong magic number for generic_bitmap structureWrong magic number for test io_channel structureWrong magic number for directory block list structureWrong magic number for icount structureWrong magic number for Powerquest io_channel structureWrong magic number for ext2 file structureWrong magic number for Ext2 Image HeaderWrong magic number for inode io_channel structureWrong magic number --- RESERVED_9Bad magic number in super-blockFilesystem revision too highAttempt to write to filesystem opened read-onlyCan't read group descriptorsCan't write group descriptorsCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for block bitmapCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for inode bitmapCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for inode tableCan't write an inode bitmapCan't read an inode bitmapCan't write an block bitmapCan't read an block bitmapCan't write an inode tableCan't read an inode tableCan't read next inodeFilesystem has unexpected block sizeEXT2 directory corruptedAttempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short readAttempt to write block from filesystem resulted in short writeNo free space in the directoryInode bitmap not loadedBlock bitmap not loadedIllegal inode numberIllegal block numberInternal error in ext2fs_expand_dirNot enough space to build proposed filesystemIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_mark_block_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_test_block_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_mark_inode_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_unmark_inode_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_test_inode_bitmapAttempt to fudge end of block bitmap past the real endAttempt to fudge end of inode bitmap past the real endIllegal indirect block foundIllegal doubly indirect block foundIllegal triply indirect block foundBlock bitmaps are not the sameInode bitmaps are not the sameIllegal or malformed device nameA block group is missing an inode tableThe ext2 superblock is corruptIllegal generic bit number passed to ext2fs_mark_generic_bitmapIllegal generic bit number passed to ext2fs_unmark_generic_bitmapIllegal generic bit number passed to ext2fs_test_generic_bitmapToo many symbolic links encountered.The callback function will not handle this caseThe inode is from a bad block in the inode tableFilesystem has unsupported feature(s)Filesystem has unsupported read-only feature(s)IO Channel failed to seek on read or writeMemory allocation failedInvalid argument passed to ext2 libraryCould not allocate block in ext2 filesystemCould not allocate inode in ext2 filesystemExt2 inode is not a directoryToo many references in tableFile not found by ext2_lookupFile open read-onlyExt2 directory block not foundExt2 directory already existsUnimplemented ext2 library functionUser cancel requestedExt2 file too bigSupplied journal device not a block deviceJournal superblock not foundJournal must be at least 1024 blocksUnsupported journal versionError loading external journalJournal not foundDirectory hash unsupportedIllegal extended attribute block numberCannot create filesystem with requested number of inodesE2image snapshot not in useToo many reserved group descriptor blocksResize inode is corruptMissing indirect block not present#%lu#%lu for %s/devices/devfs/dev%s/%s...../.???AO?bad icount%s: list[%d].ino=%u, list[%d].ino=%u %s: count > size block bitmap for %sinode bitmap for %s/.ismount-test-filero/proc/swaps/proc/mounts/etc/mtab/.journal%uUnix I/O Manageroffset05-Feb-20051.36 +`p Lx8h4`$Tt8Tp <| $<`<t Xx$Ll0X@\<Pp ,Tp$@l +LNOOPRXQ4+`ldfgie$k<l¤+<X`4`pDLHe <:PJ`sz UP@p.|``P T@l-8<<0I$d0 e ՠ8ż4JDdp,d) `P{@^0<4,, 0@40GKp/Ppp$xt`P|@Ad?0EpX8 p?<ITK\ל,Y-,)$~8Pp0:  <<<== =8=P=p0>0?0Al(AAȀ8B(C\8Dd(E@G@I$I0J`J(J Kp?8LLĀ?@N(OOĀ0P0Q(RXR`TpVPWPX HX(Y0Z([h([0^0`l?8d(e$(f,(f0g܀?@i?@k<8l0mn@p؀8r0tL0u(wt0y`y z 0{0|?@~8?8pH0(H(8Lt(,( ؀ (,DȀ , D(\0Ѐ@Ā8d(88xT(( PTPXH,@0@(<HX PЀ8,8ż8D0\؀ 80P`Hʄ0(Tl?8<`H`ՠ` H0לP@8@(Ԁ08p(H(䠀(`    簀(Ѐ P Ѐ(ЀX@ﰀ0(p 48<(t0Px@(000 0(,Ѐ8,Ԁ Tl,Pt܀000000P0Ѐ $ l  0@LX(p0, h?H$`$xH) )$--.|/P001 47<7`(8:P0;(<<8<H?0A<@BȀE8?pJJ8KЀ0L@SH0SSTT@ TUЀW<WT(W\0^?8`@ddde  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'%s'empty longname field$[]!*?older tic versions may treat the description field as an aliaswhitespace in name or alias fieldslashes aren't allowed in names or aliasesdubious character `%c' in name or alias fieldMissing backslash before newlineIllegal character - '%s'Missing separator after `%s', have %sSeparator inconsistent with syntaxno value given for `%s'Missing separatorCan't backspace off beginning of lineVery long string found. Missing separator?Illegal ^ character - '%s'Allow ^? as synonym for \177Non-octal digit `%c' in \ sequencePremature EOFIllegal character '%s' in \ sequence@%&*!#%s/.terminfo2Kn,X   `  %KKEY_A1KEY_A3KEY_B2KEY_BACKSPACEKEY_BEGKEY_BREAKKEY_BTABKEY_C1KEY_C3KEY_CANCELKEY_CATABKEY_CLEARKEY_CLOSEKEY_COMMANDKEY_COPYKEY_CREATEKEY_CTABKEY_DCKEY_DLKEY_DOWNKEY_EICKEY_ENDKEY_ENTERKEY_EOLKEY_EOSKEY_EXITKEY_F(0)KEY_F(1)KEY_F(10)KEY_F(11)KEY_F(12)KEY_F(13)KEY_F(14)KEY_F(15)KEY_F(16)KEY_F(17)KEY_F(18)KEY_F(19)KEY_F(2)KEY_F(20)KEY_F(21)KEY_F(22)KEY_F(23)KEY_F(24)KEY_F(25)KEY_F(26)KEY_F(27)KEY_F(28)KEY_F(29)KEY_F(3)KEY_F(30)KEY_F(31)KEY_F(32)KEY_F(33)KEY_F(34)KEY_F(35)KEY_F(36)KEY_F(37)KEY_F(38)KEY_F(39)KEY_F(4)KEY_F(40)KEY_F(41)KEY_F(42)KEY_F(43)KEY_F(44)KEY_F(45)KEY_F(46)KEY_F(47)KEY_F(48)KEY_F(49)KEY_F(5)KEY_F(50)KEY_F(51)KEY_F(52)KEY_F(53)KEY_F(54)KEY_F(55)KEY_F(56)KEY_F(57)KEY_F(58)KEY_F(59)KEY_F(6)KEY_F(60)KEY_F(61)KEY_F(62)KEY_F(63)KEY_F(7)KEY_F(8)KEY_F(9)KEY_FINDKEY_HELPKEY_HOMEKEY_ICKEY_ILKEY_LEFTKEY_LLKEY_MARKKEY_MESSAGEKEY_MOUSEKEY_MOVEKEY_NEXTKEY_NPAGEKEY_OPENKEY_OPTIONSKEY_PPAGEKEY_PREVIOUSKEY_PRINTKEY_REDOKEY_REFERENCEKEY_REFRESHKEY_REPLACEKEY_RESETKEY_RESIZEKEY_RESTARTKEY_RESUMEKEY_RIGHTKEY_SAVEKEY_SBEGKEY_SCANCELKEY_SCOMMANDKEY_SCOPYKEY_SCREATEKEY_SDCKEY_SDLKEY_SELECTKEY_SENDKEY_SEOLKEY_SEXITKEY_SFKEY_SFINDKEY_SHELPKEY_SHOMEKEY_SICKEY_SLEFTKEY_SMESSAGEKEY_SMOVEKEY_SNEXTKEY_SOPTIONSKEY_SPREVIOUSKEY_SPRINTKEY_SRKEY_SREDOKEY_SREPLACEKEY_SRESETKEY_SRIGHTKEY_SRSUMEKEY_SSAVEKEY_SSUSPENDKEY_STABKEY_SUNDOKEY_SUSPENDKEY_UNDOKEY_UP-1M-^?LINESCOLUMNSUTF-8NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACSlinuxscreenTERMCAPhhII00TERM environment variable not set. TERM environment must be <= %d characters. Not enough memory to create terminal structure. terminals database is inaccessible '%s': unknown terminal type. '%s': I need something more specific. '%s': I can't handle hardcopy terminals. 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This is because /etc is mounted to tmpfs so that the user cand have read/write access to /etc for the possible creation of some config files (i.e., for RAID devices) on startup. # Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/fstab,v 1.7 2002/05/12 21:48:18 azarah Exp $ # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # #// Main Filesystems /dev/ram0 / ext2 noatime 0 0 none /tmp tmpfs defaults,rw 0 0 #// Miscellaneous Filesystems proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 # /etc/inittab init(8) configuration for BusyBox # # Copyright (C) 1999-2003 by Erik Andersen ::sysinit:/linuxrc ::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty2::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty3::askfirst:-/bin/ash #tty4::askfirst:-/bin/ash ::restart:/sbin/init ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot ::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r ::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a # mdadm configuration file # # mdadm will function properly without the use of a configuration file, # but this file is useful for keeping track of arrays and member disks. # In general, a mdadm.conf file is created, and updated, after arrays # are created. This is the opposite behavior of /etc/raidtab which is # created prior to array construction. # # # the config file takes two types of lines: # # DEVICE lines specify a list of devices of where to look for # potential member disks # # ARRAY lines specify information about how to identify arrays so # so that they can be activated # # You can have more than one device line and use wild cards. The first # example includes SCSI the first partition of SCSI disks /dev/sdb, # /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd, /dev/sdj, /dev/sdk, and /dev/sdl. The second # line looks for array slices on IDE disks. # #DEVICE /dev/sd[bcdjkl]1 #DEVICE /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb1 # # If you mount devfs on /dev, then a suitable way to list all devices is: #DEVICE /dev/discs/*/* # # # # ARRAY lines specify an array to assemble and a method of identification. # Arrays can currently be identified by using a UUID, superblock minor number, # or a listing of devices. # # super-minor is usually the minor number of the metadevice # UUID is the Universally Unique Identifier for the array # Each can be obtained using # # mdadm -D # #ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=3aaa0122:29827cfa:5331ad66:ca767371 #ARRAY /dev/md1 super-minor=1 #ARRAY /dev/md2 devices=/dev/hda1,/dev/hda2 # # ARRAY lines can also specify a "spare-group" for each array. mdadm --monitor # will then move a spare between arrays in a spare-group if one array has a failed # drive but no spare #ARRAY /dev/md4 uuid=b23f3c6d:aec43a9f:fd65db85:369432df spare-group=group1 #ARRAY /dev/md5 uuid=19464854:03f71b1b:e0df2edd:246cc977 spare-group=group1 # # When used in --follow (aka --monitor) mode, mdadm needs a # mail address and/or a program. This can be given with "mailaddr" # and "program" lines to that monitoring can be started using # mdadm --follow --scan & echo $! > /var/run/mdadm # If the lines are not found, mdadm will exit quietly #MAILADDR root@mydomain.tld #PROGRAM /usr/sbin/handle-mdadm-events nameserver nameserver nameserver ELF@ 4T 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@DDDDPp@@@@@  e(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0pj @ ` @<@(@x@H  ppppp@p pCppCC @!"; 7 3 - ?<1=& B*4)9#8$6%(.+/,'0:25>A ypO@@p@ `pp@.ppk@D $> ԏ ' <'p!'௿$ $ $B@'9  ' ' <'pp!'௿D $h $<'p4!'௿$(! @$ (!$  (!$ (!$ (!$(! 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'(@(0B@UbxD$B @0!xDB@e $BAp$B@(!$C @8!7 $C,Sl E@8!ȏpDx$CPl E,ȏpDl$CP-"ď ! $A@!@/l E8!ȏpDV$CP0 $Ch@'bl E0ȏpDA$CPȏpD$ClȏpD$C(! h $B  !84$D8!  !@0!@@B@<!&d*  !DB Dl,@B'9@@< #*xD $C@<*@ȏ8؏0 lhd`\XTPLH!'p<'G!'د '99$&" $& 1& '(x! $Bx! $Ax! $?x! $>x! $=x! $;x! $:x! $9x! $8x! $6x! $3x! $2x! $1x! $0x! $/x! $,x! $+x! $*x! $)x! $(x! $'x! $&x! $%x! $$x! $"x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'C!'௼<'C!'9 P ' done badblocksUsage: %s [-b block_size] [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-svwnf] [-c blocks_at_once] [-p num_passes] [-t test_pattern [-t test_pattern [...]]] device [last_block [start_block]] %lu adding to in-memory bad block list%15ld/%15ldTesting with random pattern: Testing with pattern 0x%02xduring seekWeird value (%ld) in do_read Weird value (%ld) in do_write during ext2fs_sync_deviceChecking for bad blocks (read-only test): while beginning bad block list iterationwhile allocating buffersChecking blocks %lu to %lu Checking for bad blocks in read-only mode Checking for bad blocks in read-write mode From block %lu to %lu Reading and comparing: Checking for bad blocks (non-destructive read-write test) Checking for bad blocks in non-destructive read-write mode Interrupt caught, cleaning up during test data write, block %lub:fi:o:svwnc:p:h:t:bad block size - %sbad simultaneous block count - %sbad number of clean passes - %srrandomcan't allocate memory for test_pattern - %sinvalid test_pattern: %s -%u Maximum of one test_pattern may be specified in read-only modeRandom test_pattern is not allowed in read-only modeCouldn't determine device size; you must specify the size manually while trying to determine device sizebad blocks count - %sbad starting block - %sbad blocks range: %lu-%lu%s is mounted; badblocks forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. ext2fs_check_if_mountwhile determining whether %s is mounted.it's not safe to run badblocks! while trying to open %swcreating in-memory bad blocks listinput file - bad formatPass completed, %u bad blocks found. U???8?8?P?8??d?8?8?8?8??p?p?8?8???8?? @<@=@@@%@@@Y@@q@@p@`L@P@@R?@05P@ =@@_init_fini__uClibc_start_main_Jv_RegisterClassesprognamefprintfstderrexitstdoutblkid_tag_iterate_beginblkid_dev_devnameblkid_tag_nextstrcmpblkid_tag_iterate_endputcharmemsetgetoptoptargfputsblkid_parse_tag_stringoptindblkid_get_cachefreeblkid_put_cacheblkid_probe_allblkid_dev_iterate_beginblkid_dev_nextblkid_verifycompare_search_typeblkid_dev_iterate_endblkid_get_dev_DYNAMIC_LINKING__RLD_MAPlibblkid.so.1_gp_disp_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_libuuid.so.1libc.so.0_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss<'w!'௼<'w!'9  <'wx!'9 ' <'w8!!'$00 t'菂P@ '<'v!'௿$BB@ $!@ "$B@BY $B$$!"' <'v@!'௿$BB@ 8$@8 ' <'u!'د Fh$$B  $ '(<'u|!'د !LP$y   ! !h $ !DP$y   ! !h $ !D <'t!'@<840,($ !!!!W$0P@x @ !J @!H !' '@5++C$@@ !!T &@&12*@T2*@叙H2b@ 2b@ !؏ ! !@(! $ $Ə0  ! 2b@@$  @<840,($ 'H<'r!'ȯ0,($ x! !@!!H''  !`(!@ T @(!@򏙀T @$0  ! !0,($ '8<'r(!'TPLHD@<840X\$(!!  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Chose from value, device, or full Too many tags specified -t needs NAME=value pair Can only search for one NAME=value pair ????????????????????h?t @@@p@`@ t@P@@@0@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@p@`@P@@@0P@ @@@ @ @ (@ (@ H@ t8@8X@@.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@((X+ @3@pp$;@A@ G@S@\Y@ a@k r y ~ @` `p p!!! 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(!$Y '@!'BB@!0 # #@ d@(! $l)L (! $@B!B@̏쏂H!D'H@(!@!,b+@$f&bB &BB+d'P؏ԏЏ̏'<'!'د '99$&" $& 1& '(x! $Ꮩx! $x! $ߏx! $ޏx! $ݏx! $܏x! $ۏx! $ڏx! $؏x! $׏x! $֏x! $ԏx! $ӏx! $ҏx! $Ϗx! $Ώx! $̏x! $ˏx! $ʏx! $ɏx! $ďx! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $}x! $|x! ${x! $yx! $xx! $vx! $tx! $qx! $px! $dx! $cx! $bx! $ax! $`x! $^x! $Yx! $Xx! $Wx! $Ux! $Tx! $Sx! $Rx! $Qx! $Px! $Ix! $Hx! $Gx! $Dx! $Cx! $?x! $>x! $<x! $:x! $5x! $4x! $3x! $2x! $1x! $.x! $,x! $+x! $)x! $(x! $'x! $&x! $#x! $"x! $!x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'!'௼<'|!'9#P ' Show debugfs parametersOpen a filesystemClose the filesystemSet/print superblock featuresMark the filesystem as dirtyInitalize a filesystem (DESTROYS DATA)Show superblock statisticsDo inode->name translationDo block->inode translationChange root directoryChange working directoryList directoryShow inode information Create directory linkDelete a directory linkCreate a directoryRemove a directoryRemove a file (unlink and kill_file, if appropriate)Deallocate an inode and its blocksClear an inode's contentsClear an inode's in-use flagSet an inode's in-use flagTest an inode's in-use flagClear a block's in-use flagSet a block's in-use flagTest a block's in-use flagModify an inode by structureFind free block(s)Find free inode(s)Print current working directoryExpand directoryCreate a special fileList deleted inodesUndelete fileCopy a file from your native filesystemDump an inode out to a fileDump an inode out to stdoutChange the current directory on your native filesystemRecursively dump a directory to the native filesystemSet superblock valueSet inode fieldDump the contents of the journalDump a hash-indexed directoryCalculate the directory hash of a filenameSearch a directory for a particular filenameCalculate the logical->physical block mapping for an inodeCalculate the location of an inodeDump unused blocksdump_unusedimapbmapdirsearchdx_hashhashhtree_dumphtreelogdumpset_inode_fieldsifset_super_valuessvrdumplcdcatdump_inodewriteundeleteundellist_deleted_inodeslsdelmknodexpand_direxpandprint_working_directorypwdfind_free_inodeffifind_free_blockffbmodify_inodemitestbsetbfreebtestisetifreeiclrikill_filermrmdirmkdirunlinklnshow_inode_infostatlist_directorylschange_working_directorycdchange_root_directorychrooticheckncheckshow_super_statsstatsinit_filesysdirty_filesysdirtyfeaturefeaturesclose_filesyscloseopen_filesysopenshow_debugfs_paramsparamsext2fs_write_inode_bitmapext2fs_write_block_bitmapThe -d option is only valid when reading an e2image fileif you specify the superblock, you must also specify the block sizecatastrophic mode - not reading inode or group bitmapswhile opening data sourceopening read-only because of catastrophic modewhile reading block bitmapwhile opening filesystemwhile reading inode bitmapwhile setting data sourcewhile trying to close filesystemUsage: open [-s superblock] [-b blocksize] [-c] [-w] iwfcb:s:d:block sizesuperblock numberwhile trying to change native directory to %sext2fs_closeinitialize blocks countwhile initializing filesystemUsage: show_super [-h]Directories: %d Group %2d: block bitmap at %d, inode bitmap at %d, inode table at %d %d free %s, %d free %s, %d used %s inodesdirectories-clean, (%lld-%lld):%d-%d(%lld):%d(TIND):%d(IND):%d(DIND):%dregularsymlinkblock specialcharacter specialFIFOsocketbad type%sInode: %u Type: %s %sMode: %04o Flags: 0x%x Generation: %u %sUser: %5d Group: %5d Size: %sLinks: %d Blockcount: %d %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d %sFragment: Address: %d Number: %d Size: %d %sctime: 0x%08x -- %s%satime: 0x%08x -- %s%smtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sDevice major/minor number: %02d:%02d (hex %02x:%02x) %sBLOCKS: %s%lld %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d Translator: %d %sdtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sFast_link_dest: %.*s (New-style) %sTOTAL: %lld Warning: inode already clearWarning: inode already setInode %u is not in use Inode %u is marked in use Warning: block %d already clearWarning: block %d already setBlock %d not in use Block %d marked in use %30s [%s] Bad value - %s0x%x%dMode0%oUser IDGroup IDSizeCreation timeModification timeAccess timeDeletion timeLink countBlock countFile flagsGenerationFile aclHigh 32bits of sizeFragment addressDirect Block #%dIndirect BlockDouble Indirect BlockTriple Indirect BlockDirectory aclTranslator BlockFragment numberFragment sizewhile trying to get pathname of cwd[pwd] INODE: %6u PATH: %s [root] INODE: %6u PATH: %s while trying to get pathname of rootmake_link Inode is not marked as deletedunlink_file_by_nameFree blocks found: %d Usage: find_free_block [count [goal]]Bad count - %sBad goal - %sext2fs_new_blockUsage: find_free_inode [dir] [mode]Free inode found: %u ext2fs_new_inodeBad dir - %sBad mode - %s The file '%s' already exists Allocated inode: %u while expanding directorycopy_fileUsage: mknod [p| [c|b] ]argv[0]ext2fs_mkdirwhile trying to resolve filenamefile is a directoryfile is not a directorydirectory not emptywhile iterating over directoryOpen mode: read-%s onlyFilesystem in use: %s --none--ext2fs_expand_dirUnknown feature: %s Filesystem features:(none) logical_blklogical_blockwhile mapping logical block %d Inode table for group %lu is missing Inode %d is part of block group %lu located at block %lu, offset 0x%04lx debugfs %s (%s) 1.3605-Feb-2005iwcR:f:b:s:Vd:Usage: debugfs [-b blocksize] [-s superblock] [-f cmd_file] [-R request] [-V] [[-w] [-c] device] Using %s debugfs0.0creating invocationadding standard requests-debugfs: %s ?|?????????????????????/usr/binpagermorelessDEBUGFS_PAGER__none__w%s/%sFilesystem not openFilesystem %s is still open. Close it first. Filesystem opened read/onlyFilesystem bitmaps not loadedTZGMTBad %s - %sblock numberInvalid block number 0Usage: %s %s [count]while reading inode %uwhile writing inode %uUsage: ncheck ...Inode Pathname%u %u %s do_ncheckwhile allocating inode info arraywhile opening inode scanwhile starting inode scanBad inode - %swhile doing inode scanwhile calling ext2_dir_iteratewhile resolving pathname for inode %d (%d)Usage: icheck ...Block Inode number%u while allocating block bufferwhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate%u %u JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec %c%6u%c %6o (%d) %5d %5d %s %s %5lld%2d-%s-%4d %02d:%02d%5d%c%u%c (%d) %s dlUsage: ls [-l] [-d] filels_deleted_inodes[secs] Inode Owner Mode Size Blocks Time deleted %6u %6d %6o %6llu %4d/%4d %s%d deleted inodes found. Bad time - %swhile allocating deleted information storagewhile reallocating arraywhile setting times of %swhile setting permissions of %swhile changing ownership of %swhile opening ext2 filewhile reading ext2 filewhile writing filewhile closing ext2 filedump_fileUsage: dump_inode [-p] while opening %s for dump_inodewhile allocating memorywhile allocating for symlinkwhile creating symlink %s -> %swhile opening symlinkwhile reading symlinkwhile closing symlinkwhile dumping %s..while making directory %s %s is not a directorywhile statting %sinodes_countmodeuidsizeatimectimemtimedtimegidlinks_countflagstranslatorblock[IND]block[DIND]block[TIND]generationfile_acldir_aclfaddrfragfsizeuid_highgid_highauthorblocks_countr_blocks_countfree_blocks_countfree_inodes_countfirst_data_blocklog_block_sizelog_frag_sizeblocks_per_groupfrags_per_groupinodes_per_groupwtimemax_mnt_countstateerrorsminor_rev_levellastcheckcheckintervalcreator_osrev_leveldef_resuiddef_resgidfirst_inoinode_sizeblock_group_nrfeature_compatfeature_incompatfeature_ro_compatvolume_namelast_mountedalgorithm_usage_bitmapprealloc_blocksprealloc_dir_blocksreserved_gdt_blocksjournal_uuidjournal_inumjournal_devlast_orphanhash_seeddef_hash_versionjnl_backup_typedefault_mount_optsfirst_meta_bgmkfs_timejnl_blocksi_s_Couldn't parse '%s' for field %s. Error maximum size for %s is %d. now%Y%m%d%H%M%SnullcleartimerandomInvalid UUID format: %s Invalid hash algorithm: %s set_inodewhile setting block mapInode%s fields supported by the %s command: unknownset physical->logical block map %-20s %s Superblockstring[][%d]integerunsigned integerUUIDhash algorithmdate/time "set_super_value -l" will list the names of superblock fields which can be set.-linvalid field specifier: %s "set_inode_field -l" will list the names of the fields in an ext2 inode which can be set.while seeking in reading journalwhile while reading journalshort read (read %d, expected %d) while while reading journal(%d+%u): %u (%s): %u ab:ci:f:sUsage: logdump [-ac] [-b] [-i] [-f] [output_file]Inode %u is at group %u, block %u, offset %u Journal superblock magic number invalid! no journal backup in super block while opening %s for logdumpUsing external journal found at %s filesystem has no journalExt2 superblock header found. uuid=%s blocksize=%d journal data size %ld No magic number at block %u: end of journal. Found sequence %u (not %u) at block %u: end of journal. Journal starts at block %u, transaction %u unrecognised typedescriptor blockFound expected sequence %u, type %u (%s) at block %u Unexpected block type %u at block %u. commit blockV1 superblockV2 superblockrevoke tableDumping revoke block, sequence %u, at block %u: Revoke FS block %u at block %u, sequence %u Dumping descriptor block, sequence %u, at block %u: FS block %u logged at sequence %u, journal block %u %04x: %08x CLEARSET (block bitmap for block %u: block is %s) (inode block for inode %u): Blocks: INDDINDTINDBad block number - %s@$@$@$@%@@%@@%@%@@%@@% @%@@%@@%@@%@@%@@%@@%@@%@@%@@% @,t@,@,@-@- Entry #%d: Hash 0x%08x%s, block %d (**)Entry #%d: Hash 0x%08x, block %d htree_dump_int_blockhtree_dump_leaf_nodeCouldn't allocate child block. %u 0x%08x (%d) %s while reading block %d Corrupted directory block (%d)! while calculating hash--------------------- Number of entries (count): %d Number of entries (limit): %d Usage: htree_dump [-l] fileRoot node dump: Reserved zero: %d Hash Version: %d Info length: %d Indirect levels: %d Flags: %d Not a directoryNot a hash-indexed directoryCouldn't allocate htree bufferError reading root nodeh:usage: dx_hash filenamewhile caclulating hashHash of %s is 0x%0x (minor 0x%0x) Usage: dirsearch dir filenameCouldn't allocate buffersearch_dir_blockwhile reading block %luEntry found at logical block %lld, phys %d, offset %d Unused block %ld contains non-zero data: While reading block @ߜ@ߨ@߰@߸@@@@@@@@@@@ @$@(@@4@<@H@P@d@l@t@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$@(@0@8@8@@@D@T@\@l@p@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@(@0@@@H@\@g4@@'@@*@,@hd@D@.@d@+@@ڄ@,h@ڬ@|@@<@@;@@K@t@@4h@:@D\@P@\T@S@tL@`0@یD@e@۠<@c<@۴4@b@,@< @$@<@,@=@L@>@h @?@܄@A@ܠ@B@ܼ@G@@T@@V@ @L<@ @g@@@\T@T@T@l@P@݀@W@ݐ@@ݸ@`@|@)@t@@(h@@`\@@xT@@ވH@|@ެ<@ʌ@4@ @,@jd@($@k@d@@߈@ @@@@$@,@H@L@P@T@X@\@`@d@h@l@p@t@@ @(@\@8@\@@@\@D@\@L @@T$@@\(@@d,@@l0@\@p2@\@ߔ4@\@|8@\@<@\@ @@\ @p@\@t@\@x@\@|@\@@\@@\@@\@@\@@\@@\@@\@@\@߰@@(@\@ @\@ @\@,$@\@@(@\@T,@\@h0@\@x4@@8@\@<@\@@@\@\D@@H@@L@\@N@@R@\@T@\@V@\@X@@\@\@`@\@ 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Eh%H#$0!%0!<'!'د '99$&" $& 1& '(x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $ x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $동x! $ꏙx! $菙x! $珙x! $揙x! $⏙x! $Ꮩx! $ߏx! $ޏx! $ݏx! $ۏx! $Տx! $ԏx! $ӏx! $яx! $Ϗx! $͏x! $̏x! $ʏx! $ȏx! $Ǐx! $ďx! $Ïx! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $~x! $}x! $|x! ${x! $zx! $vx! $tx! $sx! $rx! $nx! $mx! $lx! $kx! $ix! $hx! $fx! $ex! $cx! $bx! $ax! $]x! $\x! $Yx! $Xx! $Wx! $Vx! $Tx! $Qx! $Px! $Ox! $Nx! $Mx! $Kx! $Fx! $Cx! $Ax! $@x! $?x! $>x! $=x! $<x! $;x! $9x! $7x! $6x! $5x! $3x! $1x! $.x! $,x! $+x! $)x! $(x! $'x! $&x! $$x! $"x! $!x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'!'௼<'!'90@ ' 05-Feb-20051.36Usage: %s [-panyrcdfvstDFSV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize] [-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size] [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j ext-journal] [-E extended-options] device Emergency help: -p Automatic repair (no questions) -n Make no changes to the filesystem -y Assume "yes" to all questions -c Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list -f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean -v Be verbose -b superblock Use alternative superblock -B blocksize Force blocksize when looking for superblock -j external-journal Set location of the external journal -l bad_blocks_file Add to badblocks list -L bad_blocks_file Set badblocks list %s%s %s%s%s: |%s%s %4.1f%% %u %d %lu %lu e2fsckpanyrcC:B:dE:fvtFVM:b:I:j:P:l:L:N:SsDkError validating file descriptor %d: %s Invalid completion information file descriptorOnly one the options -p/-a, -n or -y may be specified.ea_verIncompatible options not allowed when byte-swapping. Unable to resolve '%s'Invalid EA version. Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid raid options are: ea_ver= (y/n)%s%s? yes cancelled! no %s? no %s? yes %s? %s yesnoreading inode and block bitmapse2fsck_read_bitmaps: illegal bitmap block(s) for %swhile retrying to read bitmaps for %swriting block bitmapswhile retrying to write block bitmaps for %swriting inode bitmapswhile retrying to write inode bitmaps for %s %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY. (i.e., without -a or -p options) %s: Memory used: %dk/%dk (%dk/%dk), time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f ext2fs_read_inodewhile reading inode %ld in %swhile writing inode %ld in %sIt$directory mapdx_block info arrayError reading block %lu (%s) while %s. Ignore errorForce rewriteError reading block %lu (%s). Error writing block %lu (%s) while %s. Error writing block %lu (%s). (NONE)FIXEDRELOCATEDALLOCATEDEXPANDEDRECONNECTEDCREATEDSALVAGEDTRUNCATEDINODE CLEAREDABORTEDSPLITCONTINUINGDUPLICATE/BAD BLOCKS CLONEDFILE DELETEDSUPPRESSEDUNLINKEDHTREE INDEX CLEAREDWILL RECREATE(no prompt)FixClearRelocateAllocateExpandConnect to /lost+foundCreateSalvageTruncateClear inodeAbortSplitContinueClone duplicate/bad blocksDelete fileSuppress messagesUnlinkClear HTree indexRecreate@b @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @i @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @i table for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) WARNING: SEVERE DATA LOSS POSSIBLE. The @S could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 @f. If the @v is valid and it really contains an ext2 @f (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the @S is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate @S: e2fsck -b %S <@v> The @f size (according to the @S) is %b @bs The physical size of the @v is %c @bs Either the @S or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! @S @b_size = %b, fragsize = %c. This version of e2fsck does not support fragment sizes different from the @b size. @S @bs_per_group = %b, should have been %c @S first_data_@b = %b, should have been %c @f did not have a UUID; generating one. Note: if there is several inode or block bitmap blocks which require relocation, or one part of the inode table which must be moved, you may wish to try running e2fsck with the '-b %S' option first. The problem may lie only with the primary block group descriptor, and the backup block group descriptor may be OK. Corruption found in @S. (%s = %N). Error determining size of the physical @v: %m @i count in @S is %i, should be %j. The Hurd does not support the filetype feature. @S has a bad ext3 @j (@i %i). External @j has multiple @f users (unsupported). Can't find external @j External @j has bad @S External @j does not support this @f Ext3 @j @S is unknown type %N (unsupported). It is likely that your copy of e2fsck is old and/or doesn't support this @j format. It is also possible the @j @S is corrupt. Ext3 @j @S is corrupt. @S doesn't have has_@j flag, but has ext3 @j %s. @S has ext3 needs_recovery flag set, but no @j. ext3 recovery flag clear, but @j has data. Clear @jRun @j anywayRecovery flag not set in backup @S, so running @j anyway. %s @o @i %i (uid=%Iu, gid=%Ig, mode=%Im, size=%Is) @I @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. Already cleared @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. @I @o @i %i in @S. @I @i %i in @o @i list. @f has feature flag(s) set, but is a revision 0 @f. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown read-only feature flag set. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown incompatible feature flag set. @j version not supported by this e2fsck. Moving @j from /%s to hidden inode. Error moving @j: %m Found invalid V2 @j @S fields (from V1 journal). Clearing fields beyond the V1 @j @S... Backing up @j @i @b information. @f does not have resize_@i enabled, but s_reserved_gdt_@bs is %N; @s zero. Resize_@i not enabled, but the resize inode is non-zero. Resize @i not valid. Pass 1: Checking @is, @bs, and sizes @r is not a @d. @r has dtime set (probably due to old mke2fs). Reserved @i %i %Q has bad mode. @D @i %i has zero dtime. @i %i is in use, but has dtime set. @i %i is a @z @d. @g %g's @b @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i table at %b @C. @g %g's @b @B (%b) is bad. @g %g's @i @B (%b) is bad. @i %i, i_size is %Is, @s %N. @i %i, i_@bs is %Ib, @s %N. @I @b #%B (%b) in @i %i. @b #%B (%b) overlaps @f metadata in @i %i. @i %i has illegal @b(s). Too many illegal @bs in @i %i. @I @b #%B (%b) in bad @b @i. Bad @b @i has illegal @b(s). Duplicate or bad @b in use! Bad @b %b used as bad @b @i indirect @b. The bad @b @i has probably been corrupted. You probably should stop now and run e2fsck -c to scan for bad blocks in the @f. If the @b is really bad, the @f can not be fixed. You can clear the this @b (and hope for the best) from the bad @b list and hope that @b is really OK, but there are no guarantees. The primary @S (%b) is on the bad @b list. Block %b in the primary @g descriptors is on the bad @b list Warning: Group %g's @S (%b) is bad. Warning: Group %g's copy of the @g descriptors has a bad @b (%b). Programming error? @b #%b claimed for no reason in process_bad_@b. @A %N contiguous @b(s) in @b @g %g for %s: %m @A @b buffer for relocating %s Relocating @g %g's %s from %b to %c... Relocating @g %g's %s to %c... Warning: could not read @b %b of %s: %m Warning: could not write @b %b for %s: %m @A @i @B (%N): %m @A @b @B (%N): %m @A icount link information: %m @A @d @b array: %m Error while scanning @is (%i): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i: %m Error storing @i count information (@i=%i, count=%N): %m Error storing @d @b information (@i=%i, @b=%b, num=%N): %m Error reading @i %i: %m @i %i has imagic flag set. Special (@v/socket/fifo/symlink) file (@i %i) has immutable or append-only flag set. @i %i has @cion flag set on @f without @cion support. Special (@v/socket/fifo) @i %i has non-zero size. @j @i is not in use, but contains data. @j is not regular file. @i %i was part of the orphaned @i list. @is that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. @A refcount structure (%N): %m Error reading @a @b %b for @i %i. @i %i has a bad @a @b %b. Error reading @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has reference count %B, should be %N. Error writing @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has h_blocks > 1. Error allocating @a @b %b. @a @b %b is corrupt (allocation collision). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid name). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid value). @i %i is too big. @b #%B (%b) causes @d to be too big. @b #%B (%b) causes file to be too big. @b #%B (%b) causes symlink to be too big. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set on @f without htree support. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set but is not a @d. @h %i has an invalid root node. @h %i has an unsupported hash version (%N) @h %i uses an incompatible htree root node flag. @h %i has a tree depth (%N) which is too big Bad @b @i has an indirect @b (%b) that conflicts with @f metadata. Resize @i (re)creation failed: %m.Duplicate @bs found... invoking duplicate @b passes. Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad @bs Duplicate/bad @b(s) in @i %i: %bError while scanning inodes (%i): %m @A @i @B (inode_dup_map): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i (%s): %m Error addjusting refcount for @a @b %b (@i %i): %m Pass 1C: Scan directories for @is with dup @bs. Pass 1D: Reconciling duplicate @bs File %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) has %B duplicate @b(s), shared with %N file(s): %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) <@f metadata> (There are %N @is containing duplicate/bad @bs.) Duplicated @bs already reassigned or cloned. Couldn't clone file: %m Pass 2: Checking @d structure Bad @i number for '.' in @d @i %i. @E has bad @i #: %Di. @E has @D/unused @i %Di. @E @L to '.' @E points to @i (%Di) located in a bad @b. @E @L to @d %P (%Di). @E @L to the @r. @E has illegal characters in its name. Missing '.' in @d @i %i. Missing '..' in @d @i %i. First @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i (%p) @s '.' Second @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i @s '..' i_faddr @F %IF, @s zero. i_file_acl @F %If, @s zero. i_dir_acl @F %Id, @s zero. i_frag @F %N, @s zero. i_fsize @F %N, @s zero. @i %i (%Q) has a bad mode (%Im). @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: @d corrupted @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: filename too long @d @i %i has an unallocated @b #%B. '.' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated '..' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated @i %i (%Q) is an @I character @v. @i %i (%Q) is an @I @b @v. @E is duplicate '.' @e. @E is duplicate '..' @e. Internal error: couldn't find dir_info for %i. @E has rec_len of %Dr, should be %N. @A icount structure: %m Error iterating over @d @bs: %m Error reading @d @b %b (@i %i): %m Error writing @d @b %b (@i %i): %m @A new @d @b for @i %i (%s): %m Error deallocating @i %i: %m @d @e for '.' is big. @i %i (%Q) is an @I FIFO. @i %i (%Q) is an @I socket. Setting filetype for @E to %N. @E has an incorrect filetype (was %Dt, should be %N). @E has filetype set. @E has a zero-length name. Symlink %Q (@i #%i) is invalid. @a @b @F invalid (%If). @f contains large files, but lacks LARGE_FILE flag in @S. @p @h %d: node (%B) not referenced @p @h %d: node (%B) referenced twice @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad min hash @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad max hash Invalid @h %d (%q). @p @h %d (%q): bad @b number %b. @p @h %d: root node is invalid @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad limit (%N) @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad count (%N) @p @h %d: node (%B) has an unordered hash table @p @h %d: node (%B) has bad depth Duplicate @E found. @E has a non-unique filename. Rename to %sDuplicate @e '%Dn' found. Marking %p (%i) to be rebuilt. Pass 3: Checking @d connectivity @r not allocated. No room in @l @d. Unconnected @d @i %i (%p) /@l not found. '..' in %Q (%i) is %P (%j), @s %q (%d). Bad or non-existent /@l. Cannot reconnect. Could not expand /@l: %m Could not reconnect %i: %m Error while trying to find /@l: %m ext2fs_new_@b: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_@i: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_dir_@b: %m while creating new @d @b ext2fs_write_dir_@b: %m while writing the @d @b for /@l Error while adjusting @i count on @i %i Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: %m Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: Couldn't find parent @d entry Error creating root @d (%s): %m Error creating /@l @d (%s): %m @r is not a @d; aborting. Cannot proceed without a @r. /@l is not a @d (ino=%i) Pass 3A: Optimizing directories Failed to create dirs_to_hash iterator: %mFailed to optimize directory %q (%d): %mOptimizing directories: Pass 4: Checking reference counts @u @z @i %i. @u @i %i @i %i ref count is %Il, @s %N. WARNING: PROGRAMMING BUG IN E2FSCK! OR SOME BONEHEAD (YOU) IS CHECKING A MOUNTED (LIVE) FILESYSTEM. @i_link_info[%i] is %N, @i.i_links_count is %Il. They should be the same! Pass 5: Checking @g summary information Padding at end of @i @B is not set. Padding at end of @b @B is not set. @b @B differences: -%b +%b@i @B differences: -%i +%iFree @is count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Directories count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Free @is count wrong (%i, counted=%j). Free @bs count wrong for @g #%g (%b, counted=%c). Free @bs count wrong (%b, counted=%c). PROGRAMMING ERROR: @f (#%N) @B endpoints (%b, %c) don't match calculated @B endpoints (%i, %j) Internal error: fudging end of bitmap (%N) Error copying in replacement @i @B: %m Error copying in replacement @b @B: %m -(%b--%c) +(%b--%c) -(%i--%j) +(%i--%j)Unhandled error code (0x%x)! IGNORED%s. %%D%c%lld%%%c0x%llxNULL%d%u%lluaextended attributeAerror allocatingbblockBbitmapccompressCconflicts with some other fs @biinodeIillegaljjournalDdeletedddirectoryeentryE@e '%Dn' in %p (%i)ffilesystemFfor @i %i (%Q) isggrouphHTREE @d @illost+foundLis a linkoorphanedpproblem inrroot @isshould beSsuper@buunattachedvdevicezzero-length@@/M-???%.*s@%c%%I%c0%oTZGMT%.24s@@D@D@,@D@@D@D@D@$@D@4jreaddo_one_passoffset < journal->j_maxlenrecovery.cAssertion failure in %s() at %s line %d: "%s" JBD: bad block at offset %u JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u obh != NULLJBD: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u JBD: Out of memory during recovery.JBD: error %d scanning journal journal_init_revokejournal_destroy_revoke(hash_size & (hash_size-1)) == 0journal->j_revoke == NULLrevoke.clist_empty(hash_list)?Arehash_dirRebuilding directoryPass 3A@YAPA\AdAtAPAPAPA0A8 AA@ Al  A A A  A, A\AAAA A$A<Ad AA(A\AA@+A,A A!AH"Al#A$AA%A &A< 'Ax (A)A*A-A@.Ad/A0AAA0ADAxAAAAA A, AH Ah A AAAAA0 AP ApAA A @A\ A@A AD A@A@AA8Ah A!A"A#A$A(%A<&AP'Ap(A)A*A+A,AP-A/Al0A1A2A3A4AP5A|6Ap7A8A9A$:AH;Ad <A=A >A?A @AAAHBApCA DAEAFAGA,HAhIAJAKALAMAL NA AAA4`Ä́A8A`AA A0A0A@0A0A0A0A0A0A0A$A@A`AAAAAA A  AH Ad A A AAA$A@AXAtAA AAALA|AAAAB$BLBh B !B "B#B$B %B0&BL'Bl(B)B0B1B2B3B84Bt5B6B7B8B:B(;A<BL=Bl>B?B@BABBB,CBXBBBBBBB<BlB B B B B0 B`BBBA(B,BPBpBABB@BBBDApÄ́B`BBBBB xB B B @B @AB @AÄ́@B @B ,@1 B 4@1 Ä́@ B <@ B p@ B @B @B @B ,B B B B @AB @AB @1B ,@1 FZ\_dAA@@tA AAx 0 @P `p7CAAAAAAAAAAAAAA$A0ALA\AhAtAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A,AHATAhApAAB B B B B B B B B B (B 4B @B HB `B lB B B B B B B B B B B BBBB(B@BDB\BtBBBBB@BAAPA@A0A @3@APAAAAhTAAAAAAAApAmA`@fAPA@A0A ARAAAAA AdA@3TAAAAAAnTA@3AApA`APA@A0A Am,AA.AlAArxAxAdAA0 AAAAAASA\AA\AApA`AP@,A@A0@tABA AAApAAAAAAAAAA@AiAApA`APAA@Ae0AlAT8A0A AAAAAZ A@kAAAA@AApA`APA@A4A0A AAAAAAAA@g AhAAO @AE AA@c\AApA`AP@6A@A0A AA-AAA@7@AAAXAAe8AAAAApAuA`ABA.AI@/PAPA@A0A AA[hA=AAA AAAAA@bA@AAAp@pAA @6A`A-`APA@A0@A AA0A_AxAAAAAAAaAA@3A0@:P@9AtAAYAAA0AApA`APA@A^`A0AU0A A@7AeAAA@h@AAAAAAAAAp@4Ab A`A_APA0A@A0A Ag@/P Ap @1P@1@10@2h0@3@3T @3@30@40@6@60@7@@7t@7@7@8P@8\@8d@8p@8@8@8@8Ԁ @9(@9@@9H@9P @9Ȁ @:P0H@>Tx@?@?Ā @@ @@\@K@bЀ(@c\ @f @g  @hh@h@h@@k@p@@,(@(@`(@@th@L@t@@ @(@,@@@0@@P@@ @P@X(@(@(?8@Ԁ(@0@(@ŀ@@Ǡ(@@@ր@ּ@ (@Ȁ@t@@@@@AhAD?Al?@AA ?PA pAA AxA- A-HA-`8A-(A.A.Ѐ0A0A0 A0A0A0 A0A1A7P(A8xhA9xA;(A=?AB@AE ?AH0AIANAO HAR( AR AS0AT8(AU0?AX AY(AZ (A[h A\hA\A^`0A_0A_8AaAb 0AdAd؀ Ae0Ae8Ae0AgAhT(Ai AiAiP8Ak?8AlAlAlAm,(Am Am AnT@ArxhAs0(At̀(Au?@A}p@AXA@AHA(Ax(A0AA A(A0A0A (A Ah(A At0AtA0A0A؀ A4 A A AAAA?@A0A A8(A(AA`0AA?A@/PAp.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rel.ro.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@88+ @ 3@_;@/P/PA@//@GA  PSApp\YASaBk r y ~ d4`7`p7pp;;P;`T@T@ELF@ `43 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@))0`@@@@@ e(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0`" @ @%@(@x@H \ p`pppp@p pCppCCA @3$'% *2 /4 8>#."-6+ 01!&?= ;(,)759B:<3 `@@:`,@ ``E`@P>`pWQ`j@%!"o@%@%'@% @%p@%`Q@%P@%@@%0|d@% @% @%5@$@$@% ,@$@$z@$@$"@$c@$@$p@$`n@$P@$@<@$0@$ @$DP@$@ ]@#)@#@@#V@#Mu@#@#`@#U@#m@#pU@#`=@#P=@#@@#0_init_fini__uClibc_start_main_Jv_RegisterClassesstderrfprintfprogram_nameexitmalloclseekmemsetfreefputsperrormeta_block_mapext2fs_mark_generic_bitmapscramble_block_maplseek64com_err__errno_locationinitialize_ext2_error_tablegetoptoptinddevice_nameunix_io_managerext2fs_openext2fs_read_bitmapsext2fs_rewrite_to_ioext2fs_image_inode_readext2fs_closestrcmpext2fs_allocate_block_bitmapext2fs_descriptor_block_locext2fs_open_inode_scanext2fs_get_next_inodeext2fs_inode_has_valid_blocksext2fs_block_iterate2stdoutopen64ext2fs_warn_bitmap2ext2fs_test_bitname_idext2fs_image_super_writeext2fs_image_inode_writeext2fs_image_bitmap_writegethostnamestrncatfstattime_DYNAMIC_LINKING__RLD_MAPlibext2fs.so.2_gp_disp_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_libcom_err.so.2libc.so.0_ftext_fdata_gp_edata__bss_start_fbss_end<'t!'௼<'th!'9 ` <'t8!'9" ' <'s!!'$00 '菂x@ '<'s!'௿$BpB@ $!@ "$B@BY $B$$!p"' <'s!'௿$BB@ 0$@0 ' <'r!'௿lD$&4 FH $<'rH!'Я($ ! !! !@!@A` !(! 0!@B !(! @0! ! 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Eh% H#$0!%0!<'wP!'د '99$&" $& 1& '(x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $}x! ${x! $yx! $wx! $vx! $ix! $gx! $ex! $cx! $bx! $`x! $[x! $Zx! $Yx! $Tx! $Sx! $Px! $Ox! $Lx! $Dx! $@x! $:x! $9x! $2x! $1x! $+x! $)x! $#x! $"x! $ x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $x! $<'sp!'௼<'sL!'9 ' b:C:H:lsS:uvVfdisk v2.12qWarning: the -b (set sector size) option should be used with one specified device/proc/partitions %d %d %d %[^ ]/dev/%scannot open %s %s: %llu Command (m for help): WARNING: Partition %d is an extended partition Detected an OSF/1 disklabel on %s, entering disklabel mode. The current boot file is: %s Please enter the name of the new boot file: Boot file unchangedDOS Compatibility flag is setDOS Compatibility flag is not setThe maximum number of partitions has been created Sorry - this fdisk cannot handle AIX disk labels. If you want to add DOS-type partitions, create a new empty DOS partition table first. (Use o.) WARNING: This will destroy the present disk contents.You must delete some partition and add an extended partition firstAll logical partitions are in useAdding a primary partitione extendedl logical (5 or over)Command action %s p primary partition (1-4) Invalid partition number for type `%c' Partition %d does not exist yet! You cannot change a partition into an extended one or vice versa Delete it first.Type 0 means free space to many systems (but not to Linux). Having partitions of type 0 is probably unwise. You can delete a partition using the `d' command.Consider leaving partition 3 as Whole disk (5), as SunOS/Solaris expects it and even Linux likes it. Consider leaving partition 9 as volume header (0), and partition 11 as entire volume (6)as IRIX expects it. Changed system type of partition %d to %x (%s) Sorry, no experts menu for SGI partition tables available. Fatal error Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK Change partition table fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK List partition table(s) fdisk -s PARTITION Give partition size(s) in blocks fdisk -v Give fdisk version Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda7 -u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units -b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda (for the first IDE disk) or: fdisk /dev/sdc (for the third SCSI disk) or: fdisk /dev/eda (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive) or: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0 or: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0 (for RAID devices) ... Unable to open %s Unable to read %s Unable to seek on %s Unable to write %s BLKGETSIZE ioctl failed on %s Unable to allocate any more memory Command action m print this menu o create a new empty DOS partition table q quit without saving changes s create a new empty Sun disklabel a toggle a read only flag b edit bsd disklabel c toggle the mountable flag d delete a partition l list known partition types n add a new partition p print the partition table a select bootable partition b edit bootfile entry c select sgi swap partition t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit a toggle a bootable flag c toggle the dos compatibility flag x extra functionality (experts only)%c%2x %-15.15sYou must set %s and %s%s. You can do this from the extra functions menu. sectors The number of cylinders for this disk is set to %d. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) Note: sector size is %d (not %d) got EOF thrice - exiting.. Hex code (type L to list codes): %s (%u-%u, default %u): %s (%u-%u): Using default value %u Value out of range.Partition numberWarning: partition %d has empty type Selected partition %d No partition is defined yet!All primary partitions have been defined already!sectorChanging display/entry units to %s You will not be able to write the partition table.This disk has both DOS and BSD magic. Give the 'b' command to go to BSD mode.Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel Internal error Ignoring extra extended partition %d omitting empty partition (%d) Bad offset in primary extended partition Warning: omitting partitions after #%d. They will be deleted if you save this partition table. Warning: extra link pointer in partition table %d Warning: ignoring extra data in partition table %d Warning: invalid flag 0x%04x of partition table %d will be corrected by w(rite) Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Partition %d has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?): phys=(%d, %d, %d) logical=(%d, %d, %d) Partition %d has different physical/logical endings: Partition %i does not end on cylinder boundary. %d heads, %d sectors/track, %d cylinders Disk %s: %ld MB, %lld bytes , total %llu sectors Disk %s: %ld.%ld GB, %lld bytes Units = %s of %d * %d = %d bytes %*s Boot Start End Blocks Id System Device%s %c %11lu %11lu %11lu%c %2x %s This doesn't look like a partition table Probably you selected the wrong device. Unknown Partition table entries are not in disk order Disk %s: %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID%2d %02x%4d%4d%5d%4d%4d%5d%11u%11u %02x Warning: partition %d overlaps partition %d. Warning: partition %d is empty Warning: bad start-of-data in partition %d Warning: partition %d contains sector 0 Partition %d: head %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: sector %d greater than maximum %d Partitions %d: cylinder %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: previous sectors %d disagrees with total %d Logical partition %d not entirely in partition %d Total allocated sectors %d greater than the maximum %lld %lld unallocated sectors Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. First %sSector %d is already allocated Last %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKNo free sectors availableCalling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Error closing file WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error %d: %s. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot. WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional information.Syncing disks.The partition table has been altered! 0x%03X: %02XExpert command (m for help): c change number of cylinders d print the raw data in the partition table h change number of heads b move beginning of data in a partition e list extended partitions g create an IRIX (SGI) partition tablePartition %d has no data area New beginning of dataNumber of cylindersDevice: %s Nothing to do. Ordering is correct already. Done.Number of headsNumber of sectorsWarning: setting sector offset for DOS compatiblity a change number of alternate cylinders e change number of extra sectors per cylinder i change interleave factor o change rotation speed (rpm) r return to main menu s change number of sectors/track y change number of physical cylinders f fix partition order/dev/hd/proc/ide/%s/mediacdromtapeDisk %s doesn't contain a valid partition table Cannot open %s %c: unknown command ??t??????? ?@?@?p?p????8??8? ?(?h?????????????`?x??@@@@ @ <@ <@ <@ <@@ <@ <@@ P@@@@L@\@ <@@@ @ @ @ %22.22s %5ld %5ld %5.5s %5ld %5ld %5d unusedswapVersion 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMS-DOS4.4LFSunknownHPFSISO-9660ADOSHFSAdvFSSMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyPartition (a-%c): %d partitions: # start end size fstype [fsize bsize cpg] %c: %8ld%c %8ld%c %8ld%c %8.8s# %s: type: %s disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags: ecc badsectbytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld rpm: %d interleave: %d trackskew: %d cylinderskew: %d headswitch: %ld # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %ld type: %d removable %c: %8ld %8ld %8ld %8xThe maximum number of partitions has been created This partition already exists. (%d): ... %s Warning: too many partitions (%d, maximum is %d). BSD label for device: %s Syncing disks.BSD disklabel command (m for help): Reading disklabel of %s at sector %d. %s contains no disklabel. Do you want to create a disklabel? (y/n) /dev/sdThere is no *BSD partition on %s. Partition %s has invalid starting sector 0. d delete a BSD partition e edit drive data i install bootstrap l list known filesystem types n add a new BSD partition p print BSD partition table s show complete disklabel t change a partition's filesystem id u change units (cylinders/sectors) w write disklabel to disk x link BSD partition to non-BSD partitionsectors/cylinderMust be <= sectors/track * tracks/cylinder (default).rpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seek/usr/ucb/mdecsdwdBootstrap: %sboot -> boot%s (%s): %s/%sboot%s/boot%sBootstrap installed on %s. Bootstrap overlaps with disk label! Writing disklabel to %s. @@ (@@@@!P@@@$@@$@@&@&@)@&@&@'@@'@(SGI volhdrSGI trkreplSGI secreplSGI rawSGI bsdSGI sysvSGI volumeSGI efsSGI lvolSGI rlvolSGI xfsSGI xfslogSGI xlvSGI xvmLinux swapLinux nativeLinux LVMLinux RAIDDetected sgi disklabel with wrong checksum. Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors %d cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * %d bytes ----- partitions ----- Pt# %*s Info Start End Sectors Id System %2d: %s %4s %9ld %9ld %9ld %2x %s ----- Bootinfo ----- Bootfile: %s ----- Directory Entries ----- %2d: %-10s sector%5u size%8u Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * %d bytes Invalid Bootfile! The bootfile must be an absolute non-zero pathname, e.g. "/unix" or "/unix.save". Name of Bootfile too long: 16 bytes maximum. Bootfile must have a fully qualified pathname. Be aware, that the bootfile is not checked for existence. SGI's default is "/unix" and for backup "/unix.save". Bootfile is changed to "%s". sgilabelNo partitions definedMore than one entire disk entry present.One Partition (#11) should cover the entire disk.Partition %d does not start on cylinder boundary. Partition %d does not end on cylinder boundary. The Partition %d and %d overlap by %d sectors. Unused gap of %8u sectors - sectors %8u-%u The swap partition has no swap type./unixIRIX likes when Partition 11 covers the entire disk.The entire disk partition should start at block 0, not at diskblock %d. The entire disk partition is only %d diskblock large, but the disk is %d diskblocks long. sysid=%d partition=%d %2d:%12d %12d %12d The boot partition does not exist. The swap partition does not exist. You have chosen an unusual boot file name.Sorry You may change the Tag of non-empty partitions.It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is of type "SGI volhdr", the IRIX system will rely on it to retrieve from its directory standalone tools like sash and fx. Only the "SGI volume" entire disk section may violate this. Type YES if you are sure about tagging this partition differently. YES Do You know, You got a partition overlap on the disk?The entire disk is already covered with partitions.Attempting to generate entire disk entry automatically.You will get a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first!You got a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first!It is highly recommended that eleventh partition covers the entire disk and is of type `SGI volume' Last %sBuilding a new SGI disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content will be unrecoverably lost. Warning: BLKGETSIZE ioctl failed on %s. Using geometry cylinder value of %d. This value may be truncated for devices > 33.8 GB. Trying to keep parameters of partition %d. ID=%02x START=%d LENGTH=%d IBM OEM 0662S12 3 300000Sfx version 5.3, Oct 18, 1994two_s_complement_32bit_sum( (unsigned int*)((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer), sizeof(*((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer))) == 0fdisksgilabel.csgi_write_tableSUN0104SUN0207SUN0327SUN0340SUN0424SUN0535SUN0669SUN1.0GSUN1.05SUN1.3GSUN2.1GIOMEGAJazQuantumProDrive 80SProDrive 105SCDCWren IV 94171-344IBMDPES-31080DORS-32160DNES-318350SEAGATEST34371EmptyBootSunOS rootSunOS swapSunOS usrWhole diskSunOS standSunOS varSunOS homeLinux raid autodetectDetected sun disklabel with wrong checksum. Probably you'll have to set all the values, e.g. heads, sectors, cylinders and partitions or force a fresh label (s command in main menu) Building a new sun disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Drive type ? auto configure 0 custom (with hardware detected defaults) %c %s%s%s Select type (? for auto, 0 for custom): Autoconfigure failed.%s%s%s cyl %d alt %d hd %d sec %dHost: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d /proc/scsi/scsiVendor: Model: Rev: Autoconfigure found a %s%s%s HeadsSectors/trackCylindersAlternate cylindersPhysical cylindersRotation speed (rpm)Interleave factorExtra sectors per cylinderYou may change all the disk params from the x menuLinux custom3,5" floppyPartition %d doesn't end on cylinder boundary Partition %d overlaps with others in sectors %d-%d Unused gap - sectors %d-%d Unused gap - sectors 0-%d Other partitions already cover the whole disk. Delete some/shrink them before retry.It is highly recommended that the third partition covers the whole disk and is of type `Whole disk'You haven't covered the whole disk with the 3rd partition, but your value %d %s covers some other partition. Your entry has been changed to %d %s If you want to maintain SunOS/Solaris compatibility, consider leaving this partition as Whole disk (5), starting at 0, with %u sectors It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is UFS, EXT2FS filesystem or SunOS swap. Putting Linux swap there may destroy your partition table and bootblock. Type YES if you're very sure you would like that partition tagged with 82 (Linux swap): Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d rpm %d cylinders, %d alternate cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes %*s Flag Start End Blocks Id System %s %c%c %9ld %9ld %9ld%c %2x %s Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Number of alternate cylindersNumber of physical cylinders There is a valid AIX label on this disk. Unfortunately Linux cannot handle these disks at the moment. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) 3. Before deleting this physical volume be sure to remove the disk logically from your AIX machine. (Otherwise you become an AIXpert).FAT12XENIX rootXENIX usrFAT16 <32MExtendedFAT16HPFS/NTFSAIXAIX bootableOS/2 Boot ManagerW95 FAT32W95 FAT32 (LBA)W95 FAT16 (LBA)W95 Ext'd (LBA)OPUSHidden FAT12Compaq diagnosticsHidden FAT16 <32MHidden FAT16Hidden HPFS/NTFSAST SmartSleepHidden W95 FAT32Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)NEC DOSPlan 9PartitionMagic recoveryVenix 80286PPC PReP BootSFSQNX4.xQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.x 3rd partOnTrack DMOnTrack DM6 Aux1CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux3OnTrackDM6EZ-DriveGolden BowPriam EdiskSpeedStorGNU HURD or SysVNovell Netware 286Novell Netware 386DiskSecure Multi-BootPC/IXOld MinixMinix / old LinuxLinux swap / SolarisOS/2 hidden C: driveLinux extendedNTFS volume setLinux plaintextAmoebaAmoeba BBTBSD/OSIBM Thinkpad hibernationFreeBSDOpenBSDNeXTSTEPDarwin UFSNetBSDDarwin bootBSDI fsBSDI swapBoot Wizard hiddenSolaris bootSolarisDRDOS/sec (FAT-12)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16)SyrinxNon-FS dataCP/M / CTOS / ...Dell UtilityBootItDOS accessDOS R/OBeOS fsEFI GPTEFI (FAT-12/16/32)Linux/PA-RISC bootDOS secondaryLANstepBBT%*.*s%s%-2upart%.*s%s%-2udisc A3A3A3A3A3A3A3A4A4 A4 A4 A4 A4( AWA44A4<A4@A4A4HA4LA4TA4\A4dA4lA4tA4|A4A4A;A;A;A;A;A;A;A;A; A< A< A< A< A<(A<0A<<AAHAH+, @ AHAH(*<AQAH #NAQAH( $AQAH0  .AQAH8HhAQAH@ P0AQAHHJ PAQAHPN`6AQAHXP AQAH`HAQAHh PAQAHp  PAHxAH@ AHAIAI AIAI$AI0AI<AIHAITA<0A<<AA @A@t@@@?,@8@5@͌@@@AA@LA@Ap@A`@A @&T <@ tAP@l@ <@ 8A@A0 A  0@4 -`@(AA ( @AAA@@ x p@5,AAA@ $A@; |@.A@ @L@ AA@%@3  ApP@A`@ GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie-8.7.7)GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2@Ԑ A @@@ @,@X@t@@@ȀH@`(@̀ @ @ <@ l@ @!0@%@% @&T@@((@( @)l8@,4(@,Ԁ(@.@.h@.@3(@4(@5, @5 @6X@;0@<0@=0@>@?, @?@@C@@K @L@M0`@OH@R8?8@S0`@XxX@Z8@[p@b`@k(@l0@n?8@p0@qp@X0@@@@@8@@ @4H@<(@t(@<0@@0@d @ @0 @@@@l@@( @L@@ @H@@`@L@@@ @@0@@L0@@Ō@Ť(@Ȁ @(@Ȉ(@8@\?@@͌x@Ҡ@Ҩ@Ұ@Ҹ@@Ȁ @L8@װ@@@@0 @p@0@|@@?@D@ @(@h@(@t@(@d(@(@Ԁ(@(A`A(A?HAA @A.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.MIPS.stubs.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rld_map.got.sbss.bss.comment.pdr.mdebug.abi32 @p@((@@@%@((+ @,, 3@;@A@``GA```SAXYA  EaAZZk`r`y`~ ` 0g0@g@ jD `j3j:oT44ELF@4" 4 (4@4@4@@p(@(@(@@ @@@@@e(/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0P @ @@@@L J pP`ppp@p p&p p%&  $   !"#%! 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Usage: %s [-c max-mounts-count] [-e errors-behavior] [-g group] [-i interval[d|m|w]] [-j] [-J journal-options] [-l] [-s sparse-flag] [-m reserved-blocks-percent] [-o [^]mount-options[,...]] [-r reserved-blocks-count] [-u user] [-C mount-count] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-dir] [-O [^]feature[,...]] [-T last-check-time] [-U UUID] device LABEL=UUID=Usage: findfs LABEL=